< Joshua 21 >

1 Then came near the ancestral heads of the Levites, unto Eleazar, the priest, and unto Joshua son of Nun, —and unto the ancestral heads of the tribes, of the sons of Israel;
U waqitta Lawiy jemetlirining kattiwashliri kahin Eliazar, Nunning oghli Yeshua we Israil qebililirining kattiwashlirining qéshigha bérip,
2 and spake unto them in Shiloh in the land of Canaan, saying: Yahweh himself, commanded, by the hand of Moses, that there should be given unto us cities to dwell in, —with their pasture-lands for our cattle.
Qanaan zéminidiki Shilohda ulargha: — Musaning wasitisi arqiliq Perwerdigar biz toghruluq: «Ulargha turushqa sheherlerni, malliri üchün yaylaqlarni qoshup bergin», dep éytqan, dédi.
3 So the sons of Israel gave unto the Levites, out of their own inheritance, at the bidding of Yahweh, —these cities, with their pasture-lands.
Shuni déwidi, Israillar Perwerdigarning emri boyiche öz miras ülüshliridin munu sheherler bilen yaylaqlarni qoshup Lawiylargha berdi: —
4 And, when the lot came out for the families of the Kohathites, then had the sons of Aaron the priest, from among the Levites—out of the tribe of Judah and out of the tribe of the Simeonites and out of the tribe of Benjamin—by lot, thirteen cities.
birinchi tashlan’ghan chek Kohat jemetlirige chiqti; chek tashlinip, Lawiylar ichidiki kahin Harunning ewladlirigha Yehuda qebilisi, Shiméon qebilisi we Binyamin qebilisining zéminliridin on üch sheher békitildi;
5 And, the sons of Kohath that remained, had—out of the families of the tribe of Ephraim and out of the tribe of Dan and out of the half tribe of Manasseh—by lot, ten cities.
Andin Kohatning qalghan ewladlirigha chek tashlinip, Efraim qebile-jemetlirining zéminidin, Dan qebilisining zéminidin we Manasseh yérim qebilisining zéminliridin on sheher békitildi.
6 And, the sons of Gershon, had—out of families of the tribe of Issachar and out of the tribe of Asher and out of the tribe of Naphtali and out of the half tribe of Manasseh in Bashan—by lot, thirteen cities.
Gershonning ewladlirigha chek tashlinip, Issakar qebile-jemetlirining zéminidin, Ashir qebilisining zéminidin, Naftali qebilisining zéminidin we Manassehning yene bir yérim qebilisining zéminidin on üch sheher békitildi.
7 The sons of Merari, by their families, had—out of the tribe of Reuben and out of the tribe of Gad and out of the tribe of Zebulun, twelve cities.
Merarining ewladlirigha, jemet-aililiri boyiche chek tashlinip, Ruben qebilisining zéminidin, Gad qebilisining zéminidin we Zebulun qebilisining zéminidin on ikki sheher békitildi.
8 So the sons of Israel gave unto the Levites these cities, with their pasture lands, —as Yahweh commanded, by the hand of Moses, by lot.
Bu teriqide Perwerdigar Musaning wasitisi bilen buyrughinidek Israillar chek tashlap bu sheherler bilen yaylaqlirini qoshup, Lawiylargha berdi.
9 Thus then they gave—out of the tribe of the sons of Judah and out of the tribe of the sons of Simeon—these cities which are mentioned by name.
Ular Yehudaning qebilisi bilen Shiméonning qebilisining zéminidin töwende tizimlan’ghan munu sheherlerni berdi: —
10 And the sons of Aaron, from among the sons of Kohath, from among the sons of Levi, had them, —because, theirs, was the first lot;
(chek tashlan’ghanda, Lawiylarning nesli bolghan Kohatlar jemetidiki Harunning ewladlirigha birinchi chek chiqqachqa munu sheherler bérildi): —
11 yea there was given unto them, the city of Arba, the father of Anak, the same, is Hebron, in the hill country of Judah, —with the pasture land thereof, round about it;
ulargha Yehudaning taghliq rayonidiki Kiriat-Arba (Arba Anakning atisi idi), yeni Hébron bilen etrapidiki yaylaqlarni qoshup berdi.
12 whereas, the fields of the city, and the villages thereof, gave they unto Caleb son of Jephunneh, as his possession.
Lékin sheherge tewe étizlar bilen kent-qishlaqlarni Yefunnehning oghli Kalebke miras qilip berdi.
