< Matthew 24 >

1 And, Jesus coming forth, from the temple, was taking his departure, when his disciples came forward to point out to him the buildings of the temple.
Jesu ñani ojaanddiecioangu n ni k paani k caa k u ŋuadi kaabi nagn ni k maad 'o yen'o k waan'o l jaanddiociangu n diena n maa maam
2 But, he, answering, said unto them—Are ye not beholding all these things? Verily, I say unto you—in no wise, shall there be left here, stone upon stone, which shall not be thrown down.
k jesu ŋmianm i n tua i laa a? L kul t bu bedi k duani tingi sa -la -la -la k baa tan yeni kan sieni k yaa tua l lieli po
3 And, as he was sitting upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him, privately, saying—Tell us, when these things shall be, —and what the sign of thy presence, and the conclusion of the age. (aiōn g165)
lani k jesu doni k kali oliif tiidi juali po. ku ŋuadikaabi baa k la'ɔg, k bual'o k wan waani ya yogu k l bona bu tieni yeni ya bona bu waani k u baami yeni ŋanduna juodnmi ji ki fagi. (aiōn g165)
4 And, answering, Jesus said unto them—Be taking heed, lest anyone, deceive, you;
k Jesu ŋmian'mi juo mani i baa k ban daa bɔndi i.
5 For, many, will come upon my name, saying—I, am the Christ, —and will, deceive many.
B nubi boncianli t bu baa k ya kubi n yeli k tua k bani tie kristo, b bu bɔndi b nubi boncianli ban tudi u sanu
6 Moreover ye will be sure to be hearing of wars, and rumours of wars: Mind! be not alarmed, for it must needs happen, —but, not yet, is, the end;
I baa gbia k u tɔbu pua k bia gbia o tɔbi i yam n daa ŋmadi kaa l buali k l kuli ne n tieni yo ama ŋanduna juodigi daa kaa.
7 For there will arise—nation against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, —and there will be famines and earthquakes, in places.
U buolu bo yi t fii k kɔni yeni buol tianu, dogu n fii k kɔni yeni dogutianu. M kom bu yi t baa a dongbanaa i boncianli, a dongbantiana mɔ tingi ń jegi
8 But, all these things, are a beginning of birth-pangs.
L kuli ne daa tie u madu yianu cilgi.
9 Then, will they deliver you up into tribulation, and will slay you, —and ye will be men hated by all the nations, because of my name
B nubi bu kuad'i ban cuo 'i k waani fala, k kpa'i, ŋanduna nubi kuli kan yaa bua i maam k dugn i n po.
10 And, then, will many be caused to stumble, and, one another, will deliver up, and will hate one another;
l yogu nubi boncianli bu biani b dandanli, k kuadi b liebi k kan yaa bua b liebi nublu.
11 And, many false prophets, will arise, and deceive, many;
O faaugu dambi t bo fii k yedi k b tie u tienu sogni- nba, k bɔndi b nubi boncianli.
12 And, because of lawlessness being brought to the full, the love of the many, will grew cold.
T biid boncianli t bo yabdi i tinga ne po, b nubi boncianli buami t bu wadi
13 But, he that hath endured throughout, the same, shall be saved.
Ama yua juuni caa yeni l juogi, u tienu bu fie wani
14 And this glad message of the kingdom will be proclaimed in all the inhabited earth, for a witness unto all the nations, —and, then, will have come, the end.
B bu muadi u tienu bal laabaamanli ŋanduna kuli, i buoli kuli n gbadi yo, ŋanduna ń ji fidi k juodi.
15 Whensoever, therefore, ye shall see the abomination desolation, that was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place, —he that readeth, let him think,
I ya t la o bonbiiugu yua ŋmadi b nubi yam baa k kua o jaanddieciangu n i nani u tienu sogni Daniali n bo maad maam (yua cogi l lanbonli ne wan gbadi l niimn)
16 Then, they who are in Judaea, let them flee into the mountains;
L yogu yaabi ye Suude dogu n i ban sani k kua a juana n i
17 And, he that is on the house-top, let him not come down, to take away the things out of his house;
Yua ye o dekanbuag po wan daa kua deni n k u bu tugi u tiadi.
