< Psalms 44 >

1 To the Chief Musician. For the Sons of Korah. An Instructive Psalm. O God! with our own ears, have we heard, Our fathers, have recounted to us, —The work thou didst work, In their day, In the days of aforetime:
Mungu, tumesikia kwa masikio yetu, baba zetu wametuambia kazi uliyofanya katika siku zao, siku za kale.
2 Thou thyself, with thine own hand—Didst dispossess, nations, and didst plant them, Didst break peoples in pieces, and didst spread them out:
Uliwafukuza mataifa kwa mkono wako, lakini ukawafanya watu wetu kuishi humo; wewe uliwataabisha mataifa, lakini ukawaeneza watu wetu katika nchi.
3 For, not by their own sword, gat they possession of the land, Nor did, their own arm, win victory for them, —But thine own right hand, and thine own arm, and the light of thy face, Because thou hadst accepted them.
Kwa maana hawakupata umiliki wa nchi kwa upanga wao, wala mkono wao wenyewe haukuwaokoa; bali mkono wako wakuume, mkono wako, na nuru ya uso wako, na kwa sababu uliwaridhia.
4 Thou thyself, art my king, O God, Command thou the victories of Jacob.
Mungu, wewe ni Mfalme wangu, amuru ushindi kwa ajili ya Yakobo.
5 By thee, will we thrust at, our adversaries, In thy Name, will we tread down our assailants;
Kwa uweza wako tutawaangusha chini maadui zetu; kwa jina lako tutatembea juu yao, wale wanao inuka dhidi yetu.
6 For, not in my bow, will I trust, Nor shall, my sword, give me victory;
Kwa maana sitauamini upinde wangu, wala upanga wangu hautaniokoa.
7 For thou hast saved us from our adversaries, And, them who hated us, hast thou put to shame.
Bali wewe ndeye uliyetuokoa na adui zetu, na umewaaibisha wale watuchukiao.
8 In God, have we boasted all the day, And, thy Name—unto times age-abiding, will we praise. (Selah)
Katika Mungu tumefanywa kujivuna siku zote, nasi tutalishukuru jina lako milele. (Selah)
9 But nay thou hast rejected, and confounded us, And wilt not go forth with our hosts;
Lakini sasa umetutupa na kutufedhehesha, na hauendi na majeshi yetu.
10 Thou sufferest us to turn back from the adversary, And, they who hate us, have plundered at will:
Umetufanya kuwakimbia maadui zetu; na wale watuchukiao huchukua vitu vyetu vya thamani kwa ajili yao wenyewe.
11 Thou dost give us up like sheep to be devoured, And, amongst the nations, hast thou scattered us.
Umetufanya kama kondoo aliyeandaliwa kwa ajili ya chakula na umetutawanya kati ya mataifa.
12 Thou dost sell thy people for, no-value, And hast not made increase by their price.
Wewe unawauza watu wako bure; kwa kufanya hivyo haukupata faida.
13 Thou dost make us, A reproach to our neighbours, A mockery and a derision to them who are round about us:
Wewe umetufanya kukemewa na majirani zetu, kuchekwa, na kudhihakiwa na wale wanao tuzunguka.
14 Thou dost make us, A by-word among the nations, —A shaking of the head among the peoples.
Umetufaya kituko kati ya mataifa, .......................................................
15 All the day, is my confusion before me, And, the shame of my face, hath covered me:
Siku zote fedheha yangu iko mbele yangu, na aibu ya uso wangu imenifunika
16 At the voice of him who reproacheth and revileth, At the face of the foe and avenger.
kwa sababu ya sauti yake iliyo kemea na kutukana, kwa sababu ya adui na kisasi.
17 All this, hath come upon us, Yet had we not forgotten thee, Neither had we dealt falsely with thy covenant;
Yote haya yametupata sisi; bado hatukukusahau wewe wala kulikosea agano lako.
18 Our heart had not drawn back, Nor had our goings swerved from thy path;
Mioyo yetu haikukengeuka; hatua zetu hazikuiacha njia yako.
19 That thou shouldst have crushed us down in the place of wild dogs, And covered us over with a deadly shadow.
Bali wewe umetuadhibu vikali katika mahali pa mbweha na kutufunika na uvuli wa mauti.
20 If we had forgotten the Name of our God, And had spread forth our hands unto the GOD of the foreigner,
Ikiwa tumelisahau jina la Mungu wetu au kueneza mikono yetu kwa Mungu mgeni,
21 Would not, God, have searched into this, Seeing that, he, knoweth the secrets of the heart?
Mungu asingeligundua hili? Kwa maana yeye anazijua siri za moyo.
22 Surely, for thy sake, have we been slain all the day, We have been accounted as sheep for slaughter.
Hakika, kwa ajili ya jina lako tutauawa siku zote; tunahesabiwa kuwa kondoo kwa ajili ya kuchinjwa.
23 Awake thou! wherefore shouldst thou sleep, O Lord? Bestir thee! do not reject us altogether!
Bwana, amka, kwa nini unalala? Inuka, usitutupe moja kwa moja.
24 Wherefore shouldst thou hide, thy face? Shouldst forget our humiliation and our oppression?
Kwa nini unaficha uso wako na kusahau mateso yetu na kukandamizwa kwetu?
25 For our soul, sinketh down to the dust, Our body, cleaveth to the earth.
Kwa maana tumeyeyushwa kwenye mavumbi; miili yetu imeshikamana na ardhi.
26 Arise to our help, And ransom us, because of thine own lovingkindness.
Inuka utusaidie na utuokoe kwa ajili ya uaminifu wa agano lako.

< Psalms 44 >