< Numbers 24 >

1 And when Balaam saw that it was good in the eyes of Yahweh to bless Israel, he went not as at other times to invoke enchantments, —but set towards the desert, his face.
2 So Balaam lifted up his eyes and saw Israel, dwelling, according to his tribes, —then came upon him the Spirit of God;
巴兰举目,看见以色列人照着支派居住。 神的灵就临到他身上,
3 and he took up his parable, and said, —The oracle of Balaam, son of Beor, Yea the oracle of the man, of opened eye;
他便题起诗歌说: 比珥的儿子巴兰说, 眼目闭住的人说,
4 The oracle of one hearing sayings of GOD, Who the sight of the Almighty, receiveth in vision, Who falleth down but hath unveiled eyes: —
得听 神的言语, 得见全能者的异象, 眼目睁开而仆倒的人说:
5 How pleasing are thy tents, O Jacob, —Thy habitations, O Israel:
雅各啊,你的帐棚何等华美! 以色列啊,你的帐幕何其华丽!
6 Like ravines extended, Like gardens by a river, —Like aloe-trees Yahweh hath planted, Like cedars by waters:
如接连的山谷, 如河旁的园子, 如耶和华所栽的沉香树, 如水边的香柏木。
7 He poureth forth water from his buckets, And, his seed, is among many waters, —And taller than Agag is his King, And exalted is his kingdom.
水要从他的桶里流出; 种子要撒在多水之处。 他的王必超过亚甲; 他的国必要振兴。
8 GOD having brought him forth out of Egypt, The very horns of the buffalo, are his, —He eateth up nations that assail him And the bones of them, he breaketh And the loins of him, he crusheth:
神领他出埃及; 他似乎有野牛之力。 他要吞吃敌国, 折断他们的骨头, 用箭射透他们。
9 He hath knelt—hath lain down, Like a strong lion, yea like a lioness, Who shall rouse him up? Such as bless thee are each one blessed, But, such, as curse thee, are each one cursed.
他蹲如公狮, 卧如母狮,谁敢惹他? 凡给你祝福的,愿他蒙福; 凡咒诅你的,愿他受咒诅。
10 Then kindled the anger of Balak against Balaam, and he smote together his hands, —and Balak said unto Balaam—To revile my foes, I called thee, And lo! thou hast kept on blessing, these three times.
11 Now, therefore, flee thou unto thy place, —I said, I will, highly honour, thee; but lo! Yahweh hath kept thee back from honour.
12 And Balaam said unto Balak, —Was it not so that even unto thy messengers whom thou didst send unto me, I spake saying-
13 Though Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, yet could I not go beyond the bidding of Yahweh, to, do good or ill, out of my own heart, —what Yahweh shall speak, that, must I speak?
14 Now, therefore, behold me! going to my own people, —Come now! let me advise thee, what this people shall do unto thy people in the after-part of the days.
15 So he took up his parable and said, —The oracle of Balaam, son of Beor, Yea the oracle of the man, of opened eye;
他就题起诗歌说: 比珥的儿子巴兰说: 眼目闭住的人说,
16 The oracle of one hearing sayings of GOD, And knowing the knowledge of the Most High, —Who the sight of the Almighty, receiveth in vision, Who falleth down but hath unveiled eyes: —
得听 神的言语, 明白至高者的意旨, 看见全能者的异象, 眼目睁开而仆倒的人说:
17 I see One, who is not now, I observe One, who is not nigh, —There hath marched forth a Star out of Jacob. And arisen a Sceptre out of Israel, That hath dishonoured the beard of Moab, Yea the crown of the head of all the tumultuous;
我看他却不在现时; 我望他却不在近日。 有星要出于雅各,有杖要兴于以色列, 必打破摩押的四角,毁坏扰乱之子。
18 So Edom hath become a possession, Yea a possession is Seir to his foes, —But, Israel, is doing valiantly;
他必得以东为基业, 又得仇敌之地西珥为产业; 以色列必行事勇敢。
19 Yea One wieldeth dominion out of Jacob, —Who hath destroyed the remnant out of the fortress.
有一位出于雅各的,必掌大权; 他要除灭城中的余民。
20 And, when he saw Amalek, he took up, his parable, and said—The beginning of nations, —Amalek, But his latter end is even to perish.
巴兰观看亚玛力,就题起诗歌说: 亚玛力原为诸国之首, 但他终必沉沦。
21 And when he saw the Kenite, he took up his parable, and said, —Enduring thy dwelling-place, Set thou then in the crag, thy nest;
巴兰观看基尼人,就题起诗歌说: 你的住处本是坚固; 你的窝巢做在岩穴中。
22 Yet shall it be for destruction, O Kain, —How long shall Assyria hold thee captive?
然而基尼必至衰微, 直到亚述把你掳去。
23 And he took up his parable, and said, —Alas who shall survive its fulfillment by GOD;
巴兰又题起诗歌说: 哀哉! 神行这事,谁能得活?
24 When, ships, [come] from the coast of the isles, And humble Assyria, and humble the Hebrew, —And he too, is even to perish?
必有人乘船从基提界而来, 苦害亚述,苦害希伯; 他也必至沉沦。
25 Then Balaam arose, and went and returned unto his place, —and, Balak also, went his way.

< Numbers 24 >