< Acts 16 >

1 And he came even unto Derbe, and unto Lystra; and lo! a certain disciple, was there, by name Timothy, son of a believing Jewish woman, but whose father was a Greek, —
Paul'n Derbe le Lystra khom a sir sa, mahan Khristien inkhat a riming Timothy a oma. A nû khom Khristien dên Juda mi ania, a pa chu Greek ani.
2 who was well-attested by the brethren in Lystra, and Iconium.
Lystra le Iconiuma iempungei murdi'n Timothy an minlut ok ngâia.
3 The same, would Paul have go forth with him, and took and circumcised him, on account of the Jews who were in those places; for they one and all knew that, his father, was, a Greek.
Paul'n ama hah tuong rang a nuoma, ma revêla Judangei han Timothy pa hah Greek ani ti an riet sikin Timothy khom a sertan pe ani.
4 And, as they passed through the cities, they were delivering unto them, for observance, the decrees which had been decided upon by the Apostles and Elders who were in Jerusalem.
Khopuingei tin an sir malamin, Jerusalema tîrtonngei le upangei balamngei masat hah iempungei an pêk tira, jôm rang khomin he an be tira.
5 The assemblies, therefore, were being confirmed in the faith, and increasing in number, every day.
Masikin, koiindangngei hah taksônnân an rât uola nîngtin an pung titira.
6 And they passed through the Phrygian and Galatian country, being forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia;
Ratha Inthiengin Asia rama thurchi misîr a khap sikin Phrygia le Galatia ram an sîra.
7 but, coming along Mysia, they were attempting to journey into Bithynia, —and, the Spirit of Jesus, suffered them not;
Mysia ramri an tungin chu Bithynia rama se rang an bôka, hannirese, Jisua Ratha'n phal ngei maka.
8 but, passing by Mysia, they came down unto Troas.
Masikin, Mysia ram khêlin Troasa an se zoia.
9 And, a vision, by night, unto Paul appeared: —A man of Macedonia, there was, standing and beseeching him, and saying—Come over into Macedonia, and bring us succour!
Hanchu, mani jâna han Paul'n inlârnân Macedonia rama mi inkhatin “Macedonia rama hong kâi inla, mi hong san roh,” tia ngênin a mua,
10 Now, when, the vision, he had seen, straightway, we sought to go forth unto Macedonia, concluding that God, had summoned us to tell the glad tidings unto them.
Paul'n inlârna hi a mu suole chu Macedonia rama se rangin kin inthok kelen zoia, ha rama mingei kôma Thurchi Sa misîr rangin Pathien'n mi koi sikin.
11 Setting sail, therefore, from Troas, we ran straight into Samothracia, and, on the morrow, unto New City,
Troas renga rukuongin kin jôka, Samothrace kin thengpata, male anangtûka Neapolis kin sea.
12 and, from thence, unto Philippi, —which, indeed, is the first city of the part of Macedonia—a colony. And we were, in this city, spending certain days;
Ha renga hah Philippia kin sea, ha khopuilien hah Macedonia; rama khuo inkhat ania, ma biela han chu khuo kâm omtak ani. Rom mingei bung ani. Ma khuoa han sûn tamtak kin châma.
13 and on the day of rest, we went forth outside the gate, beside a river, where we supposed there was a place of prayer, —and, sitting down, we went on to speak unto the women who had come together.
Sabbathni khopui pêntienga tuidung panga Judangei chubaithona ngâi mun ni ranga kin iema han kin sea; mahan kin insunga nupang intûp ngei kôm thurchi kin misîra.
14 And, a certain woman, by name Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, devout towards God, was hearkening, whose heart, the Lord, fully opened, to be giving heed unto the things being spoken by Paul.
Ha ngei lâia mi a riming Lydia, Thyatira, khuo mi puon senduk juor ngâi, Pathiena inbei mi nupang inkhatin chong a rieta; male Paul thurchi misîr jôm rangin Pumapa'n a mulungrîl a minvâr pea.
