< Isaiah 6 >

1 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw My Lord, sitting upon a throne high and lifted up, and, his skirts, did fill the temple,
Uzziya padishah alemdin ötken yili men Rebni kördüm; U intayin yuqiri kötürülgen bir textte olturatti; Uning toni muqeddes ibadetxanigha bir kelgenidi.
2 Seraphim, were standing above him; six wings severally, had each one, —With twain, he covered his face And with twain, he covered his feet And with twain, he did fly.
Uning üstide saraflar perwaz qilip turatti; Herbirining alte tal qaniti bar idi; Ikki qaniti bilen u yüzini yapatti, Ikki qaniti bilen u putini yapatti, We ikki qaniti bilen u perwaz qilip turatti.
3 And they continued crying out one to another, and said, Holy—holy—holy, is Yahweh of hosts, —the fulness of the whole earth, is his glory.
Ulardin biri bashqa birsige: — «Samawi qoshunlarning Serdari bolghan Perwerdigar, muqeddes, muqeddes, muqeddestur! Barliq yer yüzi uning shan-sheripige tolghan!» — dep towlawatatti.
4 And the foundations of the porch, were moved at the voice of him that cried, —and the house, was filled with smoke.
Towlighuchining awazidin derwazining késhekliri tewrinip ketti, Öy is-tütek bilen qaplandi.
5 Then said I—Woe to me!—for I am undone, Because a man of unclean lips, am, I, And in the midst of a people of unclean lips, do I dwell, —For the King. Yahweh of hosts, have mine eyes seen!
Shuning bilen men: — «Özümge way! Men tügeshtim! Chünki men lewliri napak ademmen hem napak lewlik xelq bilen ariliship turup, öz közüm bilen Padishahqa, yeni samawi qoshunlarning Serdari bolghan Perwerdigargha qaridim!» — dédim.
6 Then flew unto me one of the seraphim, And in his hand, a live coal, —With tongs, had he taken it from off the altar.
Shuning bilen saraflardin biri qolida qurban’gahtin bir choghni laxshigirgha qisip élip, yénimgha uchup keldi;
7 Then touched he my mouth, and said—Lo! this hath touched thy lips, —Thus shall be taken away, thine iniquity, And, thy sin, by propitiation be covered.
u uni aghzimgha tegküzüp: — «Mana, bu lewliringge tegdi; séning qebihliking élip tashlandi, gunahing kafaret bilen kechürüm qilindi» — dédi.
8 Then heard I the voice of My Lord, saying, Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said—Here am I—send me.
Andin men Rebning: — «Men kimni ewetimen? Kim Bizge wekil bolup baridu?» dégen awazini anglidim. Shuning bilen men: — «Mana men! Méni ewetkeysen» — dédim.
9 Then said he—Go and say unto this people, —Hear on but do not discern, See on but do not perceive:
We U: «Barghin; mushu xelqqe mundaq dep éytqin: — «Siler anglashni anglaysiler, biraq chüshenmeysiler; Körüshni körüsiler, biraq bilip yetmeysiler.
10 Stupefy thou the heart of this people, And their ears, make thou heavy, And their eyes, overspread, —Lest they see with their eyes And with their ears, should hear, And their heart should discern and come back. And they be healed.
Mushu xelqning yürikini tash qilghin; Ularning qulaqlirini éghir, Közlirini kor qilghin; Bolmisa, ular közliri bilen köreleydighan, Quliqi bilen angliyalaydighan, Köngli bilen chüshineleydighan qilinip, Yolidin yandurulup saqaytilghan bolatti».
11 Then said I—How long, My Lord? And he said—Until the time that Cities be wasted through having no inhabitant And houses—through having no men, And, the ground, be laid waste unto desolation;
Andin men: — «Reb, bu ehwal qachan’ghiche dawamlishidu?» — dep soriwidim, U jawaben: — «Ta sheherler xarab qilinip ahalisiz, Öyler ademzatsiz, Zémin pütünley chölge aylinip bolghuche,
12 And Yahweh have far removed men, —And great! be the abandonment in the midst of the land.
Perwerdigar ademlirini yiraqlargha yötkep, Zémindiki tashliwétilgen yerler köp bolghuche bolidu» — dédi.
13 Yet still shall there be in it a tenth, Though it again be consumed, —Like an oak and like a terebinth Which when felled, have a stock in them, A holy seed, shall be the stock thereof.
«Halbuki, zéminda ademlerning ondin birila qalidu; Ular [zémin’gha] qaytip kélip yene yutuwétilidu, Késilgen bir dub yaki arar derixining kötikidek bolidu; Kötek bolsa «muqeddes nesil» bolur.

< Isaiah 6 >