13 But, unto the sons of Aaron the priest, gave they the city of refuge for the manslayer, even Hebron, with the pasture lands thereof, —Libnah also, with her pasture lands;
Shundaq qilip ular Harun kahinning ewladlirigha adem öltürgen kishiler panahlinidighan sheher Hébron we yaylaqlirini, yene ulargha Libnah bilen yaylaqlirini,
14 and Jattir with her pasture land, and Eshtemoa with her pasture land;
Yattir bilen yaylaqlirini, Eshtemoa bilen yaylaqlirini,
15 and Holon, with her pasture land, and Debir, with her pasture land;
Holon bilen yaylaqlirini, Debir bilen yaylaqlirini,
16 and Ain, with her pasture land, and Juttah, with her pasture land, Beth-shemesh, with her pasture land, —nine cities, out of these two tribes.
Ayin bilen yaylaqlirini, Yuttah bilen yaylaqlirini, Beyt-Shemesh bilen yaylaqlirini berdi; bu ikki qebilining zéminliridin jemiy toqquz sheherni berdi.
17 And, out of the tribe of Benjamin, Gibeon, with her pasture land, —Geba, with her pasture land;
Mundin bashqa ulargha Binyamin qebilisining zéminidin Gibéon bilen yaylaqlirini, Géba bilen yaylaqlirini,
18 Anathoth, with her pasture land, and Almon, with her pasture land, —four cities.
Anatot bilen yaylaqlirini, Almon bilen yaylaqlirini qoshup jemiy töt sheher berdi.
19 All the cities of the sons of Aaron, the priests, were thirteen cities, with their pasture lands.
Bu teriqide kahinlar, yeni Harunning ewladlirigha bérilgen sheherler on üch boldi; bular etrapidiki yaylaqliri bilen bérildi.
20 And, as for the families of the sons of Kohath, the Levites, which remained of the sons of Kohath, the cities of their lot were out of the tribe of Ephraim.
Ular yene Lawiylarning neslidin bolghan Kohatning qalghan jemetlirigimu sheherlerni berdi. Chek tashlash bilen ulargha békitilgen sheherler munular: — ulargha Efraim qebilisining zéminidin
21 So they gave unto them a city of refuge for the manslayer, even Shechem with her pasture land, in the hill country of Ephraim, —also Gezer, with her pasture land;
Efraimning taghliq rayonidiki adem öltürgen kishiler panahlinidighan sheher Shekem bilen yaylaqlirini, yene Gezer bilen yaylaqliri,
22 and Kibzaim, with her pasture land, and Beth-horon, with her pasture land, —four cities.
Kibzaim bilen yaylaqliri we Beyt-Horon bilen yaylaqliri bolup, jemiy töt sheherni berdi;
23 And, out of the tribe of Dan, Elteke, with her pasture land, —Gibbethon, with her pasture land;
buningdin bashqa Dan qebilisining zéminidin Eltekeh bilen yaylaqliri, Gibbéton bilen yaylaqliri,
24 Aijalon, with her pasture land, Gath-rimmon, with her pasture land, —four cities.
Ayjalon bilen yaylaqliri we Gat-Rimmon bilen yaylaqliri bolup, jemiy töt sheherni berdi.
25 And, out of the half tribe of Manasseh, Taanach, with her pasture land, and Gath-rimmon, with her pasture land, —two cities.
Buningdin bashqa Manasseh yérim qebilisining zéminidin Taanaq bilen yaylaqliri, Gat-Rimmon bilen yaylaqliri bolup, jemiy ikki sheherni berdi.
26 All the cities, were ten, with their pasture lands: for the families of the sons of Kohath which remained.
Bu teriqide Kohatlarning qalghan jemetlirige bérilgen sheherler on boldi; bular etrapidiki yaylaqliri bilen bérildi.
27 And, the sons of Gershon, of the families of the Levites, had, out of the half tribe of Manasseh, a city of refuge for the manslayer, even Golan in Bashan, with her pasture land, and Be-eshterah, with her pasture land, —two cities.
Lawiylarning jemetliridin bolghan Gershonlargha bolsa ular Manassehning yérim qebilisining zéminidin adem öltürgen kishiler panahlinidighan sheher Bashandiki Golan bilen yaylaqlirini, shundaqla Beeshtérah bilen yaylaqlirini, jemiy ikki sheherni berdi;
28 And, out of the tribe of Issachar, Kishion, with her pasture land, —Daberath, with her pasture land;
yene Issakar qebilisining zéminidin Kishion bilen yaylaqliri, Dabirat bilen yaylaqliri,
29 Jarmuth, with her pasture land, En-gannim, with her pasture land, —four cities.
Yarmut bilen yaylaqliri we En-Gannim bilen yaylaqliri bolup, jemiy töt sheherni berdi;
30 And, out of the tribe of Asher, Mishal, with her pasture land, Abdon, with her pasture land;
buningdin bashqa Ashir qebilisining zéminidin Mishal bilen yaylaqliri, Abdon bilen yaylaqliri,
31 Helkath, with her pasture land, and Rehob, with her pasture land, —four cities.
Helkat bilen yaylaqliri we Rehob bilen yaylaqliri bolup, jemiy bolup töt sheherni berdi;
32 And, out of the tribe of Naphtali, a city of refuge for the manslayer—even Kedesh in Galilee, with her pasture land, and Hammoth-dor, with her pasture land, and Kartan, with her pasture land, —three cities.
