< Acts 26 >

1 And, Agrippa, to Paul, said—It is permitted thee, on thine own behalf, to be speaking. Then Paul, stretching forth his hand, went on to make his defence.
Men Agrippa sagde til Paulus: "Det tilstedes dig at tale om dig selv." Da udrakte Paulus Hånden og forsvarede sig således:
2 Concerning all things of which I am accused by Jews, King Agrippa, I have been counting myself happy, that, before thee, am I about, this day, to be making my defence;
"Jeg agter mig selv lykkelig, fordi jeg i Dag skal forsvare mig for dig angående alle de Ting, for hvilke jeg anklages af Jøderne, Kong Agrippa!
3 especially, as thou art, well-versed, in all the Jewish customs and questions. Wherefore, I beseech thee, patiently, to hear me.
navnlig fordi du er kendt med alle Jødernes Skikke og Stridsspørgsmål; derfor beder jeg dig om, at du tålmodigt vil høre mig.
4 My manner of life, then, from my youth, which, from its commencement, was formed among my nation, even in Jerusalem, know all Jews,
Mit Levned fra Ungdommen af, som fra Begyndelsen har været ført iblandt mit Folk og i Jerusalem, vide alle Jøderne Besked om;
5 inasmuch as they were aforetime observing me, from the outset, —if they please to bear witness, —that, according to the strictest sect of our own religion, I lived, a Pharisee.
thi de kende mig i Forvejen lige fra først af (om de ellers ville vidne), at jeg har levet som Farisæer efter det strengeste Parti i vor Gudsdyrkelse.
6 And, now, for the hope of the promise, unto our fathers, being brought to pass by God, am I standing to be judged, —
Og nu står jeg her og dømmes for Håbet på den Forjættelse, som er given af Gud til vore Fædre,
7 unto which [hope], our twelve-tribed nation, with intensity, night and day, rendering divine service, is hoping to attain—concerning which hope, I am being accused by Jews, O King!
og som vort Tolvstammefolk håber at nå frem til, idet de tjene Gud uafladeligt Nat og Dag; for dette Håbs Skyld anklages jeg af Jøder, o Konge!
8 What! incredible, is it judged with you, that, God the dead doth raise?
Hvor kan det holdes for utroligt hos eder, at Gud oprejser døde?
9 I, therefore, imagined to myself, that, against the name of Jesus the Nazarene, it was needful, many hostile things, to bring about, —
Jeg selv mente nu også at burde gøre meget imod Jesu, Nazaræerens Navn,
10 which also I did in Jerusalem, yea and, many of the saints, I myself, in prisons, shut up, —the authority, from the High-priests, having received: and, when they were to be put to death, I brought against them my vote;
og det gjorde jeg også i Jerusalem; og jeg indespærrede mange af de hellige i Fængsler, da jeg havde fået Fuldmagt dertil af Ypperstepræsterne, og når de bleve slåede ihjel, gav jeg min Stemme dertil.
11 and, throughout all the synagogues, ofttimes punishing them, I would fain have compelled them to defame; and, being excessively maddened against them, I went on to pursue them as far as even the outlying cities.
Og i alle Synagogerne lod jeg dem ofte straffe og tvang dem til at tale bespotteligt, og rasende end mere imod dem forfulgte jeg dem endog til de udenlandske Byer.
12 Among which things, being on a journey unto Damascus, with the authority and commission of the High-priests,
Da jeg i dette Øjemed drog til Damaskus med Fuldmagt og Myndighed fra Ypperstepræsterne,
13 at mid-day, on the road, I saw, O King, from heaven, above the splendour of the sun, shining around me, a light, and [around] them who, with me, were journeying;
så jeg undervejs midt på Dagen, o Konge! et Lys fra Himmelen, som overgik Solens Glans, omstråle mig og dem, som rejste med mig.
14 and, when we were all fallen to the ground, I heard a voice, saying unto me, in the Hebrew language—Saul! Saul! why, me, art thou persecuting? It is hard for thee, against goads, to be kicking!
Men da vi alle faldt til Jorden, hørte jeg en Røst, som sagde til mig i det hebraiske Sprog: Saul! Saul! hvorfor forfølger du mig? det bliver dig hårdt at stampe imod Brodden.
15 And, I, said—Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said—I, am Jesus, whom, thou, art persecuting!
Og jeg sagde: Hvem er du, Herre? Men Herren sagde: Jeg er Jesus, som du forfølger.
