< 2 Kings 21 >

1 Twelve years old, was Manasseh when he began to reign, and, fifty-five years, reigned he in Jerusalem, —and the name of his mother was Hephzibah.
UManase wayeleminyaka elitshumi lambili lapho esiba yinkosi; wabusa iminyaka engamatshumi amahlanu lanhlanu eJerusalema. Lebizo likanina lalinguHefiziba.
2 And he did the thing that was wicked in the eyes of Yahweh, —after the abominable practices of the nations, whom Yahweh had dispossessed from before the sons of Israel.
Wasesenza okubi emehlweni eNkosi njengokwamanyala ezizwe iNkosi eyazixotsha elifeni phambi kwabantwana bakoIsrayeli.
3 He again built the high places, which Hezekiah his father had destroyed, —and reared altars to Baal, and made a Sacred Stem, as did Ahab, king of Israel, and bowed down to all the army of the heavens, and served them.
Ngoba wabuya wakha indawo eziphakemeyo uyise uHezekhiya ayezichithile, wamisela uBhali amalathi, wenza isixuku, njengokwenza kukaAhabi inkosi yakoIsrayeli, wakhothamela ibutho lonke lamazulu, walikhonza.
4 And he used to build altars in the house of Yahweh, —concerning which Yahweh had said, —In Jerusalem, will I put my Name.
Wasesakha amalathi endlini yeNkosi, iNkosi eyathi ngayo: EJerusalema ngizabeka ibizo lami.
5 And he built altars to all the army of the heavens, —in the two courts of the house of Yahweh;
Wasesakhela ibutho lonke lamazulu amalathi emagumeni womabili endlini yeNkosi.
6 and caused his son to pass through the fire, and practised hidden arts and used divination, and dealt with a familiar spirit and wizards, —he exceeded in doing the thing that was wicked in the eyes of Yahweh, provoking [him] to anger;
Wasedabulisa indodana yakhe emlilweni, wachasisa ngemibono, wenza imilingo, wasebenza labalamadlozi labalumbayo. Wenza okubi kakhulu emehlweni eNkosi ukuyithukuthelisa.
7 and he set the image of the Sacred Stem which he had made, —in the house, of which Yahweh had said unto David, and unto Solomon his son, In this house, and in Jerusalem which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, will I put my Name, unto times age-abiding;
Wasemisa isithombe esibaziweyo sesixuku ayesenzile endlini, iNkosi eyakhuluma ngayo kuDavida lakuSolomoni indodana yakhe yathi: Kulindlu, leJerusalema engiyikhethe kuzo zonke izizwe zakoIsrayeli, ngizabeka ibizo lami kuze kube nininini.
8 and I will not again let the foot of Israel wander away from the soil which I gave unto their fathers. Only if they take heed to do according to all that I have commanded them, even to the extent of all the law which, my servant Moses, commanded them.
Kangisayikuzulisa unyawo lukaIsrayeli luphume futhi elizweni engalinika oyise, kuphela uba bezananzelela ukwenza njengakho konke engabalaya khona langokomlayo wonke inceku yami uMozisi eyabalaya wona.
9 But they hearkened not, —and Manasseh led them astray to do the thing that was wicked, more than the nations which Yahweh destroyed from before the sons of Israel.
Kodwa kabalalelanga; uManase wasebaphambukisa ukuthi benze okubi okwedlula izizwe iNkosi eyazichitha phambi kwabantwana bakoIsrayeli.
10 Yahweh therefore spake through his servants the prophets saying—
INkosi yasikhuluma ngezinceku zayo abaprofethi isithi:
11 Because Manasseh king of Judah hath made these abominations—hath done that which is wicked, more than all which the Amorites did who were before him, and hath caused, even Judah, to sin with his manufactured gods,
Ngenxa yokuthi uManase inkosi yakoJuda wenzile lamanyala, wenze okubi okwedlula konke amaAmori akwenzayo, ayephambi kwakhe, wonisa loJuda ngezithombe zakhe.
12 therefore—Thus, saith Yahweh, God of Israel, Behold me! bringing in calamity upon Jerusalem and Judah, —that, whosoever heareth thereof, both his ears, will tingle;
Ngakho itsho njalo iNkosi, uNkulunkulu kaIsrayeli: Khangela, ngiletha okubi phezu kweJerusalema loJuda kuthi laye wonke ozwayo indlebe zakhe zombili zizakhenceza ngakho.
