< 2 Chronicles 24 >

1 Seven years old, was Joash when he began to reign, and, forty years, reigned he, in Jerusalem, —and, the name of his mother, was Zibiah, of Beersheba.
Joáš je bil star sedem let, ko je začel kraljevati in v Jeruzalemu je kraljeval štirideset let. Ime njegove matere je bilo Cibja iz Beeršébe.
2 And Joash did that which was right, in the eyes of Yahweh, -all the days of Jehoiada the priest.
Joáš je delal to, kar je bilo pravilno v Gospodovih očeh, vse dni duhovnika Jojadája.
3 And Jehoiada took for him two wives, —and he begat sons and daughters.
Jojadá je zanj vzel dve ženi in zaplodil je sinove in hčere.
4 And it came to pass, after this, that it was near the heart of Joash to renew the house of Yahweh.
Za tem se je pripetilo, da je imel Joáš na srcu, da popravi Gospodovo hišo.
5 So he gathered together the priests and the Levites, and said unto them—Go ye out unto the cities of Judah, and gather out of all Israel silver to repair the house of your God, year by year, and, ye, shall hasten the matter, —but the Levites hastened it not.
Skupaj je zbral duhovnike in Lévijevce ter jim rekel: »Pojdite ven v Judova mesta in od vsega Izraela zbirajte denar za popravilo hiše svojega Boga iz leta v leto in glejte, da pohitrite zadevo. Vendar Lévijevci niso pohiteli.
6 Then the king called for Jehoiada the chief, and said unto him, Wherefore hast thou not required of the Levites, to bring in out of Judah and out of Jerusalem the tribute of Moses the servant of Yahweh, and of the convocation of Israel, —for the tent of testimony?
Kralj je dal poklicati vodja Jojadája ter mu rekel: »Zakaj nisi od Lévijevcev zahteval, da iz Juda in Jeruzalema prinašajo nabirko, glede na zapoved Mojzesa, Gospodovega služabnika in iz Izraelove skupnosti za šotorsko svetišče pričevanja?
7 For, as for Athaliah the Lawless, her sons, brake up the House of God, —moreover, all the hallowed things of the house of Yahweh, offered they unto the Baalim.
Kajti sinovi te zlobne ženske Atalje so razbili Božjo hišo in tudi vse posvečene stvari Gospodove hiše so podelili Báalom.
8 So the king bade [them], and they made a certain chest, —and set it in the gate of the house of Yahweh, outside.
Na kraljevo zapoved so naredili zaboj in ga postavili zunaj pri velikih vratih Gospodove hiše.
9 And they made a proclamation, throughout Judah and Jerusalem, to bring in unto Yahweh the tribute of Moses the servant of God, laid upon Israel in the desert.
Naredili so razglas po vsem Judu in Jeruzalemu, naj prinašajo Gospodu nabirko, ki jo je Božji služabnik Mojzes naložil Izraelu v divjini.
10 And all the rulers and all the people rejoiced, —and brought in and cast into the chest, until they had finished.
Vsi princi in vse ljudstvo se je veselilo, prinašalo in metalo v zaboj, dokler niso končali.
11 And it came to pass, what time the chest was brought into the office of the king by the hand of the Levites, and when they had seen that abundant was the silver, that the scribe of the king came in, and the officer of the chief priest, and they emptied the chest, and bare it, and put it back in its place, —thus, they did, day by day, and collected silver, in abundance;
Torej pripetilo se je, da kadar je bil zaboj po roki Lévijevcev prinesen v kraljevo pisarno in ko so videli, da je bilo v njem veliko denarja, sta prišla kraljevi pisar in častnik vélikega duhovnika ter izpraznila zaboj in ga vzela ter ga ponovno odnesla na njegov kraj. Tako so delali dan za dnem in zbrali denarja v obilju.
12 and the king and Jehoiada gave it unto such as were doing the work of labouring upon the house of Yahweh, and they were hiring masons and carpenters, to renew the house of Yahweh, —moreover also, such as were fashioners of iron and bronze, to repair the house of Yahweh.
Kralj in Jojadá sta ga dajala tistim, ki so opravljali delo službe Gospodove hiše ter najemala zidarje in tesarje, da obnovijo Gospodovo hišo in tudi tiste, ki so kovali železo in bron, da popravijo Gospodovo hišo.
13 So the doers of the work wrought, and the work of restoration went forward, in their hand, —and they caused the house of God to stand forth according to its due proportions, and made it strong.
Tako so delavci delali in delo dovršili in Božjo hišo so postavili v njeno stanje in jo utrdili.
14 And, when they had finished, they brought in before the king and Jehoiada the rest of the silver, and he made it into utensils for the house of Yahweh, utensils of attendance, and bowls and spoons, even utensils of gold and silver. Then were they offering ascending-sacrifices in the house of Yahweh, continually, all the days of Jehoiada.
