< 1 Chronicles 16 >

1 And they brought [the] ark of God and they set it in [the] midst of the tent which he had pitched for it David and they brought near burnt offerings and peace offerings before God.
I kad donesoše kovèeg Božji, namjestiše ga usred šatora, koji mu razape David; i prinesoše žrtve paljenice i žrtve zahvalne pred Bogom.
2 And he finished David from offering up the burnt offering and the peace offerings and he blessed the people in [the] name of Yahweh.
Potom prinesavši David žrtve paljenice i žrtve zahvalne, blagoslovi narod u ime Gospodnje.
3 And he distributed to every person of Israel from man and unto woman to everyone a round loaf of bread and a date-cake and a raisin-cake.
I razdade svijem Izrailjcima, i ljudima i ženama, svakom po jedan hljeb i komad mesa i vrè vina.
4 And he appointed before [the] ark of Yahweh some of the Levites servants and to make remembrance and to give thanks and to praise Yahweh [the] God of Israel.
Potom postavi pred kovèegom Gospodnjim sluge izmeðu Levita da pominju i slave i hvale Gospoda Boga Izrailjeva:
5 Asaph [was] the chief and [was] second his Zechariah Jeiel and Shemiramoth and Jehiel and Mattithiah and Eliab and Benaiah and Obed-Edom and Jeiel with instruments of lyres and with harps and Asaph with cymbals [was] sounding aloud.
Asafa poglavara, a drugoga za njim Zahariju, i Jeila i Semiramota i Jehila i Matatiju i Elijava i Venaju i Ovid-Edoma; i Jeilo udaraše u psaltire i gusle, a Asaf u kimvale,
6 And Benaiah and Jahaziel the priests with trumpets continually before [the] ark of [the] covenant of God.
A Venaja i Jazilo sveštenici bijahu jednako s trubama pred kovèegom zavjeta Gospodnjega.
7 On the day that then he appointed David at the first to give thanks to Yahweh by [the] hand of Asaph and relatives his.
U taj dan naredi David prvi put da hvale Gospoda Asaf i braæa njegova:
8 Give thanks to Yahweh proclaim name his make known among the peoples deeds his.
Hvalite Gospoda; glasite ime njegovo; javljajte po narodima djela njegova.
9 Sing to him sing praises to him tell in all wonders his.
Pjevajte mu, slavite ga, kazujte sva èudesa njegova.
10 Boast in [the] name of holiness his let it rejoice [the] heart of [those who] seek Yahweh.
Hvalite se svetijem imenom njegovijem; neka se veseli srce onijeh koji traže Gospoda.
11 Seek Yahweh and strength his seek face his continually.
Tražite Gospoda i silu njegovu; tražite lice njegovo bez prestanka.
12 Remember wonders his which he has done wonders his and [the] judgments of mouth his.
Pamtite èudesa njegova, koja je uèinio, znake njegove i sudove usta njegovijeh.
13 O offspring of Israel servant his O descendants of Jacob chosen ones his.
Sjeme Izrailjevo sluge su njegove, sinovi Jakovljevi izbrani njegovi.
14 He [is] Yahweh God our [are] in all the earth judgments his.
On je Gospod Bog naš, po svoj su zemlji sudovi njegovi.
15 Remember for ever covenant his [the] word [which] he commanded for a thousand generation[s].
Pamtite uvijek zavjet njegov, rijeè koju je dao na tisuæu koljena.
16 Which he made with Abraham and oath his to Isaac.
Što je zavjetovao Avramu i za što se kleo Isaku,
17 And he confirmed it to Jacob to a statute to Israel a covenant of perpetuity.
To je postavio Jakovu za zakon i Izrailju za zavjet vjeèni,
18 Saying to you I will give [the] land of Canaan [the] portion of inheritance your.
Govoreæi: tebi æu dati zemlju Hanansku u našljedni dio.
19 When were you men of number like a few and sojourners in it.
Tada vas još bijaše malo na broj, bijaše vas malo, i bijaste došljaci.
20 And they went about from nation to nation and from a kingdom to a people another.
Iðahu od naroda do naroda, i iz jednoga carstva k drugomu plemenu.
21 Not he permitted anyone to oppress them and he rebuked on them kings.
Ne dade nikomu da im naudi, i karaše za njih careve:
22 May not you touch anointed [ones] my and to prophets my may not you do harm.
Ne dirajte u pomazanike moje, i prorocima mojim ne èinite zla.
23 Sing to Yahweh O all the earth bear news from day to day salvation his.
Pjevaj Gospodu, sva zemljo! javljajte od dana na dan spasenje njegovo.
