< Revelation 6 >

1 And I saw, when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying, as with a voice of thunder—Go!
Bosi ndimona Muana dimemi; bu kazibula dikolo di theti mu tsambudi di makolo ayi ndiwa vangu kimosi mu bivangu biya bi moyo kituba mu mbembo yidi banga dumu: —Yiza.
2 And I saw, and lo! a white horse, —and he that was sitting thereon holding a bow; and there was given unto him a crown, and he went forth conquering, and that he might conquer.
Buna ndimona ayi tala phunda yi phembi; mutu wuvuanda va mbata phunda beni wuba ayi mbasa, bamvana budu ki kipfumu. Buna wuyenda mu nunga mu diambu kanunga.
3 And, when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature, saying—Go!
Bu kazibula dikolo di nzole, buna ndiwa vangu kimmuadi ki moyo kituba: —Yiza.
4 And there went forth another, a red horse, —and, unto him that was sitting thereon, it was given, [unto him], to take away peace from the earth, and that, one another, they should slay; and there was given unto him a great sword.
Buna phunda yinkaka yitotuka, yiba yi mbuaki; buaka kuandi kuba banga ku mbazu. Mutu wuvuanda va mbata phunda beni wutambula lulendo lu botula ndembama va ntoto ayi bamvana sabala muingi batu bavondasana bawu na bawu.
5 And, when he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature, saying—Go! And I saw, and lo! a black horse, and he that was sitting thereon holding a pair of balances in his hand.
Bu kazibula dikolo di ntatu, buna ndiwa vangu kintatu ki moyo kituba: —Yiza. Buna ndimona, tala phunda yi ndombi. Mutu wuvuanda va mbataphunda beni wuba ayi basikilo va koko.
6 And I heard as a voice in the midst of the four living creatures, saying—A quart of wheat for, a denary, and three quarts of barley, for a denary, —and, the oil and the wine, do not wrong.
Ndibuela wa mbembo yimosi yitotukila va khatitsika bivangu biya bi moyo yituba: —Tezo kimosi ki ble mu denali kimosi ayi bitezo bitatu bi olige mu denali kimosi vayi kadi bivisa mafuta ayi vinu.
7 And, when he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature, saying—Go!
Bu kazibula dikolo di nya, ndiwa mbembo yi vangu ki nya yituba: —Yiza.
8 And I saw, and lo! a livid horse, —and he that was sitting thereupon had for a name, Death, and, Hades, was following with him; and there was given unto them authority over the fourth of the earth, to slay with sword, and with famine, and with death, and by the wild beasts of the earth. (Hadēs g86)
Buna ndimona, tala phunda yidi fufulu banga nlangu tsaka. Dizina di mutu wowo wuvuanda vana mbata phunda beni diba “lufua” ayi tsi yi bafua yiba kunlandakana. Baba vana lulendo, mu ndambu yimosi mu zindambu ziya zi ntoto, lu vondila mu sabala, mu kanda ki nzala, mu lufua, mu bibulu binsitu bidi va ntoto. (Hadēs g86)
9 And, when he opened the fifth seal, I saw, beneath the altar, the souls of them who had been slain because of the word of God and because of the witness which they held.
Bu kazibula dikolo di ntanu, buna ndimona ku tsi ntala miela mi batu bobo bavondo mu diambu di mambu ma Nzambi ayi mu diambu di kimbangi kioki batelama.
10 And they cried out with a loud voice, saying—How long, O Sovereign, the Holy and True, dost thou not vindicate and avenge our blood from them that dwell upon the earth?
Miela beni miyamikina mu mbembo yingolo: —A nlongi, ngeyo wunlongo ayi wukiedika, nate thangu mbi wela zingila mu sambisa ayi mu vutula landi mu menga meto kuidi bawu bamvuandanga va ntoto e?
11 And there was given to them, each one, a white robe, and it was bidden them, that they should rest yet a little while—until the number should be made full of their fellow-servants also, and their brethren, who were about to be slain as even, they.
Wumosi-wumosi wutambula lobi yimula yiphembi ayi babakamba bavunda fioti diaka nate thalu yinduka yi bakundi bawu ba kisalu ayi bakhomba ziawu, bobo bafueti vondo banga bawu.
12 And I saw, when he opened the sixth seal, that a, great earthquake, took place; and, the sun, became black as sackcloth of hair, and, the full moon, became as blood,
Bu kazibula dikolo di nsambanu; buna ndimona ndikunu yinneni yi ntoto yiba, thangu yikituka yi ndombi banga nledi wu ndombi, ngondi yoso yikituka mbuaki banga menga.
13 and, the stars of heaven, fell to the earth, as, a fig-tree, sheddeth her winter figs, when, by a great wind, it is shaken,
Zimbuetete zi diyilu zidoduka va ntoto banga nti wu figi weti dodisa makundi mandi makambu yela bu wunikunu kuidi phemo yingolo.
14 and, the heaven, was withdrawn, as a scroll rolling itself up, and, every mountain and island, out of their places, were shaken.
Diyilu dizimbala banga buku yilembo zingu, ayi, miongo mioso ayi bisanga bioso bibotolo mu bibuangu biawu.
15 And, the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rulers of thousands, and the rich, and the mighty, and every bondman and freeman, hid themselves within the caves and within the rocks of the mountains;
Mintinu mi ntoto, batu ba luvalu, bapfumu zi masodi, zimvuama ayi batu bangolo, bavika boso, batu boso badi mu kiphuanza bayenda suama mu minsuku minneni ayi mu zithadi zidi mu miongo.
16 and they say, unto the mountains and unto the rocks—Fall upon us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth upon the throne, and from the anger of the Lamb;
Batuba kuidi miongo ayi kuidi matadi: —Bika lutubuila ayi lutusueka va ntuala zizi ki mutu wowo vuendi va kundu ki kipfumu ayi va ntuala nganzi yi muana dimemi;
17 Because the great day of their anger is come, and who is able to stand?
bila lumbu kinneni ki nganzi andi kizidi. Ayi nani wulenda vuka e?

< Revelation 6 >