< 2 Chronicles 4 >

1 And he made an altar of bronze, twenty cubits, the length thereof, and, twenty cubits, the breadth thereof, —and, ten cubits, the height thereof.
Fremdeles lavede han et Kobberalter, tyve Alen bredt og ti Alen højt.
2 And he made a molten sea, —ten—by the cubit, from the one brim thereof into the other brim thereof, it was round all about, and, five—by the cubit, was the height thereof, and, a line—of thirty by the cubit, did compass it round about.
Fremdeles lavede han Havet i støbt Arbejde, ti Alen fra Rand til Rand, helt rundt, fem Alen højt; det maalte tredive Alen i Omkreds.
3 And, the likeness of oxen, was under it round about on every side, encircling it, ten in a cubit, going round the sea, on every side, -two rows of oxen, made in the casting.
Under Randen var det hele Vejen rundt omgivet af agurklignende Prydelser, der omsluttede Havet helt rundt, tredive Alen; i to Rækker sad de agurklignende Prydelser, støbt i eet dermed.
4 It was standing on twelve oxen, three, looking toward the north, and, three, looking toward the west, and, three, looking toward the south, and, three, looking toward the east, the sea, being upon them above, —and, all their hinder parts, inward.
Det stod paa tolv Okser, saaledes at tre vendte mod Nord, tre mod Vest, tre mod Syd og tre mod Øst; Havet stod oven paa dem; de vendte alle Bagkroppen indad.
5 And, the thickness thereof, was a hand-breadth, and, the brim thereof, was like the brim-work of a cup, with blossoms of lilies, —it could hold [many] baths, three thousand, would it contain.
Det var en Haandsbred tykt, og Randen var formet som Randen paa et Bæger, som en udsprungen Lilje. Det tog 3000 Bat.
6 And he made ten lavers, and set five on the right hand—and five on the left, to bathe therein, what is offered as an ascending-sacrifice, do they rinse therein, —but, the sea, was, that the priests should bathe therein.
Fremdeles lavede han ti Bækkener og satte fem til højre og fem til venstre, til Tvætning; i dem skyllede man, hvad der brugtes ved Brændofrene, medens Præsterne brugte Havet til at tvætte sig i.
7 And he made ten lampstands of gold according to the regulation thereof, —and set in the temple, five, on the right hand, and, five, on the left.
Fremdeles lavede han de ti Guldlysestager, som de skulde være, og satte dem i Helligdommen, fem til højre og fem til venstre.
8 And he made ten tables, and placed in the temple, five, on the right hand, and, five, on the left, —and he made a hundred tossing bowls of gold.
Fremdeles lavede han ti Borde og satte dem i Helligdommen, fem til højre og fem til venstre; tillige lavede han 100 Skaale af Guld.
9 And he made the court of the priests, and the large enclosure, —and doors to the enclosure, and, the doors thereof, overlaid he with bronze.
Fremdeles indrettede han Præsternes Forgaard og den store Gaard og Porte til Gaarden; Portfløjene overtrak han med Kobber.
10 And, the sea, he set on the right side of the house, eastward over against the south.
Havet opstillede han ved Templets Sydside, ved det sydøstre Hjørne.
11 And Huram made—the pans, and the shovels, and the tossing bowls, —and Huram finished doing the work, which he did for King Solomon, in the house of God: —
Fremdeles lavede Huram Karrene, Skovlene og Skaalene. Dermed var Huram færdig med sit Arbejde for Kong Salomo ved Guds Hus:
12 two pillars, and the bowls and the capitals on the top of the two pillars, and the two frames of checker work, to cover the two bowls of the capitals, which were on the top of the pillars;
De to Søjler og de to kugleformede Søjlehoveder ovenpaa, de to Fletværker til at dække de to, kugleformede Søjlehoveder paa Søjlerne,
13 and four hundred pomegranates, for the two frames, -two rows of pomegranates, for each frame, for covering the two bowls of the capitals, which were on the face of the pillars;
de 400 Granatæbler til de to Fletværker, to Rækker Granatæbler til hvert Fletværk til at dække de to kugleformede Søjlehoveder paa de to Søjler,
14 and, the stands, made he, —and, the lavers, made he upon the stands;
de ti Stel med de ti Bækkener paa,
15 the one sea, —and the twelve oxen under it;
Havet med de tolv Okser under.
16 and, the pans and the shovels and the flesh-hooks, and all the vessels, made Huram his father for King Solomon, for the house of Yahweh, —of burnished bronze,
Karrene, Skovlene og Skaalene og alle de Ting, som hørte til, lavede Huram-Abi af blankt Kobber for Kong Salomo til HERRENS Hus.
17 In the circuit of the Jordan, did the king cast them, in the clay ground between Succoth and Zeredah.
I Jordandalen lod Kongen dem støbe, ved Adamas Vadested mellem Sukkot og Zereda.
18 So Solomon made all these utensils, in great abundance, —for the weight of the bronze could not be searched out.
Salomo lod alle disse Ting lave i stor Mængde, thi Kobberet blev ikke vejet.
19 Yea Solomon made all the utensils which were for the house of God, —and the altar of gold, and the tables, whereon was the Presence-bread;
Og Salomo lod alle Tingene, som hørte til Guds Hus, lave: Guldalteret, Bordene, som Skuebrødene laa paa,
20 and the lamp-holders and their lamps, that they should burn according to the regulation before the shrine, of purified gold;
Lysestagerne med Lamperne, der skulde tændes paa den foreskrevne Maade, foran Inderhallen, af purt Guld,
21 and the blossom-work, and the lamps, and the tongs, of gold, —the same, was the purest gold;
med Blomsterbægrene, Lamperne og Lysesaksene af Guld, ja af det allerbedste Guld,
22 and the snuffers and the bowls and the spoons and the censers, of purified gold, —and the entrance of the house, the inner doors thereof for the holy of holies, and the doors of the house of the temple, were of gold.
Knivene, Skaalene, Kanderne og Panderne af fint Guld og Dørhængslerne til Templet, til Inderdørene for det Allerhelligste og til Dørene for det Hellige, af Guld.

< 2 Chronicles 4 >