< Matthew 11 >

1 And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished giving instructions to his twelve disciples, he passed on from thence, to be teaching and proclaiming in their cities.
Jisua'n hi rilnangei hih a ruoisi sômleinik ngei kôm a pêk suolechu, ma mun hah a mâka, male a revêla khopuingeia minchu rang le thurchi misîr rangin a se zoia.
2 Now, John, hearing in the prison the works of the Christ, sending through his disciples,
Baptispu John'n Jisua sintho ngei hah jêl ina a lei rietin chu, a ruoisingei senkhat Jisua kôm a tîra.
3 said unto him, Art, thou, the coming one? or, a different one, are we to expect?
Jisua kôm han, “Ni ril roh, ‘John'n a juong rangpu a ti hah nini mo?’ Aninônchu mi dang kin la sabei rang mo?” tiin an rekela.
4 And, answering, Jesus said unto them—Go report unto John what ye do hear and see: —
Jisua'n an kôm, “Se nôk ungla, neinun nin mu le nin riet ngei hih John kôm va ril roi:
5 The, blind, recover sight, and, the lame, walk, lepers, are cleansed, and, the deaf, hear, —and, the dead, are raised, and, the destitute, are told the joyful tidings;
mitcho ngeiin an mu thei zoi, kholrangeiin an lôn thei zoi, vun ri saloitak ngei minthieng ani zoi, kuorsêtngei khom an riet thei zoi, athi ngei minring nôk ani zoi, inriengngei kôm Thurchi Sa misîr ani zoi.
6 And, happy, is he, whosoever shall not find cause of stumbling, in me.
Tutu ku chungroia mulungokchâna neiloi ngei chu satvur an ni!” tiin a ani thuon ngeia.
7 But, as these were going their way, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes, concerning John, —What went ye forth into the wilderness to gaze at? A reed, by a wind, shaken?
John ruoisingei hah an se nôkin chu, Jisu a'n lokongei kôm han John chungroi a misîra: “John kôm ramchâra nin se lâihan imo mu rangin nin sabei ha? Phâivuo'n sûlngei asêm minkûm hah mo?
8 But what went ye forth to see? A man, in soft clothing, arrayed? Lo! they who soft clothing do wear, are in the houses of kings.
Imo en rangin nin se? Mi puon innêmngei leh invo mo? Ma anga ânvo ngâi mingei chu rêng-ina kêng an om ngâi!
9 But why went ye forth? A prophet, to see? Yea, I say unto you, and much more than a prophet.
Ni ril roi, imo en rangin nin se? Dêipu mo? Ani tatak, aniatachu, dêipu nêka lien uol ok nin mu hi te.
10 This, is he, concerning whom it is written, —Lo! I, send my messenger before thy face, who shall make ready thy way before thee!
John chungroi rang hi kêng Pathien Lekhabu'n, ‘Pathien'n ki tîrlam no motona na lampui mo-ong rangin tîr ki tih,’ a lei ti hah ani.
11 Verily, I say unto you—There hath not arisen, among such as are born of women, a greater than John the Immerser, —yet, he that is less in the kingdom of the heavens, is, greater than he.
Adiktakin nangni ki ti, Baptispu John nêka lien uol tute lân zir ngâi mak ngei. Hannirese, invân Rêngrama a chintakpu khom John nêkin chu alien uol ani.
12 But, from the days of John the Immerser, until even now, the kingdom of the heavens, is being invaded, and, invaders, are, seizing upon it.
Baptispu John'n a thurchi a misîr lâi renga aviensûn tena invân Rêngram chu rangrâta doina ngei atuong ngâia, mi tukdullien ngeiin ma ram hah lâk rang an pût ngâi.
13 For, all the prophets and the law, until John, did prophesy;
Dêipungei murdi le Moses Balam chong han John juong om dênin, Rêngram Thurchi an misîra;
14 And, if ye are willing to accept it, he, is Elijah—the one destined to come.
an thurchi misîr nin iem nuomin chu, a juong rang chongphuonga lei om chu, John hih Elijah ani.
15 He that hath ears, let him hear!
Hanchu, kuor nin dônin chu rangai roi!
16 But, unto what, shall I liken this generation? It is, like, unto children, sitting the market-places, who, calling unto the others,
“Atûn lâia thoitharngei hih ile mo ki mintêk rang? Nâipangngei bazar muna insungngei angin an ni, pâl khatin pâl dangngei an mi-ieaka,
17 say, We played the flute to you, and ye danced not, —we sang a lament, and ye beat not the breast.
‘Inneina miringhoi nangni kin tum pea, aniatachu, lâm mak cheia! Chûlna la kin tho khomin chap mak chei!’
18 For, John, came, neither eating nor drinking, and they say—A demon, he hath!
John a juong lâihan bu a ngêia, uain nêk maka, mitinin, ‘Ama chu ramkhori sûr kêng an tia!’
19 The Son of Man, came, eating and drinking, and they say, Lo! a gluttonous man and a wine-drinker! a friend of, tax-collectors, and sinners! And yet wisdom hath been justified by her works.
Miriem Nâipasal chu a juonga, a sâka, a nêka, mitinin, ‘Hi mi hih en ta u! Bu mudupa le uain mudupa, sum rusuongngei leh midikloi ngei malpa so!’ an tia. Nikhomrese, Pathien vârna chu adik iti a mara han minlangin aom ani,” a tia.
20 Then, began he to upbraid the cities, in which had been done his noblest mighty works; because they repented not: —
Jisua'n sininkhêl a thona khopuingeia mingei han an nunsienangei renga inhei mak ngeia, masikin ha khopuingei hah a ngo ngeia.
21 Alas for thee, Chorazin! Alas for thee, Bethsaida! Because, if, in Tyre and Zidon, had been done the works of power, which were done in you, of old, in sackcloth and ashes, had they repented.
“Korazin, nu chungroi arik bah na! Bethsaida, khom nu chungroi arik bah na! Nangnia sininkhêl sina omngei hah Tyre le Sidon'a lei sin nisenla chu, ma taka mingei han an nunsiena ngei renga an inhei minlangnân thoilapuon insilin ruvuta an inbuolna sôt atih zoi!
22 Moreover, I say unto you, For Tyre and Zidon, more tolerable, will it be, in the day of judgment, than for you.
Adiktakin nangni ki ril, Roijêk Nikhuon chu Pathien'n nangni nêkin chu Tyre le Sidon mingei chunga mulungjûrpuina minlang uol atih!
23 And, thou, Capernaum! Unto heaven, shalt thou be uplifted? Unto hades, thou shall be brought down; because, if, in Sodom, had been done the works of power, which were done in thee, it would, in that case, have remained until this day. (Hadēs g86)
Nangma, Capernaum rang khom! nangma nethenin invân dênin indomsâng rang nu nuom mini? Meidîla vôrpai nîng ni tih! Nu sûnga sininkhêl sina omngei hah Sodom'a lei sin nisenla chu aviensûn tena hin la om tit atih! (Hadēs g86)
24 Moreover, I say unto you—For the land of Sodom, more tolerable, will it be in a day of judgment, than, for thee.
Nang ki ril, Roijêk Nikhuon chu Pathien'n nangma nêkin chu Sodom chunga mulungjûrpuina minlang uol atih!” a tia.
25 In that season, answered Jesus, and said—I openly give praise unto thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, —in that thou hast hid these things from the wise and discerning, and hast revealed them unto babes;
Ma zora lâihan Jisua'n, “Pa, invân le pilchung Pumapa! mivâr, mitheingei kôma ni ip hah mi inmôlngei kôm ni minlang sikin no kôm râisânchong ki ril.
26 Yea, O Father! That, so, it hath become, a delight, before thee.
Ani, Pa, ma anga hongni rang hah nu lungdo tak ani.
27 All things, unto me, have been delivered up by my Father; and, no one, fully knoweth the Son, save the rather, neither doth any one fully know, the Father, save, the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son, may be minded, to reveal, him.
“Neinunngei murdi ka Pa'n ni pêk zoi. Pa tiloiin chu tutên Nâipasal hah riet mak ngei, male Nâipasal tiloiin chu tutên Pa khom riet mak ngei, Nâipasalin ân phuongna ranga a thang ngeia tiloiin chu.
28 Come unto me! all ye that toil and are burdened, and, I, will give you rest:
“Nangni, puok rik pêla sôlngei, nin rêngin ko kôm hong ungla, keima'n inngamna nangni pêk ki tih.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, —because, meek, am I and lowly, in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls;
Ki ringkol lâk ungla pêl roi, male ko kôm inchû roi, ratha han nuninnêm tak le rangâiinchîn tak ki ni sikin; inngamna man nin tih.
30 For, my yoke, is easy, and, my burden, light.
Ki ringkol nangni ke pêk rang chu apêl ahoia, ku puok khom ajânghiei ani,” a tia.

< Matthew 11 >