< 1 Chronicles 21 >

1 And he rose up an adversary on Israel and he incited David to count Israel.
Ali usta sotona na Izrailja i navrati Davida da izbroji Izrailja.
2 And he said David to Joab and to [the] leaders of the people go count Israel from Beer Sheba and to Dan and bring [it] to me so let me know number their.
I reèe David Joavu i knezovima narodnijem: idite, izbrojte sinove Izrailjeve od Virsaveje dori do Dana, pa mi javite da znam koliko ih ima.
3 And he said Joab may he add Yahweh to people his - like them a hundred times ¿ not O lord my the king [do] all of them [belong] to lord my to subjects why? does he seek this lord my why? will it become guilt for Israel.
Ali Joav reèe: neka doda Gospod narodu svojemu koliko ga je sada još sto puta toliko; nijesu li, care gospodaru moj, svi sluge gospodaru mojemu? zašto traži to gospodar moj? zašto da bude na grijeh Izrailju?
4 And [the] word of the king it prevailed over Joab and he went out Joab and he went about in all Israel and he came Jerusalem.
Ali rijeè careva nadjaèa Joava. I tako otide Joav i obide svega Izrailja, pa se vrati u Jerusalim.
5 And he gave Joab [the] number of [the] muster of the people to David and it was all Israel one thousand thousands and one hundred thousand man [who] drew out a sword and Judah four hundred and seventy thousand man [who] drew out a sword.
I dade Joav broj prepisanoga naroda Davidu; i bijaše svega naroda Izrailjeva tisuæa tisuæa i sto tisuæa ljudi koji mahahu maèem, a naroda Judina èetiri stotine i sedamdeset tisuæa ljudi koji mahahu maèem.
6 And Levi and Benjamin not he enrolled in midst of them for it was abhorred [the] word of the king Joab.
A plemena Levijeva i Venijaminova ne izbroji s njima, jer mrska bješe Joavu zapovijest careva.
7 And it was displeasing in [the] eyes of God on the matter this and he struck Israel.
A ne bješe mila Bogu ta stvar; zato udari Izrailja.
8 And he said David to God I have sinned exceedingly that I have done the thing this and now cause to pass away please [the] guilt of servant your for I have acted foolishly exceedingly.
I David reèe Bogu: sagriješih veoma što to uradih; ali uzmi bezakonje sluge svojega, jer veoma ludo radih.
9 And he spoke Yahweh to Gad [the] seer of David saying.
A Gospod reèe Gadu vidiocu Davidovu govoreæi:
10 Go and you will speak to David saying thus he says Yahweh three [things] I [am] holding out over you choose for yourself one from them so I may do [it] to you.
Idi kaži Davidu i reci: ovako veli Gospod: troje ti dajem, izberi jedno da ti uèinim.
11 And he went Gad to David and he said to him thus he says Yahweh take for yourself.
I doðe Gad k Davidu i reèe mu: tako veli Gospod, biraj:
12 Whether three years famine and or three months being swept away from before opponents your and [the] sword of enemies your - to overtaking [you] and or three days [the] sword of Yahweh and pestilence in the land and [the] angel of Yahweh destroying in all [the] territory of Israel and therefore consider what? will I bring back [the] [one who] sent me word.
Ili glad za tri godine, ili tri mjeseca da bježiš od neprijatelja svojih i maè neprijatelja tvojih da te stiže, ili tri dana maè Gospodnji i pomor da bude u zemlji i anðeo Gospodnji da ubija po svijem krajevima Izrailjevijem. Sada dakle gledaj što æu odgovoriti onomu koji me je poslao.
13 And he said David to Gad it is distress to me exceedingly let me fall please in [the] hand of Yahweh for [are] great compassion his exceedingly and in [the] hand of a human may not I fall.
A David reèe Gadu: u tjeskobi sam ljutoj; ali neka zapadnem Gospodu u ruke, jer je veoma velika milost njegova; a ljudima da ne zapadnem u ruke.
14 And he put Yahweh a pestilence on Israel and it fell of Israel seventy thousand person[s].
I tako pusti Gospod pomor na Izrailja, te pade Izrailja sedamdeset tisuæa ljudi.
15 And he sent God - an angel - to Jerusalem to destroy it and just as was destroying [it] he saw Yahweh and he relented on the calamity and he said to the angel destroying enough now let drop hand your and [the] angel of Yahweh [was] standing near [the] threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.
