< Revelation 19 >

1 After these things I heard as it were a great voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, Hallelujah; Salvation, and glory, and power, belong to our God:
Pagamaliki genago nayuwini lwami luvaha lwa msambi uvaha wa vandu kunani kwa Chapanga yijova, “Chapanga alumbiwa! Usangula, na ukulu na makakala ndi vindu vyaku!
2 for true and righteous are his judgments; for he hath judged the great harlot, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and he hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.
Uhamula waki ndi wa chakaka na yabwina palongolo ya Chapanga. Umhamwili yula mweimanyikana neju mkemi mweawuyagisi mulima kwa ukemi waki. Chapanga avalipisi gevahengili ndava ya kuvakoma vanalihengu vaki.”
3 And a second time they say, Hallelujah. And her smoke goeth up for ever and ever. (aiōn g165)
Vakajova kavili, “Chapanga alumbiwa! Lyohi la motu weutinyisa muji wenuwo likwela mbaka kunani magono goha gangali mwishu!” (aiōn g165)
4 And the four and twenty elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshipped God that sitteth on the throne, saying, Amen; Hallelujah.
Vagogo vala ishilini na mcheche, na vala viumbi wumi mcheche, vakajigwisa chakukupama pahi, vakamgundamila Chapanga mweatamili panani pachigoda cha unkosi vakajova. “Ena! Chapanga alumbiwa!”
5 And a voice came forth from the throne, saying, Give praise to our God, all ye his servants, ye that fear him, the small and the great.
Kangi, lukahumila lwami muchigoda cha unkosi, “Mumlumbayi Chapanga witu, nyenye mwavatumisi vaki voha, mwavoha mwemukumtopesa, vadebe kwa vavaha.”
6 And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunders, saying, Hallelujah: for the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigneth.
Kangi nayuwini lwami, ngati lwami lwa msambi uvaha wa vandu, ngati lwami lwa manji gamahele pegihelela kwa mbulumo uvaha wa mbamba lukajova, “Chapanga alumbiwa! Muni Bambu witu mweavi na uhotola woha ndi Nkosi!
7 Let us rejoice and be exceeding glad, and let us give the glory unto him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.
Tihekelela na kululuta, timulumba Chapanga cheavi mkulu, muni lukumbi lwa ndowa ya Mwanalimbelele luhikili na mdala kamwali ajitendekili.
8 And it was given unto her that she should array herself in fine linen, bright [and] pure: for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.
Kamwali yula ayidakiliwi kujiwalika nyula zezing'asima neju. Nyula yeniyo yeying'asima!” Ndi matendu gabwina ga vandu va Chapanga.
9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are bidden to the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are true words of God.
Kangi mtumu wa kunani kwa Chapanga anijovili, “Yandika aga: Vamotisiwayi vala vevagongoliwi pamselubuko wa chakulya cha ndowa ya Mwanalimbelele!” Kangi akanijovela, “Genaga ndi malovi gachakaka ga Chapanga.”
10 And I fell down before his feet to worship him. And he saith unto me, See thou do it not: I am a fellow-servant with thee and with thy brethren that hold the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
Hinu, nene nikagwa chakukupama palongolo ya magendelelu gaki, naganili kumuyupa. Nambu mwene akanijovela, “Ukoto kukita genago! Nene namtumisi muyaku pamonga na valongo vaku vevakuukamulila uchakaka ndi Yesu mweaugubukwili umanyikanayi kwitu. Uchakaka wenuwo wihuma kwa Mpungu Msopi mweakuvatangatila vandu vaujovayi ujumbi wa Chapanga.”
11 And I saw the heaven opened; and behold, a white horse, and he that sat thereon, called Faithful and True; and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
Kangi nawene kunani kwa Chapanga kudinduka na kwenuko nayiwene falasi ya msopi. Mweatamili panani ya falasi mwenuyo akemiwi msadikika na wa chakaka. Kangi ihamula vandu na munjila ya bwina na kutovana ngondo yambwina palongolo ya Bambu.
12 And his eyes [are] a flame of fire, and upon his head [are] many diadems; and he hath a name written, which no one knoweth but he himself.
Mihu gaki gavi ngati mwali wa motu, na panani ya mutu awalili njingwa zamahele. Avi na liina leliyandikwi, kawaka mundu yoyoha mwealimanyili nambu ngamwene.
13 And he [is] arrayed in a garment sprinkled with blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
Awalili nyula yeyijwigiwi mu ngasi. Na liina laki mwenuyo ndi, “Lilovi la Chapanga.”
14 And the armies which are in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white [and] pure.
Manjolinjoli ga kunani kwa Chapanga vamlandili kuni gatamili panani ya falasi wamsopi na gawalili nyula zezing'asima neju.
15 And out of his mouth proceedeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God.
Mumlomo waki upanga ukali wihuma wa kuvahotola milima. Mwene yati ilongosa vandu kwa ndonga ya lyuma. Na kuvaminya ngati mundu mweimanya divayi muchiliva cha kuminyila divayi ya ligoga likulu la Chapanga mweavi na makakala.
16 And he hath on his garment and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
Panani ya nyula yaki, na panani ya liwondo laki, ayandikwi liina, “Nkosi wa vankosi na Bambu wa vabambu.”
17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that fly in mid heaven, Come [and] be gathered together unto the great supper of God;
Kangi, namuwene mtumu wa kunani kwa Chapanga mmonga ayimili palilanga. Akavajovela kwa lwami luvaha videge vyoha vevimbululuka kunani, “Mubwela, mukonganeku pamonga pachakulya chikulu cha Chapanga!
18 that ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses and of them that sit thereon, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, and small and great.
Mbwela mlyayi higa ya vankosi, na nyama ya vakulu va manjolinjoli, na nyama ya vandu vakekesi, na nyama ya falasi na vevitama panani ya falasi wavi, na nyama ya vandu voha vevalekekiswi na vavanda, vadebe na vavaha.”
19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat upon the horse, and against his army.
Kangi nachiwene chila chinyama pamonga na vankosi va mulima na manjolinjoli wavi vakokini pamonga muni vatovana na yula mweatamili panani ya falasi wa msopi na pamonga na msambi waki.
20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought the signs in his sight, wherewith he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image: they twain were cast alive into the lake of fire that burneth with brimstone: (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
Nambu chinyama chila chakamuliwi kwa makakala pamonga na yula mlota wa Chapanga wa udese mweikita ganchinamtiti palongolo yaki. Kwa gachinamtiti yeniyo avayagisi vala vevavi na ulangisu wa chinyama chila na vevagundamili chimong'omong'o chila. Chinyama chenicho pamonga na mlota wa udese vakatagwa kuni vavili mumi munyanja ya motu weumemili maganga ga baluti gegiyaka motu. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
21 and the rest were killed with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, [even the sword] which came forth out of his mouth: and all the birds were filled with their flesh.
Na vala vevasigalili vakomiwi kwa upanga wewahumili mumlomo wa yula mweakweli panani ya yula falasi wamsopi. Na videge vyoha vakayukutiswa kwa kulya nyama za vala vevakomiwi.

< Revelation 19 >