< Isaiah 27 >

1 In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the swift serpent, and leviathan the crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.
Oo wakhtigaas ayaa Rabbigu seeftiisa adag ee weyn ee xoogga badan ku ciqaabi doonaa Lewiiyaataan oo ah maska dheereeya, iyo xataa Lewiiyaataan oo ah maska qalloocan, oo wuxuu dili doonaa bahalka baas ee badda ku jira.
2 In that day: A vineyard of wine, sing ye unto it.
Oo wakhtigaas waxaa la odhan doonaa, Beerta canabka ee la jecel yahay darandoorri ugu heesa.
3 I the LORD do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.
Aniga Rabbiga ah ayaa ilaaliya, oo daqiiqad kastana waan waraabin doonaa. Si aan ciduna wax u yeelin ayaan habeen iyo maalinba dhawri doonaa.
4 Fury is not in me: would that the briers and thorns were against me in battle! I would march upon them, I would burn them together.
Aniga cadho iguma jirto. Haddii yamaarugga iyo qodxantu ay dagaal igu soo kicin lahaayeen, intaan iyaga ku kaco ayaan dhammaantood wada gubi lahaa.
5 Or else let him take hold of my strength, that he may make peace with me; [yea], let him make peace with me.
Haddii kalese xooggayga ha la qabsado, ha layla nabdo, ha layla nabdo.
6 In days to come shall Jacob take root; Israel shall blossom and bud: and they shall fill the face of the world with fruit.
Oo wakhtiga soo socdana reer Yacquub xidid buu yeelan doonaa, dadka Israa'iilna waa magooli doonaa oo ubxin doonaa, oo dunida oo dhanna midhay ka buuxin doonaan.
7 Hath he smitten him as he smote those that smote him? or is he slain according to the slaughter of them that were slain by him?
Miyuu isaga wax ugu dhuftay siduu wax ugu dhuftay kuwii isaga wax ku dhuftay oo kale? Amase isaga ma la dilay sidii layntii kuwuu laayay oo kale?
8 In measure, when thou sendest her away, thou dost contend with her; he hath removed [her] with his rough blast in the day of the east wind.
Markaad eriday qiyaas baad ku edbisay. Intuu dalka ka masaafuriyey ayuu maalintii dabaysha bari duufaan adag ku eryay.
9 Therefore by this shall the iniquity of Jacob be purged, and this is all the fruit of taking away his sin; when he maketh all the stones of the altar as chalkstones that are beaten in sunder, [so that] the Asherim and the sun-images shall rise no more.
Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed xumaanta reer Yacquub tanaa lagu kafaaraggudi doonaa, oo tanuna waa midhihii qaadidda dembigiisa oo dhan, markuu dhagaxyada meesha allabariga oo dhan ka wada dhigo sida dhagaxyada nuuradda ah oo la burburiyo oo kale, si aanay geedaha Asheeraah iyo sanamyada qorraxduna mar dambe u soo kicin.
10 For the defenced city is solitary, an habitation deserted and forsaken, like the wilderness: there shall the calf feed, and there shall he lie down, and consume the branches thereof.
Waayo, magaaladii deyrka lahayd way cidlowday, waxayna tahay hoy laga kacay, oo waxaa looga tegey sida cidlada oo kale. Halkaas waxaa daaqi doona weylka, wuuna jiifsan doonaa, oo wuxuu dhammayn doonaa laamaheeda oo dhan.
11 When the boughs thereof are withered, they shall be broken off; the women shall come, and set them on fire: for it is a people of no understanding; therefore he that made them will not have compassion upon them, and he that formed them will shew them no favour.
Markii laamaheedu engegaan way wada jajabi doonaan, oo naagaa iman doona oo gubi doona, waayo, kuwanu waa dad aan innaba waxgarasho lahayn, oo sidaas daraaddeed kii iyaga uumay uma uu naxariisan doono, oo kii iyaga sameeyeyna raalli kama ahaan doono.
12 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall beat off [his fruit], from the flood of the River unto the brook of Egypt, and ye shall be gathered one by one, O ye children of Israel.
Oo wakhtigaas Rabbigu hadhuudhkiisuu ku tuman doonaa tan iyo Webi Yufraad iyo ilaa durdurka Masar, oo reer binu Israa'iilow, midba mid baa laydiin soo wada ururin doonaa.
13 And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great trumpet shall be blown; and they shall come which were ready to perish in the land of Assyria, and they that were outcasts in the land of Egypt; and they shall worship the LORD in the holy mountain at Jerusalem.
Oo wakhtigaas buun weyn baa la yeedhin doonaa, oo kuwii halligaadda u diyaarsanaa iyo kuwii dalka Masar loo masaafuriyey waxay ka iman doonaan dalka Ashuur, oo Rabbigay buurta Yeruusaalem ku caabudi doonaan.

< Isaiah 27 >