< 1 Corinthians 15 >

1 Moreover, brethren, I make known unto you The joyful message, which I myself announced to you, which also ye received, in which also ye stand;
N baà naataani n bua min tiad'i u Tienu laabaali yua ke i bo gaa ki ta i dandanli ki tieni ki tieni liennyeni
2 Through which also ye are being saved, —if ye hold fast, with what discourse, I announced the joyful message unto you; unless indeed, in vain, ye believed.
Li laabaali n ba cedi yi bàà ti candandi. Li ya sua ke li ŋanbi diani nani mi bo muadi maam. Ama li ya tie yeni wani i daadanli tie fam i.
3 For I delivered unto you, among the first things, what also I received: —how that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures,
min cindi ki luani yaali tie min mo bo gaa yaali. Kirisi kpe t biidi po nani lan bo diani nandi u Tienu tili yeni.
4 And that he was buried, and that he hath been raised, on the third day, according to the Scriptures, —
B bo pii'o ke dana taa daali ke fii bi tinkpiba siiga nni, nani lan bo diani maam u Tienu tili nni
5 And that he appeared unto Cephas, then, to the twelve,
O bo dɔgidi ke Cfasi la'o. Ke li guani ke dɔgidi ke o ŋɔdikaaba
6 After that, he appeared to above five hundred brethren at once, —of whom, the greater number, remain until even now, but, some, have fallen asleep, —
yaaba bo ciae niba kobiniin la'o.
7 After that, he appeared unto James, then, unto all the apostles,
Ke lan po pendi ke o dɔgidi ke Saaki la'o, ke o todikaaba kuli mɔ la'o.
8 And, last of all, just as if unto the unseasonable birth, he appeared, even unto me;
kuli po n bo pendi min ji bo juodi n ji bo tie nani nuyuoyuogu yeni.
9 For, I, am the least of the apostles, who am not worthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the assembly of God.
N ji bo k dagidi yeni ban yii'n o tondo mɔno. Kelimaa n tieni bi jaantieba niba t tuonbiadi.
10 But, by favour of God, I am what I am, and, his favour, which was unto me, hath not been made void, —but, much more abundantly than they all, have I toiled, albeit not, I, but the favour of God with me.
Ama u Tienu ŋalibalgo po n tie min tie yua dinne. Li ŋalibalgo ki tua fam i. Li todi mɔno ke n sɔni ki cie bi kuli. Mini kaa sɔni u Tienu ŋalibaligo yua ye yen'n yeni n sɔni li tuonli.
11 Whether therefore, I, or, they, thus do we proclaim, and, thus did ye believe.
Li ya tie mini li ya tie bani tin pua ya sawalo nne i mɔ gɔ bo tuo ki gaa lani.
12 Now, if, Christ is proclaimed, that, from among the dead, he hath been raised, how say some, among you—resurrection of the dead, there is none?
Bi ya muandi ki jesu yiedi bi tinkpiiba siigan nni, li ba tieni ledi i buolun nni yin yedi ke yiedima ki ye tinkpiigun nni bii ke kpienb ki yiedi ii?
13 But, if, resurrection of the dead, there is none, not even Christ, hath been raised;
bi tinkpiiba ya ki yiedi, lan wani jesu mɔ den ki yiedi,
14 And, if Christ, hath not been raised, void, after all, is our proclamation, void also, our faith, —
Ke li ya tie ke jesu ki yiedi, ti jaandi ki pugidi bonli, ti dandanli ke pia la caa naani bii lan pugidi yaali.
15 And we are found, even false-witnesses of God, because we have witnessed respecting God, that he raised the Christ, —whom he did not raise, if, indeed, after all, the dead are not raised!
Lani ti tie faogu dam yaa u tienu nungan nni. Ke dugni ti kpaandi kaana kuli ke u tienu yiedi jesu,
16 For, if the dead are not raised, not even Christ, hath been raised;
ama ko nan ki yiedo, ke ti la ke kpieba ki yiedi, ke bi tinkpiiba ya ki yiedi, jesu mɔ ke fidi ki yiedi.
17 And, if Christ hath not been raised, to no purpose, is your faith, yet, are ye in your sins!
ke jesu ya ki yiedi, i dandanli kuli tie bo ninnana i, ke sieni ki ye i biidin bii mi tudima nni,
18 Hence also, they who are fallen asleep in Christ, are lost:
Li gɔ waani ke yaaba n bo dugi Kirisi po o ki kpe yeni wan bia fam i.
19 If, in this life, in Christ, we have hoped—and that is all, we are, of all men, most to be pitied.
Li ya tie ke ti yenma ki tinga ne baba po i ke t dugi Kirisi po. Lanwani t bonli n ŋanbi pia mi niñima ki cie yua kuli.
20 But, now, hath Christ been raised from among the dead, —a firstfruit of them who have fallen asleep;
Kirisi fii bi tinkpiba siiga wani gɔ kpia fii bi tinkpiba siiga nni.
