< Isaiah 28 >

1 Alas! for the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim, And for his fading wreath of majestic beauty, —Which is on the head of the fertile valley, of them who are overcome with wine.
Kaito ga wannan rawani, girman kai na mashayan Efraim, ga fure mai yanƙwanewa, darajar kyansa, da aka sa a kan kwari mai ba da amfani, ga birnin nan, wadda take girman kan waɗanda aka ƙasƙantar da ruwan inabinsu!
2 Lo! My Lord hath one who is, strong and bold, Like a storm of hail, a destroying tempest, Like a storm of mighty waters overflowing, Hath he thrust it down to the earth with force:
Duba, Ubangiji yana da wanda yake da iko da kuma ƙarfi. Kamar dutsen ƙanƙara da kuma iska mai ɓarna, kamar kwararowar ruwa da rigyawa mai kirmewa, zai jefa shi har ƙasa da ƙarfi.
3 With the feet shall be trodden down, the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim,
Za a tattaka wannan rawani, girman kai na mashayan Efraim da ƙafa.
4 So shall his fading wreath of majestic beauty, Which is on the head of the fertile valley, become—Like the first-ripe fig before fruit-harvest, Which when he that looketh upon it seeth while it is yet in his hand, he swalloweth it up.
Wannan fure mai yanƙwanewa, darajarar kyansa, da aka sa a kan kwari mai ba da amfani, zai zama kamar’ya’yan ɓaure, nunan fari, da zarar wani ya gani ya kuma tsinka, zai haɗiye shi.
5 In that day, will Yahweh of hosts become A crown of beauty, and A diadem of majesty, —Unto the remnant of his people:
A wannan rana Ubangiji Maɗaukaki zai zama rawani mai daraja kyakkyawan rawani wa mutanensa da suka ragu.
6 Even a spirit of justice—to him that presideth over justice, And strength to them who would turn back the battle at the gate.
Zai zama ruhun adalci gare shi wanda yake zaune a kujerar shari’a, wurin samun ƙarfi ga waɗanda suka kori abokan gāban da suka fāɗa musu da yaƙi a ƙofofi.
7 But as for these, With wine, do they reel, and With strong drink, do they stagger, —Priest and prophet, reel with strong drink They are swallowed up through wine They stagger through strong drink, They reel in prophetic vision, They totter in pronouncing judgment.
Da waɗannan kuma masu tangaɗi saboda sun sha ruwan inabi suke jiri don sun sha barasa Firistoci da annabawa suna tangaɗi saboda sun sha barasa sun kuma yi tatur da ruwan inabi; suna jiri saboda sun sha barasa, suna tangaɗi sa’ad da suke ganin wahayi, suna tuntuɓe sa’ad da suke ba da shawara.
8 For, all tables, are full of filthy vomit, —There is no place!
Duk amai ya rufe teburori kuma babu wani wurin da ba a ɓata ba.
9 Whom, would he teach knowledge? And, whom, would he cause to understand the message? Them who are weaned from the milk? taken from the breasts?
“Wane ne yake so ya koyar? Ga wa yake bayyana saƙonsa? Ga yaran da aka yaye, ga waɗanda ba a daɗe da yayewa ba ne?
10 For it is—Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, —A little here a little there.
Gama haka yake. Yi ka kuma yi, yi ka kuma yi, mulki a kan mulki, mulki a kan mulki; nan kaɗan, can kaɗan.”
11 For, with a jabbering lip, and with an alien tongue, must he speak unto this people!
To da kyau, da leɓunan baƙi da ku harsunan da ba sani ba Allah zai yi magana da wannan mutane,
12 To whom he said—This, is the rest—give ye rest to the weary, and This, is the quietness, —But they were unwilling to hear.
waɗanda zai ce, “Wannan shi ne wurin hutu, bari waɗanda suka gaji su huta”; da kuma, “Wannan shi ne wurin wartsakewa” amma sun ƙi su saurara.
13 So the word of Yahweh must be to them—Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, A little here, a little there, —That they may go and fall backward and be torn and snared and captured.
Saboda haka fa, maganar Ubangiji gare su za tă zama, Yi ka kuma yi, yi ka kuma yi, mulki akan mulki, mulki a kan mulki; nan kaɗan, can kaɗan, domin su tafi su kuma fāɗi da baya, su ji rauni a kuma kama su da tarko, a kai su zaman bauta.
14 Wherefore, hear ye the word of Yahweh, Ye men who scoff, —Ye rulers of this people that is in Jerusalem.
Saboda haka ku saurari maganar Ubangiji, ku masu ba’a ku da kuke mulkin wannan mutane a Urushalima.
15 Because ye have said—We have solemnised a covenant with death, And with hades, have we effected a vision, —The overflowing scourge when it sweepeth by, shall not reach unto us, For we have made lying our refuge. And in falsehood, have we hid ourselves, (Sheol h7585)
Kuna fariya cewa, “Mun yi alkawari da mutuwa, mun kuma yi yarjejjeniya da kabari. Sa’ad da zafi ya ratsa, ba zai taɓa mu ba, gama mun mai da ƙarya mafakarmu ruɗu kuma wurin ɓuyanmu.” (Sheol h7585)
16 Therefore, Thus, saith My Lord, Yahweh, Behold me! founding in Zion a stone, A stone of testing, The costly corner of a well-laid foundation, he that trusteth, shall not make haste!
Saboda haka ga abin da Ubangiji Mai Iko Duka ya ce, “Duba, na kafa dutse a Sihiyona, dutsen da aka gwada, dutsen kusurwa mai daraja don tabbataccen tushe; wanda ya dogara gare shi ba zai taɓa shan kunya ba.
17 But I will make—Justice the line, and Righteousness the plummet, —And the hail shall, sweep away, your refuge of lying, And your hiding-place, the waters shall overflow;
Zan mai da gaskiya igiyar gwaji adalci kuma ɗan katakon gwajin ginin; ƙanƙara za tă share mafakarku, ƙarya, da ruwa kuma za su mamaye maɓuyanku.
18 So shall be wiped out your covenant with death, And your vision with hades, not stand, —When the overflowing scourge, sweepeth past, then shall ye be thereby beaten down: (Sheol h7585)
Za a soke alkawarinku da mutuwa; yarjejjeniyarku da kabari ba zai zaunu ba. Sa’ad da zafi mai ɓarna ya ratsa, zai hallaka ku. (Sheol h7585)
19 As often as it sweepeth past, it shall take you away, For morning by morning, shall it pass along. By day and by night, —And it shall be nothing less than a terror to make out the message;
A duk sa’ad da ya zo; ko da safiya, ko dare ko kuma da rana, zai yi ta ratsawa yana kwasanku.” Za ku zama kamar mutumin da ya zama abin karin magana,
20 For too short is the couch to stretch oneself out, —And, the coverlet, too narrow, when one draweth up his feet.
wanda ya yi ƙoƙari yă kwanta a gajeren gado, yă kuma rufa da ɗan siririn bargo.
21 For as in Mount Perazim, will Yahweh, arise, As in the vale of Gibeon, will he be stirred, —To do his work—foreign is his work, And to perform his task—strange is his task.
Ubangiji zai tashi kamar yadda ya yi a Dutsen Feratsim, zai tā da kansa kamar a Kwarin Gibeyon don yă aikata aikinsa, aikinsa da ba a saba gani ba, yă kuma yi aikinsa, baƙon aikinsa.
22 Now, therefore do not show yourselves scoffers, Lest your fetters, be bound fast, —For, of a full end, and that a decreed one, have I heard from My Lord, Yahweh of hosts upon all the land
Yanzu ku daina ba’arku, in ba haka ba sarƙoƙinku za su ƙara nauyi; Ubangiji, Ubangiji Maɗaukaki, ya faɗa mini game da hallakar da aka ƙaddara a kan dukan ƙasar.
23 Give ear, and hear ye my voice, —Hearken, and hear ye my speech: —
Ku saurara ku kuma ji muryata; ku kasa kunne ku kuma ji abin da na faɗa.
24 All day long, doth the plowman plow for sowing? Doth he continue laying open and harrowing his soil?
Sa’ad da manomi ya yi noma don shuki, yakan ci gaba da noma ne? Yakan ci gaba da sara yana yin kunyoyi a ƙasa ne?
25 Doth he not when he hath levelled the face thereof, Cast abroad the fennel? And, the cummin, doth he not scatter? And plant wheat in rows, And barley in a lot, And spelt in the border thereof?
Sa’ad da ya shirya wuri da kyau, ba yakan shuka kanumfari ya kuma yayyafa ɗaɗɗoya ba? Ba yakan shuka alkama a kunyoyinsa sha’ir a kunyoyinsa, tamba kuma a filinsa ba?
26 Yea One hath trained him to good judgment, His God, directeth him.
Allahnsa ya umarce shi ya kuma koya masa hanyar da take daidai.
27 For not with a sledge, must, black coriander be threshed, Nor must, the wheel of a cart, on cummin, be turned, But with a staff, must fennel be beaten, And cummin with a rod:
Ba a bugan kanumfari da ƙaton sanda ko a yi ta jujjuye ƙafar keke a kan ɗaɗɗoya; akan buga kanumfari da siririn sanda ɗaɗɗoya kuma da tsumagiya.
28 Bread-corn, must be crushed, —Yet would he not be evermore, threshing, it, So he hasteneth over it the wheel of his cart, with his horsemen, He crusheth it not!
Dole a niƙa hatsi don a yi burodi; saboda haka mutum ba zai yi ta bugun alkama, har yă ɓata tsabar ba. Ya san yadda zai sussuke alkamarsa, ba tare da ya ɓata tsabarta ba.
29 Even this, from Yahweh of hosts, cometh forth, —Who hath bestowed distinction upon counsel, And magnified sound wisdom.
Dukan wannan hikimar takan zo daga Ubangiji Maɗaukaki ne, shi da yake mashawarci mai banmamaki, mafifici kuma cikin hikima.

< Isaiah 28 >