< Acts 27 >

1 Now, when it was determined that we should sail for Italy, they proceeded to deliver Paul, and certain other prisoners, unto a centurion by name Julius, of an Augustan band.
I kao što bi odreðeno da idemo u Talijansku, predaše i Pavla i druge neke sužnje kapetanu, po imenu Juliju, od æesareve èete.
2 And, going on board a ship of Adramittium, about to sail unto the places along the coast of Asia, we put to sea, there being with us, Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica;
A kad uðosmo u laðu Adramitsku da plovimo u Azijska mjesta, otiskosmo se; i s nama bješe Aristarh Maæedonac iz Soluna.
3 and, on the next day, we put into Zidon, —and Julius, treating Paul, kindly, gave him leave to go unto his friends and refresh himself;
I drugi dan doðosmo u Sidon. I Julije držaše Pavla lijepo, i dopusti mu da odlazi k svojijem prijateljima i da ga poslužuju.
4 and, from thence putting out to sea, we sailed under the lee of Cyprus, because the winds were contrary;
I odande odvezavši se doplovismo u Kipar, jer vjetrovi bijahu protivni.
5 and, sailing across the sea which is off Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came down to Myra, a city of Lycia.
I preplovivši puèinu Kilikijsku i Pamfilijsku doðosmo u Miru Likijsku.
6 And the centurion, there, finding a ship of Alexandria sailing for Italy, put us therein.
I ondje našavši kapetan laðu Aleksandrijsku koja plovi u Talijansku, metnu nas u nju.
7 And, for a good many days sailing slowly, and getting with difficulty over against Cnidus, the wind not suffering us to get on, we sailed under the lee of Crete, over against Salmone;
I plovivši mnogo dana sporo, i jedva došavši prema Knidu, jer nam vjetar ne dadijaše, doplovismo pod Krit kod Salmone.
8 and, with difficulty coasting it, we came to a certain place called Fair Havens, near to which was the city of Lasea.
I jedva se vozeæi pored kraja, doðosmo na jedno mjesto koje se zove Dobra Pristaništa, kod kojega blizu bješe grad Laseja.
9 And, when a considerable time had passed, and sailing was already dangerous, because, even the Fast, had already gone by, Paul began to advise,
A pošto proðe mnogo vremena, i veæ plovljenje ne bijaše bez straha, jer i post veæ bješe prošao, svjetovaše Pavle
10 saying to them—Sirs! I perceive that, with damage and great loss, not only of the cargo and of the ship, but even of our persons, shall the voyage certainly be attended.
Govoreæi im: ljudi! vidim da æe plovljenje biti s mukom i velikom štetom ne samo tovara i laðe nego i duša našijeh.
11 But, the centurion, by the master, and by the shipowner, was more persuaded than by the things which, by Paul, were spoken.
Ali kapetan posluša veæma kormanoša i gospodara od laðe negoli Pavlove rijeèi.
12 And, the harbour being, incommodious, to winter in, the more part, advised to put to sea from thence, if by any means they might be able to reach Phoenix, to winter, [which was] a harbour of Crete, looking north-east and south-east.
A ne buduæi pristanište zgodno za zimovnik, svjetovahu mnogi da se odvezu odande, ne bi li kako mogli doæi do Finika, i ondje da zimuju u pristaništu Kritskom, koje gleda k jugu i k zapadu.
13 And, a south wind blowing softly, supposing they had secured their purpose, weighing anchor, they began to sail close in shore along Crete.
I kad dunu jug, mišljahu da im se volja ispuni, i podignuvši jedra plovljahu pokraj Krita.
14 But, after no long time, there beat down from it a tempestuous wind, called Euraquilo, —
Ali ne zadugo potom dunu nasuprot njemu buran vjetar koji se zove Evroklidon.
15 and, the ship being caught and we not being able to bring her head to the wind, we let her go, and were borne along.
A kad se laða ote, i ne mogaše se vjetru protiviti, predadosmo je valovima i nošahu nas.
16 And, running under the lee, of some small island, called Cauda, we were able, with difficulty, to make ourselves masters of the boat, —
A kad proðosmo mimo jedno ostrvo koje se zove Klauda, jedva mogosmo udržati èamac,
17 which, hoisting up, they began to use, helps, under-girding the ship; and, fearing lest, on the sand-bank of Africa, they should run aground, lowering the gear, so, were they borne along.
Koji izvukavši, svakojako pomagahu, te ga privezasmo odozdo za laðu; a bojeæi se da ne udari na prud, spustismo jedra, i tako se plavljasmo.
18 But, we being exceedingly tempest-tossed, on the next day, they began to throw [cargo] overboard;
A kad nam veoma dosaðivaše bura sjutradan izbacivahu tovare.
19 and, on the third day, with their own hands, the tackling of the ship, they cast away.
I u treæi dan svojima rukama izbacismo alat laðarski.
20 And, neither, sun nor stars, appearing for many days, and, no small tempest, lying upon us, in the end, all hope that we should be saved, began to be taken from us.
A kad se ni sunce ni zvijezde za mnogo dana ne pokazaše, i bura ne mala navalila, bijaše propao sav nad da æemo se izbaviti.
21 But, when they had been, long without food, then, Paul, standing in the midst of them, said—Ye ought, indeed, Sir! yielding to me, not to have sailed away from Crete, to get this damage and loss. …
I kad se zadugo nije jelo, onda Pavle stavši preda njih reèe: trebaše dakle, o ljudi! poslušati mene, i ne otiskivati se od Krita, i ne imati ove muke i štete.
22 And, now, I recommend you to be of good courage; for, loss of life, shall there be, none at all, from among you, —only the ship.