21 For, since indeed, through a man, came death, through a man, also cometh the raising of the dead;
Lanwani mi kuuma bo cua o nisaalo ya po i. Onisaalo n gɔ cua yeni bi tinkpiba fiima.
22 For, just as, in the Adam, all die, so, also, in the Christ, shall all be made alive.
bi niba kuli kpenli kelima ti tie Adam yabila i, ki bi kuli guani ki la li miali ke dugni jesu po.
23 But, each, in his own rank: —A firstfruit, Christ, after that, they who are the Christ’s, in his presence,
Bonli kuli pia li yognu, jesu gedi ke ba bobni kankaani, ama o te ba guani, li te baa tie tianbi yogu i.
24 Afterwards, the end—whensoever he delivereth up the kingdom unto his God and Father, whensoever he shall bring to nought all rule and all authority and power;
ya puoli ke juodima yogu ba cua. Li yogu ke Kirisi ba taa li bali ki ŋmiani o báa u Tienu. Ki sua paadi bi batieba kuli bi yikodanba kuli yeni yaali n pia u paaalu kuli.
25 For he must needs reign, until he shall put all his enemies under his feet:
Li tie taladi ke wan ŋmaa yeni o taana ki biani yaaba tie o yibala kuli.
26 As a last enemy, death, is to be destroyed;
O yibalo yua ke o baa juodi ki gbeni o maama tie mi kuuma.
27 For—He put, all things, in subjection under his feet. But, whensoever it shall be said—all things are in subjection!—it is evident that it means, —Except him who did put into subjection, unto him, the all things—
Kelimaa o ŋmaa bi kuli yeni o taaana i. Ama lanwani o teni ke Kirisi die li bonla kuli i. U Tienu wan ji k ye lan kuli nni.
28 But whensoever have been put into subjection, unto him, the all things, then, the Son himself, [also] shall be put in subjection unto him who put in subjection, unto him, the all things, —that, God, may be, all things in all.
Ya yogu ke b baa yedi ke wani ji die bonli kuli, wani yua tie u Tienu bijua mɔ ji baa taa o bá ki maadi ke yua bo cedi ke die li kuli n yaa die'o ke u Tienu n ya tie bonli kulikuli bonla kuli nni.
29 Else, what will they do, who are being immersed in behalf of the dead? If, not at all, are the dead to be raised, why are they even being immersed in their behalf?
Ke yabi ke bani u tienu ki tie padipadla baa ye ledi? Ke li ya tie yeni mɔni ke tinkpiiba ki yiedi, yabi nwuuli u tienu ñunma wuuli bi le ya po i?
30 Why also are, we, running into peril every hour?
Ke tinb, be ya po i ke ti bigidi ti miana yogu kuli?
31 Day by day, am I dying!—Yea! by your own boasting, brethren, which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord.
N kpiiba li tie mɔnmɔni ke n ye m kuuma nni daali kuli ama laa tie ke n pia li pamancianli t diedo Kirisi kani i yaa maama po
32 If, after the manner of men, I have fought with wild-beasts at Ephesus, what, to me, the profit? If the dead are not raised, Let us eat and drink, for, tomorrow, we die.
Li ya tie ke bi niba n nua a bona nanda baba i. Min bo kɔni yeni t muayandi Efesi dogu nni n bo baa bàà be ya ñuadi lienn. Bi kpienma yaa fii bimtinkpiba siiga nni. Tin je ki gɔ ñu saala t baa kpe.
33 Be not deceiving yourselves, —evil communications corrupt gentle manners: —
gɔ bàà li yantiali ki daa tie tuonbiadi. Ki jiini i yula, ke t yenma n ya tiegi.
34 Wake up to sobriety, in righteousness, and be not committing sin; for some have, an ignorance of God: for shame, unto you, am I speaking!
Tin daa tie tuonbiadi kelimaa b tɔba ki bani u Tienu. Nmaadi ke fei n cuo'bi li po i.
35 But some one will say—How, are the dead raised? and, with what kind of body, do they come?
o nulo baa t maadi bi tinkpiba baa fiiledi? B baa guani ki cua yeni be ya gbananbuolu i.
36 Simple one! What, thou, sowest, is not quickened, except it die;
Yinba b yanpiidanba ŋan buli yaala yaa kpe li kan fidi pudi.
37 And, what thou sowest, not the body that shall come into existence, dost thou sow, but a naked kernel—if it so happen, of wheat, or of any of the rest, —
buli yaala yeni yaala baa pa ki do laa naani. Fini yua buli dibinma bii bonli ba bonbinma baba;
38 Howbeit, God, giveth it a body, as he pleased, and, unto each of the seeds, a body of its own.
u Tienu n yi ten'o wan bua ya gbananbuolu. Bonbuoli kuli o yi ten'o ya gbanandi n dagidi yen'o.
39 Not all flesh, is the same flesh; but, one, indeed, is, [the flesh] of men, and, another, the flesh of beasts, and, another, the flesh of birds, and, another, of fishes;
i T gbanandi kuli ki táá. O nisaalo gbanandi ye t yandi gbannandi ye, a bonyugida gbannandi ye ke jami gbannandi ye.
