< Isaiah 28 >

1 Alas! for the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim, And for his fading wreath of majestic beauty, —Which is on the head of the fertile valley, of them who are overcome with wine.
Teško gizdavome vijencu pijanica Jefremovijeh, uvelom cvijetu krasnoga nakita njihova, koji su uvrh rodnoga dola, pijani od vina!
2 Lo! My Lord hath one who is, strong and bold, Like a storm of hail, a destroying tempest, Like a storm of mighty waters overflowing, Hath he thrust it down to the earth with force:
Gle, u Gospoda ima neko jak i silan kao pljusak od grada, kao oluja koja sve lomi, kao poplava silne vode, kad navali, oboriæe sve na zemlju rukom.
3 With the feet shall be trodden down, the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim,
Nogama æe se izgaziti gizdavi vijenac, pijanice Jefremove.
4 So shall his fading wreath of majestic beauty, Which is on the head of the fertile valley, become—Like the first-ripe fig before fruit-harvest, Which when he that looketh upon it seeth while it is yet in his hand, he swalloweth it up.
I uveli cvijet krasnoga nakita njihova, što je uvrh rodnoga dola, biæe kao voæe uzrelo prije ljeta, koje èim ko vidi, uzme u ruku i pojede.
5 In that day, will Yahweh of hosts become A crown of beauty, and A diadem of majesty, —Unto the remnant of his people:
U ono æe vrijeme Gospod nad vojskama biti slavna kruna i dièan vijenac ostatku naroda svojega,
6 Even a spirit of justice—to him that presideth over justice, And strength to them who would turn back the battle at the gate.
I duh suda onome koji sjedi da sudi, i sila onima koji uzbijaju boj do vrata.
7 But as for these, With wine, do they reel, and With strong drink, do they stagger, —Priest and prophet, reel with strong drink They are swallowed up through wine They stagger through strong drink, They reel in prophetic vision, They totter in pronouncing judgment.
Ali se i oni zanose od vina, i posræu od silovita piæa; sveštenik i prorok zanose se od silovita piæa, osvojilo ih je vino, posræu od silovita piæa, zanose se u prorokovanju, spotièu se u suðenju.
8 For, all tables, are full of filthy vomit, —There is no place!
Jer su svi stolovi puni bljuvotine i neèistote, nema mjesta èista.
9 Whom, would he teach knowledge? And, whom, would he cause to understand the message? Them who are weaned from the milk? taken from the breasts?
Koga æe uèiti mudrosti, i koga æe uputiti da razumije nauku? Djecu, kojoj se ne daje više mlijeko, koja su odbijena od sise?
10 For it is—Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, —A little here a little there.
Jer zapovijest po zapovijest, zapovijest po zapovijest, pravilo po pravilo, pravilo po pravilo, ovdje malo, ondje malo davaše se.
11 For, with a jabbering lip, and with an alien tongue, must he speak unto this people!
Zato æe nerazumljivom besjedom i tuðim jezikom govoriti tome narodu;
12 To whom he said—This, is the rest—give ye rest to the weary, and This, is the quietness, —But they were unwilling to hear.
Jer im reèe: ovo je poèinak, ostavite umorna da poèine; ovo je odmor; ali ne htješe poslušati.
13 So the word of Yahweh must be to them—Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, A little here, a little there, —That they may go and fall backward and be torn and snared and captured.
I biæe im rijeè Gospodnja, zapovijest po zapovijest, zapovijest po zapovijest, pravilo po pravilo, pravilo po pravilo, malo ovdje, malo ondje, da idu i padaju nauznako i razbiju se, i da se zapletu u zamke i uhvate.
14 Wherefore, hear ye the word of Yahweh, Ye men who scoff, —Ye rulers of this people that is in Jerusalem.
Zato slušajte rijeè Gospodnju, ljudi potsmjevaèi, koji vladate narodom što je u Jerusalimu.
15 Because ye have said—We have solemnised a covenant with death, And with hades, have we effected a vision, —The overflowing scourge when it sweepeth by, shall not reach unto us, For we have made lying our refuge. And in falsehood, have we hid ourselves, (Sheol h7585)
Što rekoste: uhvatismo vjeru sa smræu, i ugovorismo s grobom; kad zaðe biè kao povodanj, neæe nas dohvatiti, jer od laži naèinismo sebi utoèište, i za prijevaru zaklonismo se; (Sheol h7585)
16 Therefore, Thus, saith My Lord, Yahweh, Behold me! founding in Zion a stone, A stone of testing, The costly corner of a well-laid foundation, he that trusteth, shall not make haste!
Zato ovako veli Gospod Gospod: evo, ja meæem u Sionu kamen, kamen izabran, kamen od ugla, skupocjen, temelj tvrd; ko vjeruje neæe se plašiti.
17 But I will make—Justice the line, and Righteousness the plummet, —And the hail shall, sweep away, your refuge of lying, And your hiding-place, the waters shall overflow;
I izvršiæu sud po pravilu i pravdu po mjerilima; i grad æe potrti lažno utoèište i voda æe potopiti zaklon.
18 So shall be wiped out your covenant with death, And your vision with hades, not stand, —When the overflowing scourge, sweepeth past, then shall ye be thereby beaten down: (Sheol h7585)
I vjera vaša sa smræu uništiæe se, i ugovor vaš s grobom neæe ostati, a kad zaðe biè kao povodanj, potlaèiæe vas. (Sheol h7585)
19 As often as it sweepeth past, it shall take you away, For morning by morning, shall it pass along. By day and by night, —And it shall be nothing less than a terror to make out the message;
Èim zaðe, odnijeæe vas, jer æe zalaziti svako jutro, danju i noæu, i kad se èuje vika, biæe sam strah.
20 For too short is the couch to stretch oneself out, —And, the coverlet, too narrow, when one draweth up his feet.
Jer æe odar biti kratak da se èovjek ne može pružiti, i pokrivaè uzak da se ne može umotati.
21 For as in Mount Perazim, will Yahweh, arise, As in the vale of Gibeon, will he be stirred, —To do his work—foreign is his work, And to perform his task—strange is his task.
Jer æe Gospod ustati kao na gori Ferasimu, razgnjeviæe se kao u dolu Gavaonskom, da uèini djelo svoje, neobièno djelo svoje, da svrši posao svoj, neobièan posao svoj.
22 Now, therefore do not show yourselves scoffers, Lest your fetters, be bound fast, —For, of a full end, and that a decreed one, have I heard from My Lord, Yahweh of hosts upon all the land
Nemojte se dakle više potsmijevati da ne postanu jaèi okovi vaši, jer èuh od Gospoda Gospoda nad vojskama pogibao odreðenu svoj zemlji.
23 Give ear, and hear ye my voice, —Hearken, and hear ye my speech: —
Slušajte, i èujte glas moj, pazite i èujte besjedu moju.
24 All day long, doth the plowman plow for sowing? Doth he continue laying open and harrowing his soil?
Ore li oraè svaki dan da posije? ili brazdi i povlaèi njivu svoju?
25 Doth he not when he hath levelled the face thereof, Cast abroad the fennel? And, the cummin, doth he not scatter? And plant wheat in rows, And barley in a lot, And spelt in the border thereof?
Kad poravni ozgo, ne sije li grahor i kim? i ne meæe li pšenicu na najbolje mjesto, i jeèam na zgodno mjesto, i krupnik na njegovo mjesto?
26 Yea One hath trained him to good judgment, His God, directeth him.
I Bog ga njegov uèi i upuæuje kako æe raditi.
27 For not with a sledge, must, black coriander be threshed, Nor must, the wheel of a cart, on cummin, be turned, But with a staff, must fennel be beaten, And cummin with a rod:
Jer se grahor ne vrše branom, niti se toèak kolski obræe po kimu, nego se cijepom mlati grahor i kim prutom.
28 Bread-corn, must be crushed, —Yet would he not be evermore, threshing, it, So he hasteneth over it the wheel of his cart, with his horsemen, He crusheth it not!
Pšenica se vrše, ali neæe jednako vrijeæi niti æe je satrti toèkom kolskim ni zupcima razdrobiti.
29 Even this, from Yahweh of hosts, cometh forth, —Who hath bestowed distinction upon counsel, And magnified sound wisdom.
I to dolazi od Gospoda nad vojskama, koji je divan u savjetu, velik u mudrosti.

< Isaiah 28 >