18 And, he that is in the field, let him not turn back, to take away his mantle.
Yua ye u kuan po n mɔ daa tua k u bu lebdi k taa u liadli.
19 But alas! for the women with child, and for them that are giving suck, in those days;
L dana n i fala b u gbadi a puotunpunma yeni i canpandimu naa -nba i.
20 But be praying that your flight, may not happen in winter, nor on sabbath;
Ya jaandi mani k l nantaali daali ń daa tu yeni bɔdilua yogu bii Saaba daali.
21 For there will be then, Great tribulation, such as hath not happened, from the beginning of the world, until the present time, neither in any wise shall happen.
L dana n i b nubi bu cagn i yaa cacagnmi hal k baa ban k la ŋanduna n cil ya yogu yeni mɔlane. Nul bia ji kan ban k cagn i l cacagbuolu liemi
22 And, except those days had been shortened, no flesh had been saved; but, for the sake of the chosen, those days shall be shortened.
L bo yaa tie k l dana ba tie yeni k fagdi, nul bo kan ciadi ama u tienu nigandikaabi po i k u bu wadi l dana.
23 Then, if any, unto you, say—Lo! here, is the Christ, or, there, Do not believe it;
Lani nul yaa t maad'i k kristo ye ne lan bii k u ye ne po, yi daa tuo k tie mɔni.
24 For there will arise, false Christs, and false prophets, —and they will show great signs and wonders, so that, if possible, even the chosen, should be deceived: —
K dugn i u faaugu dami t bo fii k yedi k bani n tie Kristo, b tianb n yedi k ban tie u tienu sogni -nba i, bt bu tienu o yaalidigu tuona, lyaa bo tie k b bu fidi, ban bɔndi u tienu nigannkaabi mɔno.
25 Lo! I have foretold you.
N tuodi k waani n yeni.
26 If therefore they should say unto you, Lo! in the desert, he is, Do not go forth; Lo! in the chambers, Do not believe it.
Lani, nul yaa t maadi k wan ye i tinkuonŋ n i yi daa caa, bii ku ye deni po yi daa tuo k l tie mɔni.
27 For, just as the lightning goeth forth from the east, and shineth unto the west, so, shall be the presence of the Son of Man.
nani u tañigidu i yi ña puoli k gadi nutuali yeni u nufosaalo bijua mɔ t bo cua yeni
28 Wheresoever, the corpse, shall be, there, shall be gathered, the vultures!
l bonkpieli n ye naani nanyobil - nba mɔ tigi lan kani.
29 But, straightway after the tribulation of those days, the sun, will be darkened, and, the moon, will not give her brightness, and, the stars, will fall from heaven, —and, the powers of the heavens, will be shaken;
L cacagnm dana t baa pendi yeni k k u yenu bɔndo, o ŋmaali mɔ kan ya pieni t ŋmaabidi bo ña tanpol po k baa baa. ya bona ye tanpol po kuli k pia u paal kul bu sag g ŋmadi yeni l lieli.
30 And, then, will be displayed—The sign of the Son of Man in heaven, and, then, will smite their breasts—all the tribes of the earth; and they will see the Son of Man—coming upon the clouds of heaven, with great power and glory.
L yognui k b bu la l bonli tanpol po yal wangi k u nufosaali bijua baami pundi ŋanduna buoli kul ji baa fabn i, b bu la u nufosaali bijua n n ña t tawalgbandi n i yeni u paacianmu yeni t yudandi yua yabi
31 And he will send forth his messengers, with a great trumpet, and they will gather together his chosen—Out of the four winds, from heavens’ bounds, unto their bounds.
U bo sɔni u maleki -nba yeni a naatuna yaali n mɔ ban taani u nigandikaabi kuli yaab n bo ye puoli, nintuali yaangi yeni yanbangu, ŋanduna kaan kuli.
32 Now, from the fig-tree, learn ye, the parable: —When, already, her young branch, becometh tender, and the leaves, may be sprouting, ye observe, that, near, is, the summer:
Gaa mani l tudli ne o kinkanm kani. Yaa yogu k u tɔ a bendimaana k u faadi cil k bundi, i bani k l kpañili nag.