24 Recount among the nations glory his among all the peoples wonders his.
Kazujte po narodima slavu njegovu, po svijem plemenima èudesa njegova.
25 For [is] great Yahweh and [is] to be praised exceedingly and [is] to be feared he above all gods.
Jer je velik Gospod i valja ga hvaliti veoma; strašniji je od svijeh bogova.
26 For all [the] gods of the peoples [are] worthless idols and Yahweh [the] heavens he made.
Jer su svi bogovi u naroda ništa; a Gospod je nebesa stvorio.
27 Splendor and majesty [are] before him strength and joy [are] in place his.
Slava je i velièanstvo pred njim, sila i radost u stanu njegovu.
28 Ascribe to Yahweh O clans of peoples ascribe to Yahweh glory and strength.
Dajte Gospodu, plemena narodna, dajte Gospodu slavu i èast.
29 Ascribe to Yahweh [the] glory of name his lift up an offering and come before him bow down to Yahweh in adornment of holiness.
Dajte Gospodu slavu prema imenu njegovu, nosite dare i idite preda nj, poklonite se Gospodu u svetoj krasoti.
30 Tremble from to before him O all the earth also it is established [the] world not it will be shaken.
Strepi pred njim, sva zemljo; zato je vasiljena tvrda i neæe se pomjestiti.
31 Let them rejoice the heavens and let it be glad the earth and let people say among the nations Yahweh he reigns.
Nek se vesele nebesa i zemlja se raduje; i neka govore po narodima: Gospod caruje.
32 Let it thunder the sea and what fills it let it exult the field and all that [is] in it.
Neka pljeska more i što je u njemu; neka skaèe polje i sve što je na njemu.
33 Then they will shout for joy [the] trees of the forest from to before Yahweh for [he is] coming to judge the earth.
Tada neka se raduju drveta šumska pred Gospodom, jer ide da sudi zemlji.
34 Give thanks to Yahweh for [he is] good for [is] for ever covenant loyalty his.
Hvalite Gospoda, jer je dobar, jer je dovijeka milost njegova.
35 And say save us O God of salvation our and gather us and deliver us from the nations to give thanks to [the] name of holiness your to boast in praise your.
I recite: spasi nas, Bože spasenja našega, i skupi nas i izbavi nas od naroda da slavimo sveto ime tvoje, da se hvalimo tvojom slavom.
36 [be] blessed Yahweh [the] God of Israel from antiquity and until perpetuity and they said all the people amen and they praised Yahweh.
Blagosloven Gospod Bog Izrailjev od vijeka i do vijeka. Tada sav narod reèe: amin; i hvališe Gospoda.
37 And he left there before [the] ark of [the] covenant of Yahweh Asaph and relatives his to serve before the ark continually to [the] matter of a day in day its.
I ostavi ondje pred kovèegom zavjeta Gospodnjega Asafa i braæu njegovu da služe pred kovèegom bez prestanka kao što treba od dana na dan,
38 And Obed-Edom and relatives their sixty and eight and Obed-Edom [the] son of Jedithun and Hosah to gatekeepers.
I Ovid-Edoma i braæu njegovu, šezdeset i osam, Ovid-Edoma sina Jedutunova i Osu, da budu vratari;
39 And - Zadok the priest and relatives his the priests before [the] tabernacle of Yahweh at the high place which [was] in Gibeon.
A Sadoka sveštenika i braæu njegovu sveštenike pred šatorom Gospodnjim na visini u Gavaonu,
40 To offer up burnt offerings to Yahweh on [the] altar of the burnt offering continually to the morning and to the evening and to every [thing] written in [the] law of Yahweh which he commanded to Israel.
Da prinose žrtve paljenice Gospodu na oltaru za žrtve paljenice bez prestanka jutrom i veèerom, i da èine sve što je napisano u zakonu Gospodnjem što je zapovjedio Izrailju,
41 And [were] with them Heman and Jeduthun and [the] rest of those [who] had been chosen who they had been designated by names to give thanks to Yahweh for [is] for ever covenant loyalty his.
I s njima Emana i Jedutuna i druge izabrane, koji biše poimence imenovani da hvale Gospoda, jer je dovijeka milost njegova,
42 And [were] with them Heman and Jeduthun trumpets and cymbals for [those who] sound aloud and [the] instruments of song of God and [the] sons of Jeduthun [were] to the gate.
S njima Emana i Jedutuna, da trube u trube i udaraju u kimvale i u druge sprave muzièke Bogu; a sinove Jedutunove da budu vratari.
43 And they went all the people everyone to house his and he turned David to bless house his.
Potom se razide sav narod, svak svojoj kuæi, a David se vrati da blagoslovi dom svoj.

< 1 Chronicles 16 >