< 2 Samuel 20 >

1 Now, in that place, there happened to be an abandoned man, whose name, was Sheba son of Bichri, a man of Benjamin, —so he blew a horn, and said—We have no share in David, Nor inheritance have we in the son of Jesse, Every man to his home, O Israel!
Ondje se slučajno našao opak čovjek po imenu Šeba, Bikrijev sin, Benjaminovac. On zatrubi u rog i viknu: “Mi nemamo udjela na Davidu ni baštine na Jišajevu sinu! Svaki svome šatoru, Izraele!”
2 Then went up all the men of Israel from following David, to follow Sheba son of Bichri, —but, the men of Judah, clave unto their king, from the Jordan, even as far as Jerusalem.
Tako svi Izraelci ostaviše Davida i pođoše za Bikrijevim sinom Šebom; a Judejci prionuše uza svoga kralja i otpratiše ga od Jordana do Jeruzalema.
3 And David entered into his own house, in Jerusalem, and the king took the ten women, the concubines whom he had left to keep the house, and put them in ward, and sustained them, but, unto them, went he not in, —so they were shut up until the day of their death, in lifelong widowhood.
Kad se David vratio u svoju palaču u Jeruzalem, uze deset inoča koje je bio ostavio da čuvaju palaču i stavi ih da budu čuvane. Brinuo im se za uzdržavanje, ali nije više išao k njima. Tako su one živjele zatvorene do svoje smrti, kao udovice živoga muža.
4 Then said the king unto Amasa, Assemble me the men of Judah, within three days, —and, thou, here, take thy stand!
Potom kralj zapovjedi Amasi: “Sazovi mi Judejce do tri dana, a i ti da budeš ovdje!”
5 So Amasa went, to assemble Judah, —but he tarried beyond the fixed time, which he had appointed him.
Amasa ode da sazove Judejce, ali se zadrža preko vremena koje mu bijaše odredio kralj.
6 Then said David unto Abishai, Now, shall Sheba son of Bichri, do us more harm than Absolom, —thou, take the servants of thy lord, and pursue him, lest he have got him into fortified cities, and so have escaped our eye.
Tada David reče Abišaju: “Sad će nam Bikrijev sin Šeba biti opasniji nego Abšalom. Zato uzmi ljude svoga gospodara i pođi za njim u potjeru da se ne domogne tvrdih gradova i ne izmakne nam iz očiju!”
7 Then went out after him—the men of Joab, and the Cherethites and the Pelethites, and all the mighty men, —and they went out from Jerusalem, to pursue Sheba son of Bichri.
Za Abišajem krenu na put Joab, Kerećani, Pelećani i svi junaci; oni iziđu iz Jeruzalema u potjeru za Bikrijevim sinom Šebom.
8 When, they, were by the great stone which is in Gibeon, Amasa, had arrived before them. Now, Joab, was girded about with his war-coat as his upper garment, and, over it, a girdle with a sword, fastened upon his loins, in the sheath thereof, and, it, came out and fell.
Kad su bili kod velikoga kamena što je kod Gibeona, dođe Amasa prema njima. Joab imaše na sebi ratnu haljinu, a preko nje imaše pripasan mač uz bedro, u koricama; ali mu se mač iskliznu i pade.
9 Then said Joab unto Amasa, Art thou, well, my brother? And Joab took Amasa by the beard with his right hand, to kiss him.
Joab pozdravi Amasu: “Jesi li mi dobro, brate?” I desnom rukom uhvati za bradu Amasu da ga poljubi.
10 Amasa not heeding the sword that was in the hand of Joab, he smote him therewith in the belly, and shed out his bowels to the ground, and [struck] him not again, and he died. So, Joab and Abishai his brother, pursued Sheba son of Bichri.
Amasa se nije obazirao na mač koji bijaše Joabu u ruci, i on ga udari njim u trbuh i prosu mu utrobu na zemlju. Nije morao ponoviti udarac i Amasa umrije. Joab sa svojim bratom Abišajem nastavi potjeru za Bikrijevim sinom Šebom.
11 Now, a man, stood over him, of the young men of Joab, —and said—Whosoever is well pleased with Joab, and whosoever pertaineth to David, let him follow Joab.
Jedan od Joabovih momaka osta na straži kod Amase i tu je vikao: “Kome je mio Joab i tko je za Davida neka slijedi Joaba!”
12 But, Amasa, was wallowing in blood, in the midst of the highway, —and, when the man saw that all the people stood still, he moved Amasa, out of the highway into the field, and cast over him a garment, as soon as he saw that every man that came up to him stood still.
