< Isaiah 27 >

1 In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the swift serpent, and leviathan the crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.
त्यस दिन परमप्रभुले आफ्नो कठोर, महान् र डरलाग्‍दो तरवारले त्‍यो सुल्कने सर्प लिव्यातन, गुँडुली पर्ने सर्प लव्यातनलाई दण्ड दिनुहुनेछ र समुद्रमा भएको दैत्यलाई उहाँले मार्नुहुनेछ ।
2 In that day: A vineyard of wine, sing ye unto it.
त्यस दिनमाः दाखमद्यको दाखबरीले यो गीत गाउँछ ।
3 I the LORD do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.
“म परमप्रभु यसको रक्षक हुँ । हरेक पल यसमा म पानी हाल्‍छु । म यसलाई दिन र रातमा सुरक्षा गर्छु, यसैले यसलाई कसैले चोट पुर्‍याउनेछैन ।
4 Fury is not in me: would that the briers and thorns were against me in battle! I would march upon them, I would burn them together.
म रिसाएको छैन, ओहो, त्यहाँ सिउँडी र काँडाहरू थिए भने! युद्धमा तिनीहरूको विरुद्धमा म अगि जानेथिएँ । तिनीहरू सबैलाई म एकसाथ जलाउनेथिएँ ।
5 Or else let him take hold of my strength, that he may make peace with me; [yea], let him make peace with me.
तिनीहरू मेरो सुरक्षामा आउनुपर्छ र मसँग मिल्‍नुपर्छ । तिनीहरूले मसँग मिलाप गरून् ।
6 In days to come shall Jacob take root; Israel shall blossom and bud: and they shall fill the face of the world with fruit.
आउने दिनहरूमा, याकूबले जरा हाल्‍नेछ । इस्राएलको कोपिला लाग्‍नेछ र फुल्नेछ । अनि तिनीहरूले जमिनको सतहलाई फलले ढाक्‍नेछन् ।”
7 Hath he smitten him as he smote those that smote him? or is he slain according to the slaughter of them that were slain by him?
याकूब र इस्राएललाई आक्रमण गर्ने जातिहरूलाई परमप्रभुले आक्रमण गर्नुहुँदा के उहाँले तिनीहरूलाई आक्रमण गर्नुभएको छ र? याकूब र इस्राएलले ती जातिहरूलाई मारेझैं के तिनीहरूलाई मरिएका छन्?
8 In measure, when thou sendest her away, thou dost contend with her; he hath removed [her] with his rough blast in the day of the east wind.
याकूब र इस्राएललाई टाढा पठाउनुभएर तपाईंले ठिक त्‍यस्‍तै किसिमले व्‍यवहार गर्नुभएको छ । पुर्वीय बतासका दिनमा झैं आफ्‍नो डरलाग्‍दो सासले उहाँले तिनीहरूलाई लखेट्नुभएको छ ।
9 Therefore by this shall the iniquity of Jacob be purged, and this is all the fruit of taking away his sin; when he maketh all the stones of the altar as chalkstones that are beaten in sunder, [so that] the Asherim and the sun-images shall rise no more.
यसैले यसरी याकूबको अपराधको प्रयाश्‍चित गरिनेछ, किनकि यही नै त्यसको पाप हटाउने कार्यको फल हुनेछः जति बेला उहाँले वेदीका ढुङ्गाहरूलाई खरी ढुङ्गाजस्तै बनाउनुहुन्छ र टुक्रा-टुक्रा पार्नुहुन्छ, अनि त्यहाँ कुनै अशेराको खम्बाहरू वा धूप चढाउने वेदी रहनेछैन ।
10 For the defenced city is solitary, an habitation deserted and forsaken, like the wilderness: there shall the calf feed, and there shall he lie down, and consume the branches thereof.
किनकि किल्लाबन्दी गरिएको सहर उजाड भएको छ, बासस्थानलाई उजाड-स्‍थानझैं उजाड पारिएको र त्‍यागिएको छ । त्यहाँ बाछा चर्छ, पल्टन्छ र त्‍यसको हाँगाहरू खान्छ ।
11 When the boughs thereof are withered, they shall be broken off; the women shall come, and set them on fire: for it is a people of no understanding; therefore he that made them will not have compassion upon them, and he that formed them will shew them no favour.
जब हाँगाहरू सुक्‍छन्, तब तिनीहरू भाँचिनेछन् । स्‍त्रीहरू आउनेछन् त्यसबाट आगो बाल्‍नेछन्, किनकि यी समझदार मