< Isaiah 28 >

1 Alas! for the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim, And for his fading wreath of majestic beauty, —Which is on the head of the fertile valley, of them who are overcome with wine.
Anunae, Ephraim yurhui rhoek kah rhimomnah rhuisam neh a boeimang kirhang kah tamlaep khaw tahah coeng. Te te laimen kolrhawk kah a lu ah misurtui neh a thoek uh dae ta.
2 Lo! My Lord hath one who is, strong and bold, Like a storm of hail, a destroying tempest, Like a storm of mighty waters overflowing, Hath he thrust it down to the earth with force:
Boeipa taengkah tlungluen neh rhapsat la aka om tah rhaelnu khohli, lucik hlithae, cingtui tui rhilh bangla a yo te khaw a kut neh diklai la a tloeng ni.
3 With the feet shall be trodden down, the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim,
Ephraim yurhui kah rhimomnah rhuisam te a kho hmuiah a taelh uh ni.
4 So shall his fading wreath of majestic beauty, Which is on the head of the fertile valley, become—Like the first-ripe fig before fruit-harvest, Which when he that looketh upon it seeth while it is yet in his hand, he swalloweth it up.
Laimen kolrhawk lu kah a boeimang kirhang rhaipai bangla aka hoo te khohal hlan kah thaihloe bangla om ni. Te te aka hmuh la aka hmuh dongah a kut nen khaw pahoi a dolh.
5 In that day, will Yahweh of hosts become A crown of beauty, and A diadem of majesty, —Unto the remnant of his people:
Tekah khohnin ah tah caempuei BOEIPA te, a pilnam aka sueng ham kirhang rhuisam la, boeimang cangen la om ni.
6 Even a spirit of justice—to him that presideth over justice, And strength to them who would turn back the battle at the gate.
Laitloeknah dongah aka ngol ham tiktamnah mueihla la, caemtloek kah vongka ah aka mael tak kah thayung thamal la om ni.
7 But as for these, With wine, do they reel, and With strong drink, do they stagger, —Priest and prophet, reel with strong drink They are swallowed up through wine They stagger through strong drink, They reel in prophetic vision, They totter in pronouncing judgment.
Te rhoek khaw misurtui loh a palang sak. Khosoih neh tonghma khaw yu dongah taengphael uh. Yu dongah palang uh tih misur dongah bol uh. Yu dongah kho a hmang uh. Khohmu lamloh palang uh tih laitloek dongah lol uh.
8 For, all tables, are full of filthy vomit, —There is no place!
Caboei tom te a lok kah a khawt baetawt la a hmuen tal.
9 Whom, would he teach knowledge? And, whom, would he cause to understand the message? Them who are weaned from the milk? taken from the breasts?
Lungming la a thuinuet te unim, olthang aka yakming sak te unim? Rhangsuk lamloh tampo suktui aka kan te.
10 For it is—Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, —A little here a little there.
Olrhi soah olrhi te olrhi sokah olrhi neh, rhilam sokah rhilam te rhilam phoeikah rhilam neh hela vel, kela vel a ti.
11 For, with a jabbering lip, and with an alien tongue, must he speak unto this people!
Te dongah hekah pilnam he tamdaengtamkha kah hmuilai neh, ol tloe neh a voek ni.
12 To whom he said—This, is the rest—give ye rest to the weary, and This, is the quietness, —But they were unwilling to hear.
Amah loh amih taengah, “Hekah duemnah dongah buhmueh rhathih te duem saeh lamtah hilhoemnah he om saeh,” a ti nah. Tedae hnatun ham a ngaih uh moenih.
13 So the word of Yahweh must be to them—Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, A little here, a little there, —That they may go and fall backward and be torn and snared and captured.
Te dongah BOEIPA ol loh amih taengah olrhi sokah olrhi patoeng loh, olrhi phoeikah olrhi a tloe loh, rhilam sokah rhilam loh, rhilam phoeikah rhilam pakhat loh hela vel, kela vel om ni. Te daengah ni cet uh vetih a hnuk la a palet uh eh. Te vaengah khaem uh vetih a hlaeh uh ni, a tuuk uh ni.
14 Wherefore, hear ye the word of Yahweh, Ye men who scoff, —Ye rulers of this people that is in Jerusalem.
Te dongah saipaat Jerusalem kah pilnam aka ngol thil hlang rhoek loh BOEIPA ol te ya uh lah.
15 Because ye have said—We have solemnised a covenant with death, And with hades, have we effected a vision, —The overflowing scourge when it sweepeth by, shall not reach unto us, For we have made lying our refuge. And in falsehood, have we hid ourselves, (Sheol h7585)
“Dueknah neh paipi ka saii uh tih saelkhui taengah khohmu khaw ka khueh uh coeng. Mueirhih loh lawngkaih rhuihet la a vikvuek tih pongpa khaw pongpa mai saeh, mamih taengla ha pawk mahpawh. Laithae he mamih kah hlipyingnah la n'khueh uh tih a honghi khuiah n'thuh uh coeng,” na ti uh. (Sheol h7585)
16 Therefore, Thus, saith My Lord, Yahweh, Behold me! founding in Zion a stone, A stone of testing, The costly corner of a well-laid foundation, he that trusteth, shall not make haste!
