< 2 Corinthians 4 >

1 Wherefore, having this ministry, even as we received mercy, we faint not;
Yenii, tinga li tuol, nan wan gbad tipo miniñuma tindatie ya nub wad tipala.
2 But have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully, —but, by the manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves unto every conscience of men, in the sight of God.
Toma, tiŋa ya soani n tie fie yeni ŋasili kul.
3 And, even if our glad-message is veiled, in them who are perishing, it is veiled,
Ama tilaabal ŋamo ya wo, liwo yaaba bu bia ya po i.
4 In whom, the god of this age, hath blinded the minds of the unbelieving, to the end they may not discern the radiance of the glad-message of the glory of the Christ—who is the image of God. (aiōn g165)
Yeyapo, Liŋaduli tienu juani yaaba ke daani. Yeni bi kan fid k la o tienu laabal yeyema, o kristi yal lan tie o tienu nan nant. (aiōn g165)
5 For, not ourselves, do we proclaim, but Christ Jesus, as Lord, and, ourselves, as your servants for Jesus’ sake.
Tisongidi ti maama ka, ama Jesu christi yaa n tie ti yomdaano, tinb o tuo sonla yaaba n tie Jesu bukaaba.
6 Because, the God who said—Out of darkness, light shall shine! [is he] who hath shone in our hearts, in proportion to the radiance of the glorious knowledge of God, in the face of Christ.
O tienu biba n maad: “Ke mi yeyema n yed liboaboali, “yen miyed tipala, mi yeyema n teni o tienu tikpiagidi, Jesu nugani.
7 Howbeit we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that, the surpassing greatness of the power, may be of God, and not from ourselves: —
Ama tipia ya faal yen oyoagu ya cualine, klma o palu kul tie o tienu ya yaalela tie tiyaka.
8 On every side, pressed hard, but not hemmed in, without a way, but not without a by-way,
Ama bimadt: bobuolu kul ya po. Ama ti yam ŋmad, Ama ti yam k yaad. Tinaan luo tidugidi o tienu po.
9 Pursued, but not abandoned, thrown down, but not destroyed; —
Bimadti ama o tienu naŋati, bi puati ama o tienu naŋa k bi kpati.
10 At all times, the putting to death of Jesus, in our body, bearing about, in order that, the life also of Jesus, in our body, may be made manifest;
Ti kubi dalkul tikum Jesu yelini, ki lan fid Jesu mial n yed tigbanand.
11 For, evermore, we, the living, unto death are being delivered, for Jesus’ sake, in order that, the life also of Jesus, may be made manifest in our mortal flesh:
Tinb yab da pialimial, titogidi dal kul m kum ke lan fid Jesu mial yed tingbanand kul.
12 So that, his death, in us, doth energise, but, his life, in you.
Lan mimoni yapo, m kum soani li tuoli tigbanandi ni, ama ke li mial soani li tuoli i ya gbanandi ni
13 Howbeit, seeing that we have the same spirit of faith, according to that which is written—I believed, therefore I spake, we, also believe, therefore also we speak:
Ama mani lan diani ke tukul pia dandanli yeni o fuom yua yema. N daani, lani n ced k n maadi'i ma daani, lanin ced ki mo maadi yema.
14 Knowing that, he who raised up [the Lord] Jesus, will raise up, us also, together with Jesus, and will present [us] together with you.
Ti bani ke yua yied tiyomdaano Jesu bu yied timo, ki tugi tinba yeni yiba kul ki ged yenti o nituali.
15 For, all things, are for your sakes, in order that, the favour abounding, may, through means of the greater number, cause, the thanksgiving, to superabound unto the glory of God.
Ki lan fid libolikuli n tua i buama, nani o ŋabli n yiad k mani nul kulyapo yeni'i, ki o ŋabli tuona moa pudi k kpiagidi o yel.
16 Wherefore we faint not, but, even if, our outer man, is decaying, nevertheless, our inner [man], is renewing day by day.
Yen tibu kan wad tipala. Batiya kpe, ti nano baali pande dal n tu dal.
17 For, the momentary lightness of the tribulation, in a manner yet more and more excelling, is working out for us, an age-abiding weight of glory, — (aiōnios g166)
Tin ye yayuogune, fala yua ye tipo tie wamu ne, ke bobidi ya kpiagidi n waagidiki goaki pia bigima. (aiōnios g166)
18 So long as we are not looking out for the visible things, but for the invisible; for, the visible things, are temporary, whereas, the invisible, are age-abiding. (aiōnios g166)
Tin da noa ti nuoa yaali ka, ama tin ya noa tin ke noa yaali yabona n pia minoalima kan wagi, ya bona n ke pia noalima wagidibocienla. (aiōnios g166)

< 2 Corinthians 4 >