< Psalms 59 >

1 To the Chief Musician. "Do not Destroy." A precious Psalm of David. When Saul sent, and they watched the house, to kill him. Rescue me from my foes, O my God, From them who lift themselves up against me, wilt thou set me on high:
扫罗打发人窥探大卫的房屋,要杀他。那时,大卫作这金诗,交与伶长。调用休要毁坏。 我的 神啊,求你救我脱离仇敌, 把我安置在高处,得脱那些起来攻击我的人。
2 Rescue me, from the workers of iniquity, And, from the men of bloodshed, save me.
求你救我脱离作孽的人 和喜爱流人血的人!
3 For lo! they have lain in wait for my life, Mighty ones stir up strife against me, Without transgression of mine, and without sin of mine, O Yahweh;
因为,他们埋伏要害我的命; 有能力的人聚集来攻击我。 耶和华啊,这不是为我的过犯, 也不是为我的罪愆。
4 For no iniquity, do they run that they may take their stand, Rouse thyself to meet me, and see.
我虽然无过,他们预备整齐,跑来攻击我。 求你兴起鉴察,帮助我!
5 Thou, therefore, O Yahweh, God of hosts, God of Israel, Awake, to visit all the nations, Do not show favour to any iniquitous traitors. (Selah)
万军之 神—耶和华以色列的 神啊! 求你兴起,惩治万邦! 不要怜悯行诡诈的恶人! (细拉)
6 They return at evening, They grow like a dog, And go round the city.
他们晚上转回, 叫号如狗,围城绕行。
7 Lo! they belch forth with their mouth, Swords, are in their lips, For [say they], Who doth hear?
他们口中喷吐恶言,嘴里有刀; 他们说:有谁听见?
8 Thou, therefore, O Yahweh, wilt laugh at them, Thou wilt mock at all nations.
但你—耶和华必笑话他们; 你要嗤笑万邦。
9 O my Strength, unto thee, will I make melody, For, God, is my high tower.
我的力量啊,我必仰望你, 因为 神是我的高台。
10 My God of lovingkindness, will come to meet me, God, will let me look on mine adversaries.
我的 神要以慈爱迎接我; 神要叫我看见我仇敌遭报。
11 Do not slay them, lest my people forget, Cause them to wander by thy strength, and prostrate them, [Thou] our shield, O Lord!
不要杀他们,恐怕我的民忘记。 主啊,你是我们的盾牌; 求你用你的能力使他们四散, 且降为卑。
12 The sin of their mouth, The word of their lips, Let them then be captured in their pride, Both for the oath and for the deception they record.
因他们口中的罪和嘴里的言语, 并咒骂虚谎的话, 愿他们在骄傲之中被缠住了。
13 Bring to a full end in wrath, Bring to a full end, that they be no more, —That men may know that, God, is ruling in Jacob, Unto the ends of the earth. (Selah)
求你发怒,使他们消灭, 以致归于无有, 叫他们知道 神在雅各中间掌权, 直到地极。 (细拉)
14 Let them return, then, at evening, Let them growl like a dog, And go round the city.
到了晚上,任凭他们转回; 任凭他们叫号如狗,围城绕行。
15 They, may prowl about for food, —And, if they are not satisfied, then let them whine!
他们必走来走去,寻找食物, 若不得饱就终夜在外。
16 But, I, will sing thy power, And will shout aloud, in the morning, thy lovingkindness, —For thou has become a refuge for me, And a place to flee to in the day of my distress.
但我要歌颂你的力量, 早晨要高唱你的慈爱; 因为你作过我的高台, 在我急难的日子作过我的避难所。
17 O my Strength, unto thee, will I make melody, For, God, is my high tower, my God of lovingkindness.
我的力量啊,我要歌颂你; 因为 神是我的高台, 是赐恩与我的 神。

< Psalms 59 >