Te dongah ka Boeipa Yahovah loh he a thui. Zion kah lungto, nuemnainah lungto aka tloeng khaw kamah ni he. Bangkil te lung vang tungkho a suen tih aka tangnah rhoek te tamto uh mahpawh.
17 But I will make—Justice the line, and Righteousness the plummet, —And the hail shall, sweep away, your refuge of lying, And your hiding-place, the waters shall overflow;
Tiktamnah he rhilam la, duengnah te mikrhael la ka khueh ni. Hlipyingnah laithae te rhaelnu loh a hnut vetih a huephael tui a yo pah ni.
18 So shall be wiped out your covenant with death, And your vision with hades, not stand, —When the overflowing scourge, sweepeth past, then shall ye be thereby beaten down: (Sheol h7585)
Dueknah taengkah na paipi loh n'dawth vetih saelkhui taengkah na mangthui khaw thoo mahpawh. Mueirhih rhuihet loh vikvuek uh tih m'pah vaengah te kah a cawtkoi la na om ni. (Sheol h7585)
19 As often as it sweepeth past, it shall take you away, For morning by morning, shall it pass along. By day and by night, —And it shall be nothing less than a terror to make out the message;
Te te ha pawk carhil nen te nangmih ngawn tah mincang, mincang ah n'loh ni. Khothaih ah khaw khoyin ah khaw m'pah vetih olthang n'yakming te tonganah la om ni.
20 For too short is the couch to stretch oneself out, —And, the coverlet, too narrow, when one draweth up his feet.
Khawk sak hamla thingkong te a rhaem pah tih, a calui ham mueihloe te khaw a yaem pah.
21 For as in Mount Perazim, will Yahweh, arise, As in the vale of Gibeon, will he be stirred, —To do his work—foreign is his work, And to perform his task—strange is his task.
Perazim tlang kah bangla BOEIPA te thoo ni. Gibeon kol kah bangla a bibi saii ham tlai ni. A bibi he lang tih a thothuengnah tah kholong kah a thothuengnah bangla thothueng ham ni.
22 Now, therefore do not show yourselves scoffers, Lest your fetters, be bound fast, —For, of a full end, and that a decreed one, have I heard from My Lord, Yahweh of hosts upon all the land
Hmuiyoi voel boeh, namah kah kuelrhui loh m'ven ve. Khohmuen tom a boeihnah neh pha vitvawt he ka Boeipa caempuei Yahovah taeng lamkah ka yaak coeng.
23 Give ear, and hear ye my voice, —Hearken, and hear ye my speech: —
Ka ol he hnakaeng lamtah ya uh lah, ka olthui he hnatung lamtah ya uh lah.
24 All day long, doth the plowman plow for sowing? Doth he continue laying open and harrowing his soil?
Lotawn ham lo aka yoe loh hnin takuem a yoe a? A khohmuen te a yawt tih a thoe ta.
25 Doth he not when he hath levelled the face thereof, Cast abroad the fennel? And, the cummin, doth he not scatter? And plant wheat in rows, And barley in a lot, And spelt in the border thereof?
A hman te a hnil moenih a? Tlangsungsing a phul tih sungsing khaw a haeh. Cang te a kok dongah a phung tih a rhibawn ah cangtun neh cangkuem a duen ta.
26 Yea One hath trained him to good judgment, His God, directeth him.
Anih te a toel vaengah a Pathen kah tiktamnah te a taengah a thuinuet pah.
27 For not with a sledge, must, black coriander be threshed, Nor must, the wheel of a cart, on cummin, be turned, But with a staff, must fennel be beaten, And cummin with a rod:
Tlangsungsing te thingphael neh a boh tih sungsing te leng kho neh a kuelh thil moenih. Tedae tlangsungsing te caitueng neh, sungsing te conghol neh a boh ta.
28 Bread-corn, must be crushed, —Yet would he not be evermore, threshing, it, So he hasteneth over it the wheel of his cart, with his horsemen, He crusheth it not!
Buh khaw tip coeng dae a yoeyah la nook mahpawh. Te te a boh vaengah a leng kho neh a khawkkhek thil moenih. A marhang caem neh a tip sak moenih.
29 Even this, from Yahweh of hosts, cometh forth, —Who hath bestowed distinction upon counsel, And magnified sound wisdom.
He khaw caempuei BOEIPA taeng lamkah ni. Amah kah cilsuep tah khobaerhambae la ha pawk tih a lungming cueihnah a pantai sak.

< Isaiah 28 >