13 And I will stretch over Jerusalem, the line of Samaria, and the plummet of the house of Ahab, —and will wipe out Jerusalem, as one wipeth out a dish, wiping it and turning it upside down;
Ngizakwelula phezu kweJerusalema intambo yeSamariya, lentambo yokulinganisa yendlu kaAhabi, ngiyesule iJerusalema njengowesula umganu, awesule awumbokothe.
14 And will abandon the remnant of mine inheritance, and deliver them into the hand of their enemies, —and they shall become a prey and a plunder, to all their enemies:
Njalo ngizatshiya insali yelifa lami, ngibanikele esandleni sezitha zabo, babe ngokubanjiweyo lempango kwezitha zabo zonke,
15 Because they have done the thing that is wicked in mine eyes, and have become such as to provoke me to anger, —from the day when their fathers came forth out of Egypt, even until this day.
ngenxa yokuthi benzile okubi emehlweni ami, bayangithukuthelisa, kusukela osukwini oyise abaphuma ngalo eGibhithe ngitsho kuze kube lamuhla.
16 Moreover also, innocent blood, did Manasseh shed in great abundance, till he had filled Jerusalem, from one end to the other, besides his committing the sins which he caused, Judah, to commit, in doing the thing that was wicked in the eyes of Yahweh.
Futhi-ke uManase uchithile igazi elinengi kakhulu elingelacala waze wayigcwalisa iJerusalema kusukela ekuqaleni kuze kube sekucineni, ngaphandle kwesono sakhe enza ngaso uJuda ukuthi one, ukwenza okubi emehlweni eNkosi.
17 Now, the rest of the story of Manasseh, and all that he did, and his sin that he committed, are, they, not written in the book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?
Ezinye-ke zezindaba zikaManase, lakho konke akwenzayo, lesono sakhe asonayo, kakubhalwanga yini egwalweni lwemilando yamakhosi akoJuda?
18 And Manasseh slept with his fathers, and was buried in the garden of his own house, in the garden of Uzza, —and, Amon his son, reigned, in his stead.
UManase waselala laboyise, wangcwatshelwa esivandeni sendlu yakhe, esivandeni sikaUza. UAmoni indodana yakhe wasesiba yinkosi esikhundleni sakhe.
19 Twenty-two years old, was Amon when he began to reign, and, two years, reigned he in Jerusalem, —and, his mother’s name, was Meshullemeth daughter of Haruz, of Jotbah.
UAmoni wayeleminyaka engamatshumi amabili lambili lapho esiba yinkosi; wabusa iminyaka emibili eJerusalema. Lebizo likanina lalinguMeshulemethi indodakazi kaHaruzi weJotiba.
20 And he did the thing that was wicked in the eyes of Yahweh, —as did Manasseh his father;
Wasesenza okubi emehlweni eNkosi njengokwenza kukaManase uyise.
21 yea he walked in all the way wherein, his father, had walked, —and served the manufactured gods that, his father, had served, and bowed down to them;
Wahamba ngendlela yonke uyise ahamba ngayo, wakhonza izithombe uyise azikhonzayo, wakhothama kuzo.
22 and forsook Yahweh the God of his fathers, —and walked not in the way of Yahweh.
Wayidela iNkosi, uNkulunkulu waboyise, kahambanga ngendlela yeNkosi.
23 And the servants of Amon, conspired against him, —and slew the king in his own house.
Izinceku zikaAmoni zasezimenzela ugobe, zabulala inkosi endlini yayo.
24 Then the people of the land smote all who had conspired against King Amon, —and the people of the land made, Josiah his son, king, in his stead.
Kodwa abantu belizwe babatshaya bonke labo ababenzele inkosi uAmoni ugobe; abantu belizwe basebebeka uJosiya indodana yakhe ukuba yinkosi esikhundleni sakhe.
25 Now, the rest of the story of Amon, what he did, is, it, not written in the book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?
Ezinye-ke zezindaba zikaAmoni azenzayo kazibhalwanga yini egwalweni lwemilando yamakhosi akoJuda?
26 And he was buried in his grave, in the garden of Uzza, —and, Josiah his son, reigned, in his stead.
Wasengcwatshelwa engcwabeni lakhe esivandeni sikaUza. UJosiya indodana yakhe wasesiba yinkosi esikhundleni sakhe.

< 2 Kings 21 >