I posla Gospod anðela u Jerusalim da ga ubija; i kad ubijaše, pogleda Gospod i sažali mu se sa zla; i reèe anðelu koji ubijaše: dosta, spusti ruku svoju. A anðeo Gospodnji stajaše kod gumna Ornana Jevusejina,
16 And he lifted up David eyes his and he saw [the] angel of Yahweh standing between the earth and between the heavens and sword his drawn in hand his [was] stretched out over Jerusalem and he fell David and the elders covered in sackcloth on faces their.
A David podiže oèi svoje i vidje anðela Gospodnjega gdje stoji izmeðu zemlje i neba a u ruci mu go maè, kojim bješe zamahnuo na Jerusalim; i pade David i starješine nièice, obuèeni u kostrijet.
17 And he said David to God ¿ not I did I say to count the people and I [am] he (the shepherd *X*) who I have sinned and exceedingly I have done evil and these the sheep what? have they done O Yahweh God my let it be please hand your on me and on [the] house of father my and on people your not to a plague.
I reèe David Bogu: nijesam li ja zapovjedio da se izbroji narod? ja sam dakle zgriješio i zlo uèinio; a te ovce šta su uèinile? Gospode Bože moj, neka se ruka tvoja obrati na me i na dom oca mojega; ali ne na taj narod da ga potre.
18 And [the] angel of Yahweh he said to Gad to say to David that - he will go up David to set up an altar to Yahweh on [the] threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.
Tada anðeo Gospodnji reèe Gadu da kaže Davidu da izide gore i naèini oltar Gospodu na gumnu Ornana Jevusejina.
19 And he went up David by [the] word of Gad which he had spoken in [the] name of Yahweh.
I izide David po rijeèi Gadovoj, koju mu reèe u ime Gospodnje.
20 And he turned Ornan and he saw the angel and [the] four sons his with him [were] hiding themselves and Ornan he threshed wheat.
A Ornan okrenuv se ugleda anðela, i sakri se sa èetiri sina svoja. Jer Ornan vrsijaše pšenicu.
21 And he came David to Ornan and he looked Ornan and he saw David and he went out from the threshing floor and he bowed down to David face [the] ground towards.
Utom doðe David do Ornana; i pogledav Ornan kad vidje Davida izide iz gumna i pokloni se Davidu licem do zemlje.
22 And he said David to Ornan give! to me [the] place of the threshing floor so I may build on it an altar to Yahweh for money full give it to me so it may be restrained the plague from on the people.
Tada reèe David Ornanu: daj mi to gumno da naèinim na njemu oltar Gospodu; za novce koliko vrijedi daj mi ga, da bi prestao pomor u narodu.
23 And he said Ornan to David take [it] for yourself so may he do lord my the king the good in view his see I give the ox[en] for the burnt offerings and the threshing-sledges for the wood and the wheat for the grain offering everything I give.
A Ornan reèe Davidu: uzmi i neka èini gospodar moj car što mu je drago; evo dajem i volove za žrtve paljenice, i kola za drva, i pšenicu za dar; sve to dajem.
24 And he said the king David to Ornan In-deed certainly I will acquire [it] for money full for not I will take [that] which [belongs] to you for Yahweh and to offer up a burnt offering for nothing.
A car David reèe Ornanu: ne, nego æu kupiti za novce šta vrijedi, jer neæu da prinesem Gospodu što je tvoje ni da prinesem žrtve paljenice poklonjene.
25 And he gave David to Ornan for the place shekels of gold weight six hundred.
I dade David Ornanu za ono mjesto na mjeru šest stotina sikala zlata.
26 And he built there David an altar to Yahweh and he offered up burnt offerings and peace offerings and he called out to Yahweh and he answered him by fire from the heavens on [the] altar of the burnt offering.
I ondje naèini David oltar Gospodu, i prinese žrtve paljenice i žrtve zahvalne; i prizva Gospoda, i usliši ga spustivši oganj s neba na oltar žrtve paljenice.
27 And he spoke Yahweh to the angel and he returned sword his to sheath its.
I zapovjedi Gospod anðelu, te vrati maè svoj u korice.
28 At the time that when saw David that he had answered him Yahweh on [the] threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite and he sacrificed there.
U ono vrijeme vidjev David da ga Gospod usliši na gumnu Ornana Jevusejina prinošaše žrtve ondje.
29 And [the] tabernacle of Yahweh which he had made Moses in the wilderness and [the] altar of the burnt offering at the time that [were] in the high place at Gibeon.
A šator Gospodnji, koji naèini Mojsije u pustinji, i oltar za žrtve paljenice bijaše u to vrijeme na visini u Gavaonu.
30 And not he was able David to go before it to seek God for he was terrified of [the] sword of [the] angel of Yahweh.
I David ne može iæi k njemu da traži Boga, jer se uplaši od maèa anðela Gospodnjega.

< 1 Chronicles 21 >