Ko so jo končali, so preostanek denarja prinesli pred kralja in Jojadája, s čimer so bile narejene posode za Gospodovo hišo, torej posode za služenje in da z njimi darujejo ter žlice in posode iz zlata in srebra. In nenehno so darovali žgalne daritve v Gospodovi hiši, vse Jojadájeve dni.
15 But Jehoiada waxed old and became satisfied with days, and died, —a hundred and thirty years old, when he died.
Toda Jojadá se je postaral in ko je umrl, je bil izpolnjen z dnevi in ko je umrl, je bil star sto trideset let.
16 And they buried him in the city of David, with the kings, —because he had done good in Israel, both toward God and his house.
Pokopali so ga med kralji v Davidovem mestu, ker je delal dobro v Izraelu, tako za Boga kot za svojo hišo.
17 Now, after the death of Jehoiada, came the rulers of Judah, and bowed themselves down unto the king, —then, hearkened the king unto them.
Torej po smrti Jojadája so prišli Judovi princi in se globoko priklonili kralju. Potem jim je kralj prisluhnil.
18 And they forsook the house of Yahweh, God of their fathers, and served the Sacred Stems, and the images, —so there was wrath against Judah and Jerusalem, for this their guilt.
Zapustili so hišo Gospoda, Boga svojih očetov in služili ašeram in malikom in zaradi tega njihovega prekrška je prišel bes nad Juda in Jeruzalem.
19 And he sent among them prophets, to bring them back unto Yahweh, —and they testified against them, but they would not give ear.
Vendar jim je pošiljal preroke, da jih ponovno privedejo h Gospodu in ti so pričevali zoper njih, toda oni jim niso hoteli prisluhnili.
20 And, the spirit of God, clothed Zechariah son of Jehoiada the priest, and he took his stand above the people, —and said unto them, Thus, saith God, Wherefore are, ye, transgressing the commandments of Yahweh, so that ye cannot prosper, because ye have forsaken Yahweh, therefore hath he forsaken you.
In Božji Duh je prišel nad Zeharjá, sina duhovnika Jojadája, ki je stal nad ljudstvom ter jim rekel: »Tako govori Bog: ›Zakaj prestopate Gospodove zapovedi, da ne morete uspevati? Ker ste zapustili Gospoda, je tudi on zapustil vas.‹«
21 So they conspired against him, and stoned him with stones, by the commandment of the king, —in the court of the house of Yahweh.
Oni pa so se zarotili zoper njega in ga na kraljevo zapoved kamnali s kamni na dvoru Gospodove hiše.
22 Thus Joash the king, remembered not, the lovingkindness which Jehoiada his father had done for him, but slew his son, —and, as he died, he said, Yahweh see and require!
Tako se kralj Joáš ni spomnil prijaznosti, ki mu jo je storil njegov oče Jojadá, temveč je usmrtil njegovega sina. In ko je ta umiral, je rekel: » Gospod glej na to in to zahtevaj.«
23 And it came to pass, when the year had gone round, that the force of Syria came up against him, and they entered Judah, and Jerusalem, and destroyed all the rulers of the people, from among the people, —and, all the spoil of them, sent they unto the king of Damascus.
Pripetilo se je ob koncu leta, da je zoper njega prišla sirska vojska. Prišli so do Juda in Jeruzalema in izmed ljudstva uničili vse prince ljudstva in ves njihov plen poslali h kralju v Damask.
24 Although, with a comparatively few men, came the force of Syria, yet, Yahweh, delivered into their hand an exceeding large force, —because they had forsaken Yahweh, the God of their fathers, —and, upon Joash, executed they judgments.
Kajti vojska Sircev je prišla z majhno skupino mož in Gospod je v njihovo roko izročil zelo veliko množico, ker so zapustili Gospoda, Boga svojih očetov. Tako so izvršili sodbo nad Joášem.
25 And, when they had departed from him, for they left him with sore diseases, his own servants conspired against him, for the blood of the son of Jehoiada the priest, and slew him upon his bed, and he died, —and, though they buried him in the city of David, yet did they not bury him in the sepulchres of the kings.
Ko so odšli od njega (kajti zapustili so ga v velikih boleznih), so se njegovi lastni služabniki zarotili zoper njega zaradi krvi sinov duhovnika Jojadája in ga usmrtili na njegovi postelji in je umrl. Pokopali so ga v Davidovem mestu, toda niso ga pokopali v mavzolejih kraljev.
26 Now, these, are they that conspired against him, —Zabad son of Shimeath the Ammonitess, and Jehozabad son of Shimrith the Moabitess.
To sta tista [dva], ki sta se zarotila zoper njega: Zabád, sin Amónke Šimáte in Jozabád, sin Moábke Šimrite.
27 But, as for his sons, and the greatness of the oracle on him, and the foundation of the house of God, lo! there they are written, in the commentary of the Book of Kings, —and Amaziah his son reigned in his stead.
Torej glede njegovih sinov in veličine bremen, položenih nadenj in obnove Božje hiše, glej, ta so zapisana v zgodbi knjige kraljev. In namesto njega je zakraljeval njegov sin Amacjá.

< 2 Chronicles 24 >