< 2 Samuel 23 >

1 Now, these, are the last words of David, —The oracle of David, son of Jesse, Yea the oracle of The man raised up on high, The Anointed of the God of Jacob, the Delight of the Songs of Israel:
David, wen natul Jesse, el pa mwet se su God El oru in pwengpeng, su God lal Jacob el sulella tuh elan tokosra, oayapa el pa mwet orek on wolana lun mwet Israel. Pa inge kas safla lal David:
2 The Spirit of Yahweh, spake in me, —And, his word, was on my tongue;
Ngun lun LEUM GOD kaskas nu sik tuh nga in fahk nu suwos; Kas lal oan in oalik.
3 Said the God of Israel, Unto me, spake the Rock of Israel: —One Ruling over Men, A Righteous One, ruling in the reverence of God,
God lun Israel El kaskas tari; El su karinganang Israel El fahk nu sik, “Tokosra se su leum ke nununku suwohs, Su akos God ke el leumi mwet uh,
4 Is even as the light of the morning when ariseth the sun, —A morning, without clouds, [As] from brightness, [and] from rain, the fresh shoots out of the earth.
El oana kalmen faht ke sie lotutang wangin pukunyeng, Faht se su oru mah uh saromrom tukun af uh.”
5 When, not so, was my house with GOD, Then, a covenant age-abiding, he appointed me, Ordered in all things and guarded, Now that it is all my salvation and all my desire, Will he not make it shoot forth?
Pa inge ouiyen akinsewowo lun God nu sin fita luk, Mweyen El orala sie wulela nu sik su fah oan ma pahtpat, Sie oakwuk su ac fah tia kunausyukla, Sie wulela su ac fah tia ikilyukla. Pwayena ma nga lungse. Pa inge mwe kutangla luk, Ac God El ac fah oru tuh in sikyak ouinge.
6 But, as for the abandoned, like thorns to be tossed away are they all, —For, not with the hand, can they be taken;
A mwet tia etu ke God elos oana otonmu ma mwet uh sisla; Wangin mwet ku in kahlye fin tia nukla pao.
7 But, the man that would touch them, Must fence himself with iron, and the shaft of a spear, —Then, with fire, shall they be, consumed, on the spot!
Kom enenu in orekmakin kufwen sroasr osra, ku osra in fakfuk; Mwet inge ac fah firiryak nufon.
8 These, are the names of the mighty men, who belonged to David, —The president a Tachmonite head of the charioteers, the same, was Adino the Eznite, for eight hundred, slain at one time.
Pa inge inen mwet mweun pwengpeng lal David: mwet se meet uh pa Josheb Basshebeth mwet Tachemon, ac el mwet kol lun u se pangpang “Mwet Tolu” ah. El anwuk kin osra natul lain mwet oalfoko, ac uniya nufon ke mweun sefanna.
9 And, after him, Eleazar son of Dodo, son of Ahohi, —in the hero-class of mighty men, with David, when they reproached the Philistines, they were gathered together there to battle, but the men of Israel had gone up;
Mwet se akluo ke mwet pwengpeng tolu inge pa Eleazar, wen natul Dodo in sou lal Ahoh. Sie len ah, el ac David lain mwet Philistia su fahsreni in mweun. Mwet Israel elos foloki,
10 he, however, arose and smote among the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand clave unto his sword, so Yahweh wrought a great victory on that day, —the people, coming back after him, only to strip the slain.
a el tu na lain mwet Philistia nwe ke na paol tulakyak ac el tia ku in fuhlela cutlass natul ah. LEUM GOD El oru kutangla na yohk se in len sac. Tukun tari mweun ah, mwet Israel elos folokla nu yorol Eleazar ac elos sarukla mwe mweun liki monin mwet misa.
11 And, after him, Shammah son of Agee, the Hararite, —and, when the Philistines were gathered together into a troop, there being at hand an allotment of field-land full of lentils, but, the people, having fled from the face of the Philistines,
Mwet se aktolu ke mwet pwengpeng tolu ah pa Shammah, wen natul Agee, mwet Harar. Mwet Philistia elos tuh fahsreni nu Lehi, acn se ma oasr ima in pea se we. Mwet Israel elos kaing liki mwet Philistia,
12 then took he his stand in the midst of the allotment, and defended it, and smote the Philistines, —and Yahweh wrought a great victory.
a Shammah el tia kaing. El tu na in ima sac ac loangela, ac uniya mwet Philistia. LEUM GOD El oru kutangla na yohk se in len sac.
13 And three of the thirty chiefs descended, and came in, towards harvest, unto David, unto the cave of Adullam, —although, a troop of Philistines, were encamped in the vale of Rephaim;
Ke apkuranyang pacl in kosrani ah, tolu sin u se pangpang “Mwet Tolngoul” eltal tufokla nu ke Luf Adullam, acn David el tuh muta we. In pacl sac pacna oasr un mwet Philistia su muta ke nien aktuktuk ke Infahlfal Rephaim.
14 and, David, then was in a stronghold, —and, a garrison of Philistines, was then in Bethlehem.
Ke pacl se ingan David el muta ke sie tohktok ma kuhlusyukyak, ac sie pac un mwet Philistia elos sruokya acn Bethlehem ac muta we.
15 And David longed, and said, —Who will give me to drink water out of the well of Bethlehem, that is within the gate?
David el srounfusryak ac fahk, “Nga ke sie mwet in use kutu kof ah nimuk ke lufin kof se ke mutunpot Bethlehem.”