16 But rise and stand upon thy feet; for, to this end, have I appeared unto thee, —To appoint thee an attendant and a witness, both of the things as to which thou hast seen me, and of those as to which I will appear unto thee:
Men rejs dig og stå på dine Fødder; thi derfor har jeg vist mig for dig, for at udkåre dig til Tjener og Vidne, både om det, som du har set, og om mine kommende Åbenbaringer for dig,
17 Rescuing thee from among the people, and from among the nations, unto whom, I, am sending thee—
idet jeg udfrier dig fra Folket og fra Hedningerne, til hvilke jeg udsender dig
18 To open their eyes; that they turn from darkness unto light, and the authority of Satan unto God, that they may receive remission of sins, and an inheritance among them who have been made holy by the faith respecting me.
for at oplade deres Øjne, så de må omvende sig fra Mørke til Lys og fra Satans Magt til Gud, for at de kunne få Syndernes Forladelse og Lod iblandt dem, som ere helligede ved Troen på mig.
19 Wherefore, O King Agrippa, —I became not disobedient unto the heavenly vision;
Derfor, Kong Agrippa! blev jeg ikke ulydig imod det himmelske Syn;
20 But—both to them in Damascus, first, and in Jerusalem, unto all the country of Judaea also, and unto the nations, I carried tidings—that they should repent, and turn unto God, and, works worthy of their repentance, should practise.
men jeg forkyndte både først for dem i Damaskus og så i Jerusalem og over hele Judæas Land og for Hedningerne, at de skulde fatte et andet Sind og omvende sig til Gud og gøre Gerninger, Omvendelsen værdige.
21 Because of these things, Jews seized me in the temple, and were attempting to slay me with their own hands.
For denne Sags Skyld grebe nogle Jøder mig i Helligdommen og forsøgte at slå mig ihjel.
22 So then, having met with, the help that is from God, until this day, do I stand, witnessing to both small and great, nothing else saying, than those things which both the prophets, and Moses, did say should certainly come to pass: —
Det er altså ved den Hjælp, jeg har fået fra Gud, at jeg har stået indtil denne Dag og vidnet både for små og store, idet jeg intet siger ud over det, som både Profeterne og Moses have sagt skulde ske,
23 If, to suffer, the Christ was destined, if, the first of a resurrection of the dead, he is about to carry tidings, of light, both unto the people, and unto the nations.
at Kristus skulde lide, at han som den første af de dødes Opstandelse skulde forkynde Lys både for Folket og for Hedningerne."
24 Now, as he was saying these things in his defence, Festus, with a loud voice, saith—Thou art raving, Paul! Thy great learning, is turning thee round unto, raving madness.
Men da han forsvarede sig således, sagde Festus med høj Røst: "Du raser, Paulus! den megen Lærdom gør dig rasende."
25 But Paul—I am not raving (saith he), most noble Festus, —but, the declarations of truth and soberness, am I sounding forth:
Men Paulus sagde: "Jeg raser ikke, mægtigste Festus! men jeg taler sande og betænksomme Ord.
26 For well-knoweth, the king, concerning these things, unto whom, with boldness of utterance, am I speaking; for, that these things are not hidden from him, I am well persuaded, —for, not in a corner, hath this thing been done.
Thi Kongen ved Besked om dette, og til ham taler jeg frimodigt, efterdi jeg er vis på, at slet intet af dette er skjult for ham; thi dette er ikke sket i en Vrå.
27 Believest thou, King Agrippa, in the prophets? I know that thou believest!
Tror du, Kong Agrippa, Profeterne? Jeg ved, at du tror dem."
28 And, Agrippa, [said] unto Paul—Almost, art thou persuading, me, to become a, Christian!
Men Agrippa sagde til Paulus: "Der fattes lidet i, at du overtaler mig til at blive en Kristen."
29 And, Paul, [answered] —I could pray unto God that, both almost and altogether, not only thou but all they who are hearing me this day, might become such, —as even, I, am, excepting these bonds.
Men Paulus sagde: "Jeg vilde ønske til Gud, enten der fattes lidet eller meget, at ikke alene du, men også alle, som høre mig i Dag, måtte blive sådan, som jeg selv er, på disse Lænker nær."
30 And the king rose up, and the governor, Bernice also, and they who had been sitting with them;
Da stod Kongen op og Landshøvdingen og Berenike og de, som sade hos dem.
31 And, retiring, they began conversing one with another, saying, Nothing worthy of death or of bonds, doth this man practise.
Og da de gik bort, talte de med hverandre og sagde: "Denne Mand gør intet, som fortjener Død eller Lænker."
32 And, Agrippa, unto Festus, said—This man might have been released, if he had not appealed unto Caesar.
Men Agrippa sagde til Festus: "Denne Mand kunde være løsladt, dersom han ikke havde skudt sig ind under Kejseren."

< Acts 26 >