33 Thus, ye also, when ye shall see all these things, observe ye, that, near, he is, at the doors.
Nani i mɔ ya t la l bona kuli, yi bandi k u nifosaali bijua nag i, k u ji ye i diñɔna n i.
34 Verily, I say unto you—In nowise, shall this generation, pass away, until all these things, shall happen:
Yeni i mɔni n maadi l kuli ne b u tieni k sua mɔla nubi yaabi n ye ne k b tɔbi daa kpe.
35 The heaven and the earth, shall pass away, but, my words, shall, in nowise, pass away.
pol yeni i tingi b u pendi ama n maam wan kan ban k pendi.
36 But, concerning that day and hour, no one, knoweth, neither the messengers of the heavens, nor the Son, —save the Father only.
Baa nul k bani l daal k bua ya yogu k l bona bu tieni. Maleki - nba ye pol k bani, u tienu bijua mɔno k bani, n baa u tienu yaa kaa.
37 For, just as the days of Noah, so, will be the presence of the Son of Man;
Nani lan bo tieni nandi nowe yogu yeni l bia t baa tie yeni u nufosaalo bijua baa yogu.
38 For, as they were in those days that were before the flood, feeding and drinking, marrying and being given in marriage, —until the day Noah entered into the ark;
Ya dana n pend o k ñinm fidi yili ŋanduna kul yeni, b nubi bo di k ñu k kuandi b puobi k puuni b bidi b jabi, caa yeni yaa daali k Nowe kua u ŋadugu n i
39 And they observed not, until the flood came and took away all together, so, will be, the presence of the Son of Man.
k ŋaa'b k b l ye kaa pia uyanbani baa kuli, k ñinm t baa dinb'i. U nufosaali bijua mɔ ya baanm t baa tie yeni.
40 Then, shall there be two men in the field, —one, is taken near, and, one, is left behind:
jabilie t baa ye u kpaabin i wan taa yedi k ŋa tiani
41 Two women grinding at the mill, —one, is taken near, and, one, is left behind.
puobilie t baa naan i dii wan taa yendi k ŋaa tiani
42 Be watching, therefore, for ye know not, on what manner of day, your Lord is coming.
Lani daa guandi mani, k dugn i i k bani yaa daali k i yonmdaano bu cua.
43 But there is, one thing, ye know—That, if the householder, had known, in what watch, the thief was coming, he would have been on the alert, and not have suffered his house to be dug through.
ŋanbi mani k sogi ne: U diedaano bo ya bani u suud n bo baa ya yogu u bo kan guani, u bo kan ŋaa u suud n kua u den
44 Wherefore, ye also, be getting ready, because, in what hour ye are, not thinking, The Son of Man doth come.
lani mɔ baan mani k yaa guu kelima o nufosaali bijua t bo yi yaa maali k u bu yogubaa i.
45 Who then is the faithful and prudent servant, whom the master hath appointed over his household, to give them food in season?
Ya tuonsɔlo k u canba guun'o u tuonsunliebi, k wan yaa tien'mi t m jiemi ban bua yaa yogu,
46 Happy! that servant, whom his master, when he cometh, shall find so doing!
l tuonsɔlo yaa sogi, g bia sogi u canbaa maami, k u t kpeni yaa daali g sua k u ŋanm k sɔni u tuonli l pamanli baa tie l tuonsɔnlo yaali
47 Verily, I say unto you—Over all his substance, will he appoint him.
Yeni i mɔni n maad'i u canbaa bu taa u piami kuli k guun wani.
48 But, if that wicked servant should say in his heart—My master, delayeth,
Ama l yaa tie ya tuonsɔlo k pia yaam, k maadi u pal n i k u canbaa daa kan kpen mɔlane,
49 And begin to be striking his fellow-servants, and eating and drinking with the drunken,
k ji cuo u lieb k pua, k di k ñu yeni a dañuula u canbaa t bo kpeni wan k guu yaa daali, yeni yaa yogu k waa bani,
50 The master of that servant, will have come, on a day when he is not expecting, and in an hour when he is not observing, —
51 And will cut him asunder; and, his part, with the hypocrites, will appoint: There, shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth!
k ñan'o, k taan'o yeni munafigidanmi naani k b baa buudi k ŋmani a ñina.

< Matthew 24 >