A Amasa ležao u krvi nasred puta. Videći onaj čovjek gdje se ustavlja sav narod, odvuče Amasu s puta u polje i baci preko njega kabanicu jer je vidio gdje se zaustavlja svatko tko naiđe blizu njega.
13 When he had removed him out of the highway, every man passed on, after Joab, to pursue Sheba son of Bichri.
Kad je Amasa bio uklonjen s puta, svi ljudi pođoše za Joabom da gone Bikrijeva sina Šebu.
14 And he passed on throughout all the tribes of Israel, unto Abel and unto Beth-maachah, and all the Berites, —and they were called together, and came in, yea and followed him.
Šeba je prošao kroza sva izraelska plemena sve do Abel Bet Maake i svi Bikrani s njim. Skupiše se oni i pođoše za njim.
15 So they came, and laid siege against him, in Abel, Beth-maachah, and they cast up a mound against the city, so that it stood within a rampart, —and, all the people who were with Joab, were battering the wall to throw it down.
Joab dođe i opsjede ga u Abel Bet Maaki. Dade nasuti nasip oko grada. Sva vojska koja bijaše s Joabom navali potkopavati zid da ga obori.
16 Then cried a wise woman out of the city, —Hear ye! hear ye! I pray you, say unto Joab, Come near hither, and let me speak unto thee.
Tada se jedna mudra žena uspe na zid i povika iz grada: “Čujte! Čujte! Recite Joabu: 'Priđi ovamo, da govorim s tobom!'”
17 So he came near unto her, and the woman said, —Art thou Joab? And he said, —I am. And she said unto him, —Hear thou the words of thy handmaid. And he said, I do hear.
Kad je prišao, upita žena: “Jesi li ti Joab?” On odgovori: “Jesam.” A ona će: “Poslušaj riječ sluškinje svoje!” On odgovori: “Slušam.”
18 Then spake she, saying, —They, used to speak, in former times, saying, Enquire, in Abel! And, so, they ended it.
Žena nastavi: “Nekoć se govorilo ovako: 'Treba pitati u Abelu i u Danu
19 I, am of the peaceable among the faithful in Israel, —thou, art seeking to put to death a city, and a mother in Israel, wherefore wouldst thou swallow up the inheritance of Yahweh?
je li svršeno s onim što su utvrdili vjernici u Izraelu.' Ti bi htio uništiti jedan grad, i to jedan od matičnih gradova u Izraelu. Zašto zatireš baštinu Jahvinu?”
20 Then answered Joab and said, —Far be it! far be it from me! I will neither swallow up nor lay waste.
Joab odgovori ovako: “Daleko, daleko bilo to od mene! Ne želim ni zatirati ni razarati.
21 Not so, is the matter! but, a man of the hill country of Ephraim, Sheba son of Bichri, his name, hath lifted up his hand against the king, even against David, give up him alone, and I will depart from the city. And the woman said unto Joab, Lo! his head, shall be cast unto thee, through the wall.
Ne radi se o tome, nego je jedan čovjek iz Efrajimove gore, po imenu Šeba, Bikrijev sin, podigao ruku na kralja, na Davida. Predajte samo njega, pa ću otići od grada!” Žena odgovori Joabu: “Dobro. Odmah će ti njegovu glavu baciti preko zida!”
22 So the woman came unto all the people in her wisdom, and they cut off the head of Sheba son of Bichri, and cast it out unto Joab. And he blew with a horn, and they dispersed themselves from the city, every man to his home; but, Joab, returned to Jerusalem unto the king.
Žena se vrati u grad i progovori svemu narodu kako joj je govorila njezina mudrost. I odsjekoše glavu Bikrijevu sinu Šebi i baciše je Joabu. A on zapovjedi da zatrube u rog te se raziđoše od grada, svaki u svoj kraj. A Joab se vrati kralju u Jeruzalem.
23 And, Joab, was [restored] unto all the army of Israel, —And, Benaiah, son of Jehoiada, was over the Cherethites and over the Pelethites,
Joab je bio zapovjednik nad svom vojskom. Jojadin sin Benaja bio je zapovjednik nad Kerećanima i Pelećanima.
24 And, Adoniram, was over the tribute, —And, Jehoshaphat, son of Ahilud, was the remembrancer;
Adoram je bio nadglednik nad radovima. Ahiludov sin Jošafat bio je pečatnik.
25 And, Sheva, was scribe, —And, Zadok and Abiathar, were priests;
Seraja je bio državni pisar. Sadok i Ebjatar bijahu svećenici.
26 Moreover also, Ira the Jairite, was chief ruler unto David.
Uz to je Jairanin Ira bio zamjenik Davidov.

< 2 Samuel 20 >