15 And, when she was immersed, and her house, she besought [us], saying—If ye have judged me to be a believer in the Lord, come into my house, and abide [there]. And she constrained us.
Ama le a inmingeiin baptisma an chang zoiin chu, “Pumapa iem tatakin ni nan bêa anin chu ki ina hong tung roi tiin mi siel rîta,” ni sûr zoi.
16 And it came to pass, as we were on our way unto the place of prayer, a certain damsel, having a spirit of Python, met us, —who, indeed, much gain, was presenting unto her masters, by divining.
Sûnkhat chu chubaithona muna kin se lâiin suok dôngmate inkhat ramkhori sûra taruosân thei kin intongpuia, amanu han taruosân a theina sika han a pu ngei sum tamtak a lo pe ngâia.
17 The same, following after Paul and us, kept crying aloud, saying—These men, are servants of the Most High God, —who, indeed, are declaring unto you a way of salvation.
Hanu han Paul le Keini mi jûia, “Hi mi, Sanminringna lampui nangni ril ngei hih, Ânchungtak Pathien tîrlâmngei an ni hi,” tiin âniek ngâia.
18 And, this, she continued to do for many days. But Paul, worn out, and turning unto the spirit, said—I charge thee, in the name of Jesus Christ, to come out from her. And it came out the same hour.
Ma anghan, sûn tamtak a tho tenin chu Paul a mulung hoi khâi maka, a takasia. Ramkhori kôm han, “Jisua Khrista rimingin a sûng renga jôk rangin chong nang ke pêk,” a tia. Ha mitmisim kongkâr han a jôk pai kelen zoia.
19 And, her masters, seeing that their hope of gain had gone out, laying hold on Paul and Silas, dragged them into the market-place, unto the rulers;
A pumangei han an sum manna om khâi mak ti an riet lechu Paul le Silas hah an sûra, roijêkpungei kôm mipui intûpna muna an kai minlûta.
20 and, leading them forward unto the magistrates, said—These men, are exceedingly troubling our city, they, being Jews,
Rom roijêkpungei kôm an min tungin chu, “Hi mingei hih Juda an nia, kin khopuilien sûnga bâiinkhamna an sin ngâi.
21 And are declaring customs, which it is not allowable for us either to accept or to observe, being Romans.
Balam dang kin balam le ânkâl, keini Rom mingei kin pom rang le kin mang ranga ânthiengloi an misîr ngâi” an tia.
22 And the multitude rose up together against them, and, the magistrates, rending off them their mantles, were giving orders to beat them with rods;
Mipuingei hah Paul le Silas jêm rangin an inthoka. Masuole chu roijêkpungei han Paul le Silas puon an khêr pe ngeia, jêm rangin chong an pêka.
23 and, laying upon them many stripes, they thrust them into prison, charging the prison-keeper, safely, to be keeping them:
An jêm bit suole jêl ina an khuma, a ngâkpu kôm han asân khumrap rangin chong an pêka.
24 who, a charge like this receiving, thrust them into the inner prison, and, their feet, made he fast in the stocks.
Ma anghan, intâng insûng ânlâina taka a khum ngei, an kea thing kekok riktak an min bun ngeia.
25 And, at midnight, Paul and Silas, being at prayer, began singing praise unto God; and the prisoners unto them, did hearken.
Jân lâitaka chu Paul le Silas'n Pathien kôm chubai an thoa. Minpâkna lâ an thoa, intâng ina midangngeiin an rangâia.
26 And, suddenly, a great earthquake took place, —so that the foundations of the prison were shaken, and all the doors were [instantly] set open, and the bonds of all were unfastened.
Inningloiin nîngnupui a honga; intâng in lungphûmngei tena khom ânphêt heta, voikhatrengin inkhârngei hah ân-ong leta, mitin rênrokolngei hah ânkhek rila.
