< 2 Chronicles 8 >

1 And it came to pass, at the end of twenty years, wherein Solomon had built the house of Yahweh, and his own house,
Ikawa karibu ya mwisho wa miaka ishirini, kipindi ambacho Selemani alikuwa ameijenga nyumba ya Yahwe na ya kwake mwenye,
2 that, the cities which Huram had given to Solomon, Solomon built them, —and caused, the sons of Israel, to dwell there.
kwamba Selemani akaiajenga miji ambayo Hiramu alikuwa amempa, na ndani yake akawaweka watu wa Israeli.
3 And Solomon went to Hamath-zobah, —and prevailed against it;
Selemani akauavamia Hamathzoba, akaushinda.
4 and he built Tadmor, in the wilderness, —and all the store cities, which he built in Hamath;
Akaijenga Tadmori katika nyika, na miji yote ya hazina, ambayo aliijenga katika Hamathi.
5 and he built Beth-horon, the upper, and Beth-horon, the nether, —fortified cities, with walls, and doors and bars;
Pia akaujenga Beth-horoni wa juu, na Beth-horoni wa chini, miji iliyozungushiwa kwa ukuta, malango, na makomeo.
6 and Baalath, and all the store cities which pertained to Solomon, and all the chariot cities, and the cities of the horsemen, —and every delight of Solomon which he delighted to build in Jerusalem, and in the Lebanon, and in all the land of his dominion.
Akaujenga Baalathi na miji yote ya hazina aliyoimiliki, na miji yote kwa ajili ya magari yake na miji kwa ajili ya wapanda farasi wake, na chochote alichotamani kujenga kwa ajili ya starehe zake katika Yerusalemu, katika Lebanoni, na katika nchi zote zilizokuwa chini ya utawala wake.
7 As for all the people that were left, of the Hittites and the Amorites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, who were not, of Israel; —
Kuhusu watu wengine wote ambao walikuwa wamesalia wa Wahiti, Waamori, Waperizi, Wahivi, Wayebusi, ambao hawakuwa wa Israeli,
8 of their sons who were left after them in the land, whom the sons of Israel had not utterly destroyed, Solomon enrolled them as tributary—unto this day.
watoto wao ambao waliachwa baada yao katika nchi, ambaoa watu wa Israeli hawakuwaangamiza—Selemani akawafanyisha kazi kwa nguvu, ndivyo walivyo hata leo.
9 But, of the sons of Israel, were there none whom he delivered up as bondmen unto his work, —for, they, were men of war, and his captains and his heroes, and captains over his chariots, and his horsemen.
Vile vile, Selemani hakuwafanyisha kazi kwa nguvu watu wa Israeli. Badala yake, wakawa wanajeshsi wake, maakida wake, wakuu wake, na maakida wa magari ya majeshi yake na wapanda farasi wake.
10 These, moreover, were the chiefs of his officers whom King Solomon had, two hundred and fifty, —who wielded dominion over the people.
Pia hawa walikuwa wakuu wa wakuu wakisimamia wasimamizi waliokuwa wa mfalme Selemani, walikuwa 250, waliowasimamia watu walioifanya kazi.
11 And, the daughter of Pharaoh, Solomon brought up, out of the city of David, unto the house which he had built for her, —for he said, A wife of mine must not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, for holy are those places whereinto the ark of Yahweh hath come.
Selemani akamleta binti Farao nje ya mji wa Daudi kwenye nyumba aaliyokuwa amemjengea, kwa maana alisema, “Mke wangu lazima asiishi kataika nyumba ya Daudi mfalme wa Israeli, kwa sababu kila linapokuja sanduku la Yahwe ni takatifu”.
12 Then, Solomon offered up ascending-sacrifices, unto Yahweh, —upon the altar of Yahweh, which he had built before the porch:
Kisha Selemani akatoa sadaka za kuteketezwa juu ya madhabahu yake ambayo alikuwa ametengeza mbele ya ukumbi.
13 even according to the duty of each a day upon [its own] day, offering up according to the commandment of Moses, for the sabbaths, and for the new moons, and for the appointed feasts, three times in the year, —in the festival of unleavened cakes and in the festival of weeks, and in the festival of booths;
Akatoa sadaka kama ilivyohitaka katika ratiba ya kila siku; akazitoa, kwa kufuata maelekezo yaliyokuwa katika amari ya Musa, katika siku za Sabato, miezi mipya, na katika siku zilizopangwa mara tatu kila mwaka: Sikukuu ya mikate isiyochachwa, sikukuu ya majuma, na sikuku ya vibanda.
14 and he caused to stand, according to the regulation of David his father, the courses of the priests over their service and of the Levites over their charges, to offer praise and to minister before the priests, for the duty of each day upon its own day, and the gate-keepers in their courses, at every several gate, —for, such, was the commandment of David the man of God;
Katika kuyatunza maagizo ya baba yake Daudi, Selemani akayapanga makundi ya makuhani kwenye kazi yao, na Walawi kwenye nafasi zao, ili kumsisfu Mungu na kuhudumu mbele za makuhani, kama ilivyotakiwa katika ratiba ya kila siku. Pia akawateua walinda lango kwa zamu zao kwa kila lango, kwa maana Daudi, mtu wa Mungu, alikuwa ameagiza hivyo pia.
15 neither departed they from the commandment of the king, concerning the priests and the Levites as to any duty, or as to the treasuries.
Watu hawa hawakupotea kutoka kwenye amri ya mfalme kwa makuhani na Walawi kuhusu jambo lolote, au kuhusu vyumba vya hazina.
16 So all the work of Solomon was prepared, from the day of founding the house of Yahweh, even as far as the finishing thereof, —complete was the house of Yahweh.
Kazi yote aliyoagizwa na Selemani ikakamilika, kutoka siku msingi wa nyumba ya Yahwe ulipowekwa hadi ilipokamilika. Nyumba ya Yahwe ikamalizika.
17 Then, went Solomon to Ezion-geber, and unto Eloth on the seashore in the land of Edom.
Kisha Selemani akaenda Esion geberi, na Elothi, juu ya pwani katika nchi ya Edomu.
18 And Huram sent him—by the hand of his servants—ships, and servants skilled in the sea, and they came, with the servants of Solomon, towards Ophir, and took from thence, four hundred and fifty talents of gold, —and brought unto King Solomon.
Hiramu akatuma meli zake kupitia watumishi wake ambao walikuwa wana maji wenye uzoefu. Wakasafiri na Selemani na watumishi wa Semani hadi Ofiri. Wakachukua kutoka huko talanta 450 za dhahabu ambazo walimletea Selemani.

< 2 Chronicles 8 >