< 1 John 5 >

1 Everyone who is believing that Jesus is the Christ of God has been born, and everyone who is loving the [One] having begotten [Him] loves also the [one] begotten from Him.
Ani nani anotenda kuti Jesu ndiye Kristu, wakaberekwa kubva kuna Mwari; uye ani nani anoda uyo wakabereka anodawo wakaberekwa kubva kwaari.
2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when God we may love and the commandments of Him (we may perform. *N(k)O*)
Pane izvi tinoziva kuti tinoda vana vaMwari, kana tichida Mwari, uye tichichengeta mirairo yake.
3 This for is the love of God, that the commandments of Him we may keep; and the commandments of Him burdensome not are.
Nokuti urwu rudo rwaMwari, kuti tichengete mirairo yake; uye mirairo yake hairemi.
4 For everyone who born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory which having overcome the world: the faith of us.
Nokuti chipi nechipi chakaberekwa kubva kuna Mwari chinokunda nyika; uye uku ndiko kukunda kunokunda nyika, irwo rutendo rwedu.
5 who (now *no*) is the [one] overcoming the world only except the [one] believing that Jesus is the Son of God?
Ndiani anokunda nyika, kana asiri iye anotenda kuti Jesu Mwanakomana waMwari?
6 This is the [One] having come through water and blood, Jesus (*k*) Christ; not by water only, but by water and (by *no*) blood; And the Spirit is the [One] testifying, because the Spirit is the truth;
Uyu ndiye wakauya nemvura neropa, iye Jesu Kristu; kwete nemvura yega, asi nemvura neropa. Zvino Mweya ndiye anopupura, nokuti Mweya ichokwadi.
7 For three there are those bearing testimony: (in the heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Spirit and these three one are *K*)
Nokuti kune vatatu vanopupura kudenga, Baba, Shoko, naMweya Mutsvene; uye ava vatatu ndimumwe.
8 (and three are those bearing testimony in the earth: *K*) the Spirit and the water and the blood — and these three in one are.
Uye kune vatatu vanopupura panyika, Mweya, nemvura, neropa, uye ava vatatu vanonova chimwe.
9 If the testimony of men we receive, the testimony of God greater is, For this is the testimony of God (that *N(k)O*) He has testified concerning the Son of Him.
Kana tichigamuchira uchapupu hwevanhu, uchapupu hwaMwari hwakapfuura kukura; nokuti uhu uchapupu hwaMwari, hwaakapupura pamusoro peMwanakomana wake.
10 The [one] believing in the Son of God has the testimony in (himself; *NK(o)*) The [one] not believing in God a liar has made Him, because not he has believed in the testimony that has testified God concerning the Son Him.
Uyo anotenda kuMwanakomana waMwari ane uchapupu maari pachake; asingatendi Mwari wakamuita murevi wenhema, nokuti haana kutenda uchapupu Mwari hwaakapupura maererano neMwanakomana wake.
11 And this is the testimony that life eternal has given to us God; and this the life in the Son of Him is. (aiōnios g166)
Uye uhu ndihwo uchapupu, kuti Mwari wakatipa upenyu husingaperi; zvino upenyu uhu huri muMwanakomana wake. (aiōnios g166)
12 The [one] having the Son has life; the [one] not having the Son of God life not has.
Uyo ane Mwanakomana ane upenyu; uyo asina Mwanakomana waMwari haana upenyu.
13 These things have I written to you (to those believing into the name of the Son of God *K*) so that you may know that life you have eternal (and so that *K*) (to those *no*) (believing *N(k)O*) in the name of the Son of God. (aiōnios g166)
Zvinhu izvi ndazvinyora kwamuri imwi munotenda kuzita reMwanakomana waMwari, kuti muzive kuti mune upenyu husingaperi, uye kuti mutende kuzita reMwanakomana waMwari. (aiōnios g166)
14 And this is the confidence that we have toward Him, that if anything we shall ask according to the will of Him He hears us;
Uye uhu ndihwo ushingi hwatinahwo maari, kuti kana tichikumbira chinhu zvinoenderana nekuda kwake, anotinzwa;
15 And if we know that He hears us whatever (maybe *N(k)O*) we shall ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked (from *N(k)O*) Him.
zvino kana tichiziva kuti anotinzwa, zvese zvatinokumbira, tinoziva kuti tine zvichemo zvatakakumbira kwaari.
16 If anyone shall see the brother of him sinning a sin not unto death, he will ask and He will give to him life, to those sinning not unto death. There is a sin unto death; not concerning that [one] do I say that he may implore.
Kana umwe achiona hama yake ichitadza chivi chisiri cherufu, achakumbira, uye achamupa upenyu kune vasingatadzi chivi cherufu. Chiripo chivi cherufu; handisi kuti akumbire pamusoro pechichi.
17 All unrighteousness sin is, and there is sin not unto death.
Kusarurama kwese chivi; uye chivi chiripo chisiri cherufu.
18 We know that everyone who born of God not continues to sin; but the [One] having been begotten of God protects (himself, *NK(o)*) and the evil [one] not does touch him.
Tinoziva kuti ani nani wakaberekwa kubva kuna Mwari haatadzi; asi uyo wakaberekwa kubva kuna Mwari anozvichengeta, uye wakaipa haamubati.
19 We know that of God we are and the world whole in the evil [one] lies.
Tinoziva kuti tiri vanobva kuna Mwari, nenyika yese irere muzvakaipa.
20 We know now that the Son of God is come and has given us understanding so that (we may know *NK(o)*) Him who [is] true, and we are in Him who [is] true, in the Son of Him Jesus Christ. He is the true God and (*k*) life eternal. (aiōnios g166)
Uye tinoziva kuti Mwanakomana waMwari wakauya, akatipa kunzwisisa kuti tizive iye wechokwadi; nesu tiri mune wechokwadi, muMwanakomana wake Jesu Kristu. Uyu ndiye Mwari wechokwadi, neupenyu husingaperi. (aiōnios g166)
21 Little children, do keep (yourselves *N(k)O*) from idols (Amen. *KO*)
Vana vadiki, zvichengetedzei pazvifananidzo. Ameni.

< 1 John 5 >