< Job 40 >

1 And Yahweh responded to Job, and said: —
I tako odgovarajuæi Gospod Jovu reèe:
2 Shall a reprover contend, with the Almighty? He that disputeth with GOD, let him answer it!
Ko se prepire s Bogom, hoæe li ga uèiti? koji kudi Boga, neka odgovori na to.
3 Then Job responded to Yahweh, and said: —
Tada Jov odgovori Gospodu i reèe:
4 Lo! I am of no account, what shall I reply to thee? My hand, have I laid on my mouth:
Gle, ja sam malen, šta bih ti odgovorio? Meæem ruku svoju na usta svoja.
5 Once, have I spoken, but I will not proceed, yea twice, but I will not add.
Jednom govorih, ali neæu odgovarati; i drugom, ali neæu više.
6 So then Yahweh responded to Job, out of a storm, and said: —
A Gospod opet odgovarajuæi Jovu iz vihora reèe:
7 Gird, I pray thee—as a strong man—thy loins, I will ask thee, and inform thou me.
Opaši se sada kao èovjek; ja æu te pitati, a ti mi kazuj.
8 Wilt thou even frustrate my justice? Wilt thou condemn me, that thou mayest appear right?
Hoæeš li ti uništiti moj sud? hoæeš li mene osuditi da bi sebe opravdao?
9 But if, an arm like GOD, thou hast, and, with a voice like his, thou canst thunder,
Je li u tebe mišica kao u Boga? grmiš li glasom kao on?
10 Deck thyself, I pray thee, with majesty and grandeur, Yea, with dignity and splendour, thou shalt clothe thyself;
Okiti se sada èašæu i velièanstvom, u slavu i krasotu obuci se.
11 Pour out thy transports of anger, and look on every one who is high, and lay him low;
Prospi jarost gnjeva svojega, i pogledaj sve ponosite, i obori ih.
12 Look on every one who is high, and humble him, yea tread down the lawless, on the spot:
Pogledaj sve ponosite, i ponizi ih, i potri bezbožnike na mjestu njihovu.
13 Hide them in the dust all together, Their faces, bind thou in darkness;
Zatrpaj ih sve u prah, i poveži im lice na skrivenu mjestu.
14 And, even I myself, will praise thee, in that thine own right hand can bring thee salvation.
Tada æu te i ja hvaliti da te èuva desnica tvoja.
15 Behold, I pray thee, the Hippopotamus, which I made with thee, Grass—like the ox, he eateth;
A gle, slon, kojega sam stvorio s tobom, jede travu kao vo;
16 Behold, I pray thee, his strength in his loins, and his force, in the muscles of his belly;
Gle, snaga mu je u bedrima njegovijem, i sila mu je u pupku trbuha njegova;
17 He bendeth down his tail like a cedar, the sinews of his thighs, are twisted together;
Diže rep svoj kao kedar, žile od jaja njegovijeh spletene su kao grane;
18 His bones, are barrels of bronze, his frame, is like hammered bars of iron:
Kosti su mu kao cijevi mjedene, zglavci kao poluge gvozdene.
19 He, is the beginning of the ways of GOD, Let his maker, present him his sword:
On je prvo izmeðu djela Božijih, tvorac njegov dao mu je maè.
20 Surely the mountains bring, produce, to him, where, all the wild beasts of the field, do play;
Gore nose mu piæu, i sve zvijerje poljsko igra se ondje.
21 Under the lotus-trees, he lieth down, in a covert of reed and swamp;
U hladu liježe, u gustoj trsci i glibu.
22 The lotus-trees cover him with their shade, the willows of the torrent-bed compass him about;
Granata drveta zaklanjaju ga sjenom svojim, i opkoljavaju ga vrbe na potocima.
23 Lo! the river becometh insolent—he is not alarmed! He is confident, though a Jordan burst forth to his mouth:
Gle, ustavlja rijeku da ne teèe, uzda se da æe ispiti Jordan gubicom svojom.
24 Before his eyes, shall he be caught? With a hook, can one pierce his nose?
Hoæe li ga ko uhvatiti na oèi njegove? zamku mu provuæi kroz nos?

< Job 40 >