< Isaiah 58 >

1 Cry aloud, do not spare, Like a horn, lift high thy voice, —And declare To my people, their transgression, and To the house of Jacob their sins.
“Piga kelele, usizuie. Paza sauti yako kama tarumbeta. Watangazieni watu wangu uasi wao, na kwa nyumba ya Yakobo dhambi zao.
2 Yet, me—day by day, do they seek, And in the knowledge of my ways, they delight, —Like a nation that had done righteousness, And the justice of their God, had not forsaken They ask of me the just regulations, In approaching God, they delight.
Kwa maana kila siku hunitafuta, wanaonekana kutaka kujua njia zangu, kana kwamba walikuwa taifa linalotenda lililo sawa, na ambalo halijaziacha amri za Mungu wake. Hutaka kwangu maamuzi ya haki, nao hutamani Mungu awakaribie.
3 Wherefore have we Fasted and thou hast not seen? Humbled our soul, and thou wouldst take no note? Lo! in the day of your fast, ye take pleasure, But all your toilers, ye drive on!
Wao husema, ‘Mbona tumefunga, nawe hujaona? Mbona tumejinyenyekeza, nawe huangalii?’ “Lakini katika siku ya kufunga kwenu, mnafanya mnavyotaka na kuwadhulumu wafanyakazi wenu wote.
4 Lo! for strife and contention, ye fast, And to smite with the fist of lawlessness, —Ye shall not fast as to-day, To cause to be heard on high your voice!
Kufunga kwenu huishia kwenye magomvi na mapigano, na kupigana ninyi kwa ninyi kwa ngumi za uovu. Hamwezi kufunga kama mnavyofanya leo na kutazamia sauti zenu kusikiwa huko juu.
5 Like this, shall the fast be that I choose, A day for the son of earth to humble his soul? Is it to bow down as a rush his head, And sackcloth and ashes, to spread out? Is it, this, thou wilt call a fast, Or a day of acceptance with Yahweh?
Je, hii ndiyo aina ya mfungo niliouchagua, siku moja tu ya mtu kujinyenyekeza? Je, ni kwa kuinamisha kichwa chini kama tete, na kwa kujilaza juu ya nguo ya gunia na majivu? Je, huo ndio mnaouita mfungo, siku iliyokubalika kwa Bwana?
6 Is not, this, the fast that I must ever choose—To unbind the tight cords of lawlessness, To unloose the bands of the yoke, —and To let the crushed go free, and That every yoke, ye tear off?
“Je, hii si ndiyo aina ya mfungo niliyoichagua: kufungua minyororo ya udhalimu, na kufungua kamba za nira, kuwaweka huru walioonewa, na kuvunja kila nira?
7 Is it not to break unto the hungry, thy bread, And the thrust-out oppressed, that thou bring into a home, —When thou seest one naked, that thou cover him, And from thine own flesh, shalt not hide thyself?
Je, sio kushirikiana chakula chako na wenye njaa na kuwapatia maskini wasiokuwa na makao hifadhi, unapomwona aliye uchi, umvike, wala si kumkimbia mtu wa nyama na damu yako mwenyewe?
8 Then, shall break forth, as the dawn, thy light, And thy new flesh shall speedily grow, —Then shall go before thee, thy righteousness, the glory of Yahweh shall bring up thy rear:
Ndipo nuru yako itajitokeza kama mapambazuko na uponyaji wako utatokea upesi; ndipo haki yako itakapokutangulia mbele yako, na utukufu wa Bwana utakuwa mlinzi nyuma yako.
9 Then, shalt thou Call, and Yahweh, will answer, Cry out, and he will say, Behold me! If thou remove, out of thy midst the yoke, The pointing of the finger, and The speaking of iniquity;
Ndipo utaita, naye Bwana atajibu, utalia kuomba msaada, naye atasema: Mimi hapa. “Kama ukiiondoa nira ya udhalimu, na kunyoosha kidole na kuzungumza maovu,
10 And shalt let thine own soul go out to the hungry, And the soul of the oppressed, thou shalt satisfy, Then shall break forth in darkness thy light, And thy thick darkness, become as the splendour of noon;
nanyi kama mkimkunjulia mtu mwenye njaa nafsi zenu na kutosheleza mahitaji ya walioonewa, ndipo nuru yenu itakapongʼaa gizani, nao usiku wenu utakuwa kama adhuhuri.
11 Then will Yahweh guide thee continually, And will satisfy, [even] in scorched regions thine own soul, Yea thy very bones, will he invigorate, —So shall thou become like a garden well—watered, And like a spring of water whose waters do not deceive;
Bwana atakuongoza siku zote, atayatosheleza mahitaji yako katika nchi kame, naye ataitia nguvu mifupa yako. Utakuwa kama bustani iliyonyweshwa vizuri, kama chemchemi ambayo maji yake hayakauki kamwe.
12 And they who come of thee shall build the wastes of age-past times, And as for the foundations of generation after generation, thou shalt rear them up, —So shalt thou be called—A Repairer of broken walls, A Restorer of paths leading home.
Watu wako watajenga tena magofu ya zamani na kuinua misingi ya kale; utaitwa Mwenye Kukarabati Kuta Zilizobomoka, Mwenye Kurejeza Barabara za Makao.
13 If thou turn back. From the sabbath thy foot, From doing thine own pleasure on my holy day, —And shall call—The sabbath, An exquisite delight, The holy day of Yahweh, A day to be honoured, And so shall honour it rather—Than do thine own ways, Than take thine own pleasure or Than speak thine own word,
“Kama ukitunza miguu yako isivunje Sabato, na kutokufanya kama vile upendavyo katika siku yangu takatifu, kama ukiita Sabato siku ya furaha na siku takatifu ya Bwana ya kuheshimiwa, kama utaiheshimu kwa kutoenenda katika njia zako mwenyewe, na kutokufanya yakupendezayo au kusema maneno ya upuzi,
14 Then, shalt thou rest thine own exquisite delight upon Yahweh, …And I will cause thee to ride over the high places of the land, —And will feed thee with the inheritance of Jacob thy father, For the mouth of Yahweh, hath spoken.
ndipo utakapojipatia furaha yako katika Bwana, nami nitakufanya upande juu ya miinuko ya nchi na kusherehekea urithi wa Yakobo baba yako.” Kinywa cha Bwana kimenena haya.

< Isaiah 58 >