< Amos 3 >

1 Hear ye this word, which Yahweh hath spoken, concerning you, ye sons of Israel, —concerning the whole family which I brought up out of the land of Egypt saying: —
Klausiet šo vārdu, ko Tas Kungs runā uz jums, Israēla bērni, proti uz visām tām ciltīm, ko Es no Ēģiptes zemes esmu izvedis, sacīdams:
2 Only you, have I acknowledged, of all the families of the ground, For this cause, will I visit upon you all your iniquities.
Es jūs vien esmu atzinis no visām zemes tautām, tādēļ Es pie jums piemeklēšu visus jūsu noziegumus.
3 Can two walk together, —except they meet?
Vai divi gan kopā staigā, ja tie papriekš nav saderējušies?
4 Will a lion roar in the forest, when, prey, he hath none? Will a young lion utter his voice out of his den, when he hath made no capture?
Vai lauva mežā rūc, kad viņam laupījuma nav? Vai jauns lauva balsi paceļ no savas alas, kad neko nav gūstījis?
5 Will a bird fall upon a net to the earth, when there is no, snare, for it? Will a net rise from the ground, when it hath, captured nothing?
Vai putns iekrīt valgā pie zemes, kur valga priekš viņa nav? Vai valgs no zemes ceļas, ar ko nekas nav gūstīts?
6 Or a horn be blown in a city, and, a people, not tremble? Or calamity happen in a city, and, Yahweh, not have wrought with effect?
Vai pilsētā bazūnē ar bazūni, un ļaudis neiztrūkstās? Vai kāda nelaime notiek pilsētā, ko Tas Kungs nedara?
7 Surely My Lord Yahweh, will do, nothing, —except he have disclosed his secret unto his servants, the prophets!
Tiešām, Tas Kungs Dievs nekā nedara, kad viņš savu noslēpumu neparāda saviem kalpiem, tiem praviešiem.
8 A lion, hath roared, Who will not fear? My Lord Yahweh, hath spoken, Who can forbear to prophesy?
Kad lauva rūc, kas nebītos? Tas Kungs Dievs runā, kam nebūtu jāsludina?
9 Announce it over the palaces in Ashdod, and over the palaces in the land of Egypt, —and say ye—Gather yourselves together upon the mountains of Samaria, and behold ye—the great disorders in the midst thereof, and the oppressed within her.
Liekat to dzirdēt Ašdodas skaistos namos un Ēģiptes zemes pilīs un sakāt: sapulcinājaties uz Samarijas kalniem un redziet tos lielos trokšņus viņas vidū, un tos nospaidītos viņas starpā.
10 Therefore do they not know how to do right, Declareth Yahweh, who are treasuring up violence and spoil in their palaces.
Jo tie nezin darīt, kas tiesa(taisnība), saka Tas Kungs, krādami netaisnību un varas darbu savās pilīs.
11 Therefore—Thus, saith My Lord, Yahweh, An adversary! Yea round about the land, —and he who shall bring down, from thee, thy strength, And spoiled shall be thy palaces.
Tāpēc Tas Kungs Dievs tā saka: spaidi zemei visapkārt! Un viņš nogāzīs tavu stiprumu, un tavi skaistie nami taps izpostīti.
12 Thus, saith Yahweh, Just as a shepherd rescueth, out of the mouth of the lion, a couple of shankbones, or the tip of an ear, so, shall be rescued the sons of Israel, who are tarrying in Samaria, in the corner of the divan, and on the damask of the luxurious couch.
Tā saka Tas Kungs: kā gans izrauj no lauvas rīkles divus stilbus vai kādu auss gabaliņu, tā Israēla bērni tiks izglābti, kas Samarijā sēž gultas kaktā uz Damaskus pēļa.
13 Hear ye and bear witness, throughout the house of Jacob, —Commandeth My Lord, Yahweh, God of hosts:
Klausiet un dodiet liecību Jēkaba namam, saka Tas Kungs Dievs, tas Dievs Cebaot:
14 That, in the day I visit the transgressions of Israel upon him, then will I punish, concerning the altars of Bethel, So shall the horns of the altar, be broken off, and they shall fall to the ground;
Tai dienā, kad Es Israēla pārkāpumus pie viņa piemeklēšu, tad Es piemeklēšu Bēteles altārus, un tie altāra ragi taps nocirsti un kritīs zemē.
15 And I will smite the winter house along with the summer house, —and the houses of ivory, shall be destroyed! and the great houses, shall disappear, Declareth Yahweh.
Un Es sitīšu tiklab ziemas pili kā vasaras pili, un tie ziloņkaulu nami ies bojā, un daudz nami taps izpostīti, saka Tas Kungs.

< Amos 3 >