40 And there are heavenly bodies, and earthly bodies, —but, of one kind, indeed, is the glory of the heavenly, and, of another kind, is the glory of the earthly; —
po bona ye ke i tinga po mɔ ya bona ye. U yienu n ñiligi maam yeni o ŋmaali n ñiligi maam, yeni a ŋmaaabila n ñiligi maam laa táá táá.
41 One, is the glory of a sun, and, another, the glory of a moon, and, another, the glory of stars, —nay! star from star, differeth in glory.
ŋmaabiyenli ñiligima yeni ŋmaabitɔli ñiligima k gɔ ki táá.
42 Thus, also the resurrection of the dead: it is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption,
Li tie yeni bi kpienma fiima bi tinkpiba siiga nni. Yaali ke b buli baa bedi ke yaali fii bi tinkpiba siiga nni kan bedi.
43 It is sown in dishonour, it is raised in glory, it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power,
B buli 'ti ke t tadi ama t baa guani fii ki pia u fidu. B bul'o m tadima nni ke o fii bi tinkpiba siiga nni yeni t yudandi.
44 It is sown a body of the soul, it is raised a body of the spirit; if there is a body of the soul, there is also of the spirit: —
B bul'o yeni o nisaalo gbannandi ke o fii bi tinkpiba siiga nni yeni ya gbannandi n pia u Tienu fuoma miali. O nisaalo gbannan ya ye. o ya gbannandi n pia u Tienu fuoma miali.
45 Thus, also, it is written—The first man, Adam, became, a living soul, the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.
Lani n cedi ke li diani ke: o nikpialo Adam tuo ya miala n fo.
46 Howbeit, not first, is the [body] of the spirit, but that, of the soul, —afterwards, that of the spirit.
Ama yaali n pia u Tienu fuoma miali k tiebonkpiali kaa. Laa tie tanpoli yua kaa bo kpia ama i tinga nni yua. Ke tanpoli yua yuandi.
47 The first man, is of the ground, earthy, the second man, is, of heaven:
O nikpialo bo ki tinga yua ke o lielo tie tanpoli yua.
48 As, the man of earth, such, also, the men of earth, and, as, the man of heaven, such, also, the men of heaven;
Ki tinga nni yua n tie maama i tinga yaaba mɔ tie yeni. Tanpoli po yua n tie maama tanpoli yaaba mɔ tie yeni.
49 And, even as we have borne the image of the man of earth, let us also bear the image of the man of heaven.
Nani tin ki tin nananali yeni t mɔ baa kubi ki tinga nannangu i. T gɔ baa bàà tanpoli yua nannanli.
50 And, this, I say, brethren, —that, flesh and blood, cannot inherit, God’s kingdom. Neither doth, corruption, inherit, incorruption.
N kpiiba min maadi yaali tie ke t gbannandi yeni mi sɔma kan fidi je u Tienu diema nni faali. Yaala n baa bedi mɔ kan fidi je yaali kan fidi bedi faali.
51 Lo! a sacred secret, unto you, do I declare: —we shall not, all, sleep, but we shall, all, be changed, —
Diidi mani n maadi li bondɔgidikaali: t kuli kan kpe ama t kuli baa lebidi.
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, during the last trumpet; for it shall sound, and, the dead, shall be raised, incorruptible, and, we, shall be changed.
Li baa tie yenma i nani u nungbangu kabima yeni. li naatuli piebima juoga.
53 For this corruptible must needs clothe itself with incorruptibility, and this mortal, clothe itself, with immortality.
kelimaa li naatuli ya piebi yaa yogu ya gbannandi bedi n baa lebidi ya gbannandi k bedi. Yeni li ji baa tie nani u Tienu maama n bo yedi maama yeni.
54 But, whensoever, this mortal, shall clothe itself with immortality, then, shall be brought to pass the saying that is written—Death hath been swallowed up, victoriously;
Ama yaala n bedi ya t tua yaala k bedi, ke ya gbannandi n baa kpe mɔ lebidi ki tua yaala kan kpe; Lan yogunu ke ya maama n diani baa tieni ki dudi. Ki paadi m kuuma ki nal'o.
55 Where, O death, is thy victory? Where, O death, is thy sting? (Hadēs g86)
M kuuma a paalu ye le i? M kuuma a jatiagu ye le i? (Hadēs g86)
56 Now, the sting of death, is, sin, and, the power of sin, is, the law; —
M kuuma jatiagu tie t tuonbiadi ke t tuonbiadi fidu tie yiko i
57 But, unto God, be thanks, who is giving unto us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ama ke t jaandi u Tienu yua ten'ti m paadima Yesu Kirisi kani.
58 So, then, my beloved brethren, —become ye, steadfast, immovable, superabounding in the work of the Lord, at all times; knowing that, your toil, is not in vain in the Lord.
Lanwani n naataanbuadiba, ya se mani kaanyendi ki daa lengidi ki ya tuuni t diedo tuona ke li caa liiga daali kuli. ki ya bani ke t tuona kan bia fam i.

< 1 Corinthians 15 >