< Psalms 146 >

1 Praise ye Yah, Praise, O my soul, Yahweh.
BOEIPA te thangthen uh. Ka hinglu aw BOEIPA te thangthen lah.
2 I will praise Yahweh while I live! I will make melody to my God while I continue!
Ka hingnah neh BOEIPA ka thangthen vetih ka om rhuet vaengah ka Pathen te ka tingtoeng ni.
3 Do not ye trust in nobles, in a son of man who hath no deliverance:
Hlang koca khuikah hlangcong dongah pangtung uh boeh. Anih dongah te khangnah a om moenih.
4 His spirit, goeth forth, he returneth to his ground, In that very day, his thoughts perish.
A mueihla te nong vetih amah te diklai la mael ni. Tekah khohnin ah a poeknah khaw paltham.
5 How happy is he that hath the GOD of Jacob as his help, whose hope, is on Yahweh his God: —
Jakob Pathen te amah kah bomkung la a khueh tih BOEIPA a Pathen dongah a ngaiuepnah aka khueh tah a yoethen.
6 Who made The heavens and the earth, The sea and all that is therein, Who keepeth faithfulness to times age-abiding:
Vaan neh diklai, tuitunli neh a khuiah boeih aka saii loh kumhal due oltak la om.
7 Who executeth justice for the oppressed, who giveth food to the famishing, Yahweh, who liberateth prisoners;
A hnaemtaek kah laitloeknah a saii pah. Bungpong rhoek ham buh a paek tih a khih uh te khaw BOEIPA loh a hlah.
8 Yahweh, who opened [the eyes of] the blind, Yahweh, who raiseth the prostrate, Yahweh, who loveth the righteous;
BOEIPA loh mikdael khaw mik a tueng sak. BOEIPA loh duengyai a sambai. BOEIPA loh aka dueng a lungnah.
9 Yahweh, who preserveth sojourners, The fatherless and widows, he relieveth, —but, the way of the lawless, he overturneth.
BOEIPA loh yinlai te a ngaithuen tih cadah neh nuhmai a tungaep. Tedae halang rhoek kah longpuei tah a khun pah.
10 Yahweh, will reign, to times age-abiding, Thy God, O Zion, to generation after generation. Praise ye Yah!
Zion nang kah Pathen BOEIPA kumhal duela manghai coeng. Cadilcahma phoeikah cadilcahma ham BOEIPA te thangthen uh.

< Psalms 146 >