27 And, the prison-keeper, being wakened and seeing that the doors of the prison had been opened, drawing his sword, was about to kill himself, supposing the prisoners to have fled.
Hanchu, angâkpu a in hah a hong hara, inkhârngei in-ong letin a mua, intâng ina intângngei an rot suo zoi tiin a bôka, khandai a kaidûka, inthat rang a thoa.
28 But Paul called out with a loud voice, saying—By no means, do thyself harm, for we are, one and all, here.
Hannirese Paul'n rôl inringtakin, “Ite inlo no roh, kin rêngin kin la om let” a tia.
29 And, asking for a light, he sprang in, and becoming, agitated, fell down unto Paul and Silas,
Ama han meiser a roka, a tâna, chi le innîk pumin Paul le Silas ke bula ânbokraka.
30 and, leading them forth outside, said—Sirs! what must I be doing, that I may be saved?
Hanchu anni han a ruoi suok ngeia, “Pungei, Sanminringa ko om theina rangin imo ko tho rang?” a tia.
31 And, they, said—Believe on the Lord Jesus, and thou shalt be saved, thou, and thy house.
Anni han, “Pumapa Jisua iem inla, hanchu sanminringin om ni tih, nangma le ni inmingei leh,” tiin an thuona.
32 And they spake unto him the word of God, with all who were in his house.
Masuole chu ama le a inmingei han Pumapa thurchi an misîra.
33 And, taking them with him, in that hour of the night, he bathed them from their stripes, and was immersed, he, and his, one and all, on the spot;
Mani jâna han, ma zora lelea han an sâbengei hah a rusûk pe ngeia; hanchu ama le a inmingei baptisma an chang kelen zoi.
34 and, leading them up into his house, he set near a table, —and exulted, having, with all his house, believed in God.
Masuole Paul le Silas hah a ina a tuong ngeia, sâk rang a pêk ngeia Pathien an iem zoi sikin an insûng pumin an râiasân tatak zoi ani.
35 And. when day came. the magistrates sent off the constables saying—Let those men go!
Anangtûk jînga chu Rom roijêkpungei han, “Ha mingei hah mojôk ta roh,” ti chongpêk chôiin misûr ngâi ngei ulienngei an tîra.
36 And the prison-keeper reported the words unto Paul—The magistrates have sent, that ye be let go. Now, therefore, going forth, be taking your journey in peace.
Masikin a ngâkpu han Paul kôm, “Roijêkpungeiin nangni mojôk rangin chong an hong muthuon. Hong jôk ungla, rathânngamtakin se ta roi,” a tia.
37 But, Paul, said unto them—Beating us, in public, uncondemned, men that are Romans, they thrust us into prison; —and, now, by stealth, are they thrusting us forth? Nay, verily! but let them come, themselves, and lead us out!
Aniatachu, Paul'n misûr ngâi ulienngei kôm, “Rom miriem kêng kin ni, kin tho minchâina om le omloi luo en loiin loko makunga min jêma, intâng ina min khuma. Atûn inrûkin mi mojôk rang an ti na? Ni thei tet no nih! Anni ngêt hong rese ngei, mi hong mojôk rese ngei,” a tia.
38 And the constables reported unto the magistrates these words; and they were struck with fear, when they heard that they were, Romans;
Misûr ngâi ulienngeiin ha chong hah roijêkpungei kôm an misîra; Rom miriem anni ti an rietin chu an chi zoia.
39 and came, and besought them, and, leading them out, went on to request them to depart from the city.
Masikin an sea an vânvûia, male chu an mojôk ngeia khopuilien renga jôkpai rangin an ngêna.
40 And so, coming forth from the prison, they went unto Lydia, and, seeing the brethren, they comforted them, and went forth.
Paul le Silas hah intâng in renga an jôka, Lydia ina an sea. Mahan iempungei hah an mua, mohôkna chong an pêk ngei suole chu an mâk ngei zoia.

< Acts 16 >