I evo sad vas molim da budete dobre volje: jer nijedna duša od vas neæe propasti osim laðe;
23 For there stood by me this night, belonging unto the God whose I am, unto whom also I am doing divine service, a messenger,
Jer u ovu noæ stade preda me anðeo Boga kojega sam ja i kome služim,
24 saying—Be not afraid, Paul! for, before Caesar, must thou needs stand. And lo! God hath granted to thee as a favour, all them who are sailing with thee.
Govoreæi: ne boj se, Pavle! valja ti doæi pred æesara; i evo ti darova Bog sve koji se voze s tobom.
25 Wherefore, be of good courage, Sirs; for I believe in God—that, so, it shall be, according as it hath been told me.
Zato ne bojte se, ljudi; jer vjerujem Bogu da æe tako biti kao što mi bi reèeno.
26 Upon a certain island, however, must we needs be wrecked.
Ali valja nam doæi na jedno ostrvo.
27 And, when, the fourteenth night, had come, and we were being driven to and fro in the Adriatic, about midnight, the sailors suspected that some country was, nearing, them;
A kad bi èetrnaesta noæ, i mi se u ponoæi plavljasmo po Adrijanskoj puèini, pomisliše laðari da se približuju k nekakvoj zemlji.
28 and, sounding, they found twenty fathoms, —and, going a little further, and again sounding, they found fifteen fathoms.
I izmjerivši dubinu naðoše dvadeset hvati; i prošavši malo opet izmjeriše, i naðoše petnaest hvati.
29 And, fearing lest haply, on rocky places, we should be wrecked, out of stern, cast they four anchors, —and began praying that day might dawn.
Onda bojeæi se da kako ne udare na prudovita mjesta baciše sa stražnjega kraja laðe èetiri lengera, pa se moljasmo Bogu da svane.
30 But, when, the sailors, were seeking to flee out of the ship, and had lowered the boat into the sea, by pretext, as though out of the prow they had been about to reach anchors,
A kad laðari gledahu da pobjegnu iz laðe, i spustiše èamac u more izgovarajuæi se kao da hoæe s prednjega kraja da spuste lengere,
31 Paul said unto the centurion, and unto the soldiers—Except, these, abide in the ship, ye yourselves, cannot be saved!
Reèe Pavle kapetanu i vojnicima: ako ovi ne ostanu u laði, vi ne možete živi ostati.
32 Then, the soldiers cut away the ropes of the boat, and let her fall off.
Tada vojnici odrezaše uža na èamcu i pustiše ga te pade.
33 And, until day was about to dawn, Paul continued to beseech one and all to take some food, saying—This day is, the fourteenth day, that, suspense, fasting, ye are completing, —having helped yourselves, to nothing.
A kad šæaše da svane, moljaše Pavle sve da jedu, govoreæi: èetrnaesti je dan danas kako èekate i ne jeduæi živite ništa ne okusivši.
34 Wherefore, I beseech you to take some food, —for, this, lays a foundation for your safety; for, of no one of you, shall a hair of the head perish.
Zato vas molim da jedete: jer je to za vaše zdravlje. A ni jednome od vas dlaka s glave neæe otpasti.
35 And, having said these things, and taken a loaf, he gave thanks unto God before all, and, breaking it, began to eat.
I rekavši ovo uze hljeb, i dade hvalu Bogu pred svima, i prelomivši stade jesti.
36 And, all becoming, of good cheer, they also, helped themselves to food.
Onda se svi razveselivši i oni jedoše.
37 Now we were, in the ship, in all, about seventy-six souls.
A u laði bijaše nas duša svega dvjesta i sedamdeset i šest.
38 And, when they were satisfied with food, they began lightening the ship, casting out the wheat into the sea.
I nasitivši se jela, oblakšaše laðu izbacivši pšenicu u more.
39 And, when day came, they could not recognise, the land; but perceived, a certain bay, having a beach, —upon which they were minded, if they could, safely to bring the ship.
A kad bi dan ne poznavahu zemlje; nego ugledaše nekakav zaliv s pijeskom, na koji se dogovoriše, ako bude moguæe, da izvuku laðu.
40 And, casting off the anchors, they let them go into the sea, —at the same time, loosening the lashings of the rudders, and, hoisting up the foresail to the wind, they made for the beach.
I podignuvši lengere vožahu se po moru, i odriješivši uža na krmama, i raširivši malo jedro prema vjetriæu koji duhaše, vožasmo se kraju.
41 But, falling into a place where two seas met, they ran the ship aground; and, the foreship sticking fast, remained immoveable, while, the stern, began to break up, from the violence [of the waves].
A kad doðosmo kao na jedan jezik, gdje se more kao razdjeljuje, nasadi se laða; i prednji kraj, koji se nasadi, osta tvrd da se ne može pomaknuti, a krma se razbijaše od sile valova.
42 Now, the soldiers counsel, turned out to be, that they should kill, the prisoners, lest any one should swim out and escape;
A vojnici se dogovoriše da pobiju sužnje, da koji ne ispliva i ne uteèe.
43 but, the centurion, being minded to bring Paul safely through, hindered them of their purpose, and ordered such as were able to swim, to cast themselves overboard and, get first to the land, —
Ali kapetan želeæi saèuvati Pavla zabrani njihov dogovor, i zapovjedi onima koji znadu plivati da iskoèe najprije, i da iziðu na zemlju;
44 and, the rest, some, on planks, and, some, on other things from the ship, …and, so, it came to pass, that, all, were brought safely through, on to the land.
A ostali jedni na daskama a jedni na èemu od laðe. I tako iziðoše svi živi na zemlju.

< Acts 27 >