< Revelation 6 >

1 And I saw, when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying, as with a voice of thunder—Go!
Tuca loh kutnoek parhih khuikah pakhat a ong vaengah ka hmuh. Te vaengah mulhing pali khuikah pakhat loh rhaek ol bangla ka yaak tih, “Ha lo lah,” a ti.
2 And I saw, and lo! a white horse, —and he that was sitting thereon holding a bow; and there was given unto him a crown, and he went forth conquering, and that he might conquer.
Te vaengah marhang bok lawt ka hmuh. A soah aka ngol loh lii a pom. Rhuisam khaw anih te a paek coeng. Te dongah aka noeng longtah cet coeng tih noeng hamla om coeng.
3 And, when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature, saying—Go!
Kutnoek pabae te a ong vaengah mulhing pabae kah, “Ha lo lah,” a ti te ka yaak.
4 And there went forth another, a red horse, —and, unto him that was sitting thereon, it was given, [unto him], to take away peace from the earth, and that, one another, they should slay; and there was given unto him a great sword.
Te vaengah marhang ling pakhat ha pawk tih a soah aka ngol te diklai lamkah rhoepnah te lat tih khat neh khat ngawn sak ham a paek. Te dongah anih te cunghang len a paek.
5 And, when he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature, saying—Go! And I saw, and lo! a black horse, and he that was sitting thereon holding a pair of balances in his hand.
Kutnoek pathum te a ong vaengah a pathum nah mulhing loh, “Ha lo lah,” a ti te ka yaak. Te vaengah marhang muem pakhat lawt ka hmuh. A soah aka ngol loh a kut ah coi a pom.
6 And I heard as a voice in the midst of the four living creatures, saying—A quart of wheat for, a denary, and three quarts of barley, for a denary, —and, the oil and the wine, do not wrong.
Te phoeiah mulhing pali lakli ah ol pakhat bangla ka yaak tih, “Cang sum at denari pakhat la, cangtun sum thum ah denari pakhat la, situi neh misurtui te khaw pat sak boeh,” a ti.
7 And, when he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature, saying—Go!
Kutnoek pali te a ong vaengah a pali nah mulhing kah, “Ha lo lah,” a ti ol te ka yaak.
8 And I saw, and lo! a livid horse, —and he that was sitting thereupon had for a name, Death, and, Hades, was following with him; and there was given unto them authority over the fourth of the earth, to slay with sword, and with famine, and with death, and by the wild beasts of the earth. (Hadēs g86)
Te vaengah marhang a pol lawt ka hmuh. A sokah aka ngol tah a ming te dueknah la om tih Saelkhui loh anih te a vai. Amih te diklai pali ah pakhat sokah, thunglang neh, khokha neh, dueknah neh, diklai satlung neh ngawn hamla saithainah a paek. (Hadēs g86)
9 And, when he opened the fifth seal, I saw, beneath the altar, the souls of them who had been slain because of the word of God and because of the witness which they held.
Kutnoek panga te a ong vaengah Pathen kah olka neh te olka ham laipainah aka khueh rhoek kongah a ngawn uh kah hinglu rhoek te hmueihtuk hmuiah ka hmuh.
10 And they cried out with a loud voice, saying—How long, O Sovereign, the Holy and True, dost thou not vindicate and avenge our blood from them that dwell upon the earth?
Te vaengah ol ue la pang uh, “Me hil nim, hlangcim neh oltak Boeipa, diklai hman khosa rhoek taengkah kaimih thii te laitloek tih na thuung mahpawt nim,” a ti uh.
11 And there was given to them, each one, a white robe, and it was bidden them, that they should rest yet a little while—until the number should be made full of their fellow-servants also, and their brethren, who were about to be slain as even, they.
Te vaengah amih te hnikul a bok rhip a paek tih a sal puei rhoek khaw, a manuca rhoek khaw, amih vanbangla ngawn ham aka om rhoek te khaw a cup uh duela rhaih ah duem uh dae tila amih te a thui pah.
12 And I saw, when he opened the sixth seal, that a, great earthquake, took place; and, the sun, became black as sackcloth of hair, and, the full moon, became as blood,
Kutnoek parhuk te a ong vaengah ka sawt hatah lingluei muep hinghuen tih khomik te tlamhni mulsui bangla a mukhut la vik poeh. Hla te khaw thii bangla boeih om.
13 and, the stars of heaven, fell to the earth, as, a fig-tree, sheddeth her winter figs, when, by a great wind, it is shaken,
Vaan kah aisi rhoek tah diklai la tla. Thaibu haengkang a voeih bangla khohli loh mat a hinghuen.
14 and, the heaven, was withdrawn, as a scroll rolling itself up, and, every mountain and island, out of their places, were shaken.
Vaan tah cayol a yol bangla khum. Tlang neh sanglak boeih loh a hmuen te a phawt uh.
15 And, the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rulers of thousands, and the rich, and the mighty, and every bondman and freeman, hid themselves within the caves and within the rocks of the mountains;
Te vaengah diklai kah manghai rhoek long khaw, hlanglen rhoek long khaw, rhalboeipa rhoek long khaw, kuirhang rhoek long khaw, thaom rhoek long khaw, sal neh aka loeih rhoek boeih loh amamih te lungko khui neh tlang kah lungpang khuiah thuh uh.
16 and they say, unto the mountains and unto the rocks—Fall upon us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth upon the throne, and from the anger of the Lamb;
Te phoeiah tlang neh lungpang te, kaimih soah ha tla lamtah ngolkhoel soah aka ngol kah maelhmai lamkah neh tuca kah kosi lamloh kaimih n'thuh dae.
17 Because the great day of their anger is come, and who is able to stand?
A kosi khohnin puei ha pawk dongah ulae aka pai thai eh?,” a ti uh.

< Revelation 6 >