16 And the three mighty men brake through the camp of Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem, that was within the gate, and bare it, and brought it in unto David, —yet would he not drink, but poured it out unto Yahweh,
Mwet mweun pwengpeng tolu ah elos fokoko na sifacna utyak sasla nien aktuktuk lun mwet Philistia, na utiya kof ke lufin kof sac, ac usla nu yorol David. Tusruktu el tiana nimya, a el okoala nu infohk uh tuh in mwe kisa nu sin LEUM GOD.
17 and said—Be it far from me, O Yahweh, that I should do this! is it not the blood of the men who went with their lives [in their hands]? So he would not drink it. These things, did the three mighty men.
El fahk, “O LEUM GOD, nga koflana nim kof se inge, mweyen ac oana ngan nim srahn mwet su pilesrala moul lalos inge!” Ouinge el srangesr nim. Na pa ingan orekma pulaik lun mwet mweun pwengpeng tolu ah.
18 And. Abishai brother of Joab son of Zeruiah, he, was chief of three, in that he brandished his spear against three hundred whom he slew; and, he, had a name among three.
Abishai, tamulel lal Joab (nina kialtal pa Zeruiah) el pa mwet kol lun “Mwet Pwengpeng Tolngoul.” El anwukkin osra natul lain mwet tolfoko, ac uniya nufon. Na el mutawauk in pwengpeng inmasrlon “Mwet Tolngoul” ah.
19 Was he not most honourable, of the three, and so became their captain? Nevertheless, unto the three, he attained not.
El pa pwengpeng emeet sin “Mwet Tolngoul,” ac el mwet kol lac lalos, tusruktu el tia arulana pwengpeng oana “Mwet Tolu” ah.
20 Benaiah also, son of Jehoiadah, son of an active man, hero of many a deed, a man of Kabzeel, he, smote the two sons of Ariel of Moab, he, also went down and smote a lion in the midst of a pit, on a day of snow;
Benaiah, wen natul Jehoiada mwet Kabzeel, el sie pac mwet mweun pwengpeng, ac pus ma pulaik el orala. Sie pacl ah el uniya mwet mweun na ku luo lun mwet Moab. Oayapa sie len ma yohk snow ah, el tufoki nu in luf se ac uniya lion soko.
21 he, also smote an Egyptian, who was of valiant bearing, and, in the hand of the Egyptian, was a spear, but he went down unto him with a staff, —and wrested the spear out of the hand of the Egyptian, and slew him with his own spear.
El uniya pac sie mwet Egypt na lulap su sruokya osra soko, a Benaiah el lainul ke sikal soko. El tulakunla osra liki poun mwet Egypt sac, ac sang unilya.
22 These things, did Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and, he, had a name among three mighty men.
Pa ingan orekma pulaik lal Benaiah su sie sin “Mwet Tolngoul” ah.
23 He was the most honourable, of thirty, although, unto the three, he attained no, —so David added him to his council.
Arulana eteyuk el inmasrlolos, tusruktu el tia pwengpeng oana “Mwet Tolu” ah. David el sang tuh elan mwet kol fin mwet mweun karinginyal sifacna.
24 Asahel, brother of Joab, was among the thirty, —Elhanan, son of Dodo, of Bethlehem;
Mwet inge elos wi pac oasr ke un “Mwet Tolngoul”: Asahel, ma wial Joab Elhanan wen natul Dodo, mwet Bethlehem
25 Shammah, the Harodite; Elika, the Harodite;
Shammah ac Elika, mwet Harod
26 Helez, the Paltite, Ira, son of Ikkesh, the Tekoite;
Helez, mwet Pelet Ira wen natul Ikkesh, mwet Tekoa
27 Abiezer, the Anathothite, Mebunnai, the Hushathite;
Abiezer, mwet Anathoth Mebunnai, mwet Hushah
28 Zalmon, the Ahohite, Maharai, the Netophathite;
Zalmon, mwet Ahoh Maharai, mwet Netophah
29 Heleb, son of Baanah, the Netophathite, —Ittai, son of Ribai, of Gibeah, of the sons of Benjamin;
Heleb wen natul Baanah, mwet Netophah Ittai wen natul Ribai, mwet Gibeah in acn Benjamin
30 Benaiah, a Pirathonite, Hiddai, of the torrents of Gaash;
Benaiah, mwet Pirathon Hiddai, mwet ke infahlfal apkuran nu Gaash
31 Abi-albon, the Arbathite, Azmaveth, the Barhumite;
Abialbon, mwet Arabah Azmaveth, mwet Bahurim
32 Eliahba, the Shaalbonite, (Of) the sons of Jashen, Jonathan;
Eliahba, mwet Shaalbon Wen ekasr natul Jashen Jonathan
33 Shammah, the Hararite, Ahiam, son of Sharar, the Ararite;
Shammah, mwet Harar Ahiam wen natul Sharar, mwet Harar
34 Eliphelet, son of Ahasbai, son of the Maacathite. Eliam, son of Ahithophel, the Gilonite.
Eliphelet wen natul Ahasbai, mwet Maacah Eliam wen natul Ahithophel, mwet Gilo
35 Hezro, the Carmelite, Paarai, the Arbite;
Hezro, mwet Carmel Paarai, mwet Arab
36 Igal, son of Nathan, of Zobah, Bani, the Gadite;
Igal wen natul Nathan, mwet Zobah Bani, mwet Gad
37 Zelek, the Ammonite, —Naharai, the Beerothite, armour bearers to Joab son of Zeruiah;
Zelek, mwet Ammon Naharai, mwet Beeroth, su mwet utuk mwe mweun lal Joab wen natul Zeruiah
38 Ira, the Ithrite, Gareb, the Ithrite;
Ira ac Gareb, mwet Jattir
39 Uriah, the Hittite, In all, thirty and seven.
Uriah, mwet Hit Mwet tolngoul itkosr inge nufon elos mwet mweun pwengpeng.

< 2 Samuel 23 >