buningdin bashqa Naftali qebilisining zéminidin adem öltürgen kishiler panahlinidighan sheher Galiliyediki Kedesh bilen yaylaqlirini, yene Hammot-Dor bilen yaylaqliri we Kartan bilen etrapidiki yaylaqliri bolup, jemiiy üch sheherni berdi.
33 All, the cities of the Gershonites, by their families, were thirteen cities, with their pasture lands.
Bu teriqide Gershonlargha bérilgen sheherler on üch boldi; bular etrapidiki yaylaqliri bilen bérildi.
34 And, unto the families of the sons of Merari, the Levites that remained, out of the tribe of Zebulun, Jokneam, with her pasture land, —Kartah, with her pasture land;
Qalghan Lawiylargha, yeni Merarilar jemetlirige Zebulun qebilisining zéminidin Yoknéam bilen yaylaqliri, Kartah bilen yaylaqliri,
35 Dimnah, with her pasture land, Nahalal, with her pasture land, —four cities.
Dimnah bilen yaylaqliri we Nahalal bilen yaylaqliri bolup, jemiy töt sheherni berdi.
36 And, out of the tribe of Reuben, Bezer, with her pasture land, —and Jahaz, with her pasture land;
Buningdin bashqa Ruben qebilisining zéminidin Bezer bilen yaylaqliri, Yahaz bilen yaylaqliri,
37 Kedemoth, with her pasture land and Mephaath, with her pasture land, —four cities.
Kedemot bilen yaylaqliri we Mefaat bilen yaylaqliri bolup, jemiy töt sheherni berdi.
38 And, out of the tribe of Gad, a city of refuge for the manslayer—even Ramoth in Gilead, with her pasture land, —and Mahanaim, with her pasture land;
Buningdin bashqa Gad qebilisining zéminidin adem öltürgen kishiler panahlinidighan sheher Giléadtiki Ramot bilen yaylaqlirini, yene Mahanayim bilen yaylaqliri,
39 Heshbon, with her pasture land, Jazer, with her pasture land, —in all, four cities.
Heshbon bilen yaylaqliri we Jaazer bilen yaylaqliri bolup, jemiy töt sheherni berdi.
40 All the cities for the sons of Merari, by their families, who remained of the families of the Levites, yea their lot was, twelve, cities.
Bular bolsa qalghan Lawiylarning jemetlirige, yeni Merarilar jemetlirige bérilgen barliq sheherlerdur; ulargha chek tashlinish bilen bérilgen ülüshi on ikki sheher idi.
41 All the cities of the Levites, in the midst of the possession of the sons of Israel, were forty-eight cities, with their pasture lands:
Israillarning zémini ichidin Lawiylargha békitip bérilgen sheherler jemiy qiriq sekkiz idi; bular etrapidiki yaylaqliri bilen bérildi.
42 these cities passed, each severally, with its pasture lands round about it; thus, was it with all these cities.
Bu sheherlerning herbirining etrapida yaylaqliri bar idi; sheherlerning hemmisi shundaq idi.
43 So Yahweh gave unto Israel, all the land which he had sworn to give unto their fathers, —and they took possession thereof, and dwelt therein.
Perwerdigar shu teriqide Israillarning ata-bowilirigha bérishke qesem bilen wede qilghan pütkül zéminni ulargha berdi; ular kélip uni igilep, u yerde olturdi.
44 And Yahweh gave them rest round about, according to all that he had sworn unto their fathers, —and there stood not a man before them, of all their enemies; all their enemies, did Yahweh deliver into their hand.
U waqitta Perwerdigar ilgiri ularning ata-bowilirigha qesem bilen wede qilghinidek, ulargha her etrapida tinch-aramliq berdi; ularning düshmenliridin héchqandiqi ularning aldida qeddini ruslap tik turalmaytti; belki Perwerdigar hemme düshmenlirini ularning qoligha tapshurdi.
45 There failed not a thing, out of all the good things, whereof Yahweh had spoken unto the house of Israel, —the whole, came to pass.
Perwerdigarning Israilning jemetige wede qilghan himmetliridin héchbiri qaldurulmay emelge ashuruldi.

< Joshua 21 >