< Psalms 17 >

1 A Prayer of David. Hear, O Yahweh, the right, Attend to my loud cry, Give ear unto my prayer, on lips that would not deceive:
Zwana ukulunga, Nkosi, ulalele ukukhala kwami; ubeke indlebe emkhulekweni wami ongaphumi ezindebeni ezilenkohliso.
2 From before thee, let my sentence come forth, Thine eyes, behold with equity.
Ukwahlulelwa kwami kakuphume ebukhoneni bakho, amehlo akho kawabone izinto eziqondileyo.
3 Thou hast tested my heart, hast made inspection by night, hast refined me until thou couldst find nothing, Had I devised evil, my mouth should not have transgressed:
Uyilingile inhliziyo yami, wangihambela ebusuku; ungihlolile, kawuficanga lutho; ngihlosile, umlomo wami kawuyikuphambuka.
4 As for the workings of men, By the word of thy lips, have, I, taken heed of the paths of the violent one.
Mayelana lezenzo zabantu, ngelizwi lendebe zakho, mina ngizinqandile ezindleleni zomchithi,
5 Thou hast held fast my goings on to thy ways, My footsteps have not been shaken:
ukusekela izinyathelo zami emikhondweni yakho, ukuze inyawo zami zingatsheleli.
6 I, have called upon thee, for thou wilt answer me, O GOD, —Incline thine ear unto me, Hear thou my speech:
Mina ngikubizile, ngoba uzangiphendula, Nkulunkulu; beka indlebe yakho kimi, uzwe inkulumo yami.
7 Let thy lovingkindness be distinguished, thou Saviour of such as seek refuge from them who lift themselves up against thy right hand.
Tshengisa ngokumangalisayo uthandolomusa wakho, wena osindisa ngesandla sakho sokunene labo abathembela kuwe kwabavukelayo.
8 Guard me, as the pupil of the eye, —Under the shadow of thy wings, wilt thou hide me:
Ngigcine njengenhlamvu yelihlo; ungifihle emthunzini wempiko zakho,
9 From the face of lawless ones who have treated me with violence, the foes of my soul, who come round against me:
kubo ubuso bababi abangicindezelayo, izitha zempilo yami ezingihanqileyo.
10 Their own fat [heart], have they shut up, —With their mouth, have they spoken proudly.
Bayazivalela ngamahwahwa abo; ngomlomo wabo bakhuluma ngokuzigqaja.
11 As for our own goings, now, have they surrounded us, —Their eyes, they fix, bending to the earth:
Sebesihanqile emanyathelweni ethu; amehlo abo bawamise besithobele emhlabathini.
12 His likeness, is as a lion, that longeth to rend, and as a young lion, lurking in secret places.
Unjengesilwane esikhuthalele ukudabula, lanjengesilwane esitsha esiquthileyo endaweni ezisithekileyo.
13 Rise, Yahweh! Confront his face, Bring him down, Deliver my soul from the lawless one [who is] thy sword:
Vuka, Nkosi! Uhlangabeze ubuso bakhe, umphosele phansi. Khulula umphefumulo wami komubi, oyinkemba yakho,
14 From men [who are] thy hand, O Yahweh, From the men of this age, whose portion, is among the living, and, with thy treasure, thou fillest their bosom, —They must be satisfied with sons, And must leave their abundance to their children: —
kubo abantu, abayisandla sakho, Nkosi, ebantwini bomhlaba, osabelo sabo sikulokhukuphila, osisu sabo usigcwalisa ngokuligugu kwakho; bagcwele abantwana, njalo batshiyele izingane zabo okuseleyo kwabo.
15 I, in righteousness, shall behold thy face, Shall be satisfied when awakened by a vision of thee.
Mina, ngizakhangela ubuso bakho ekulungeni, ngeneliswe yisimo sakho ekuphaphameni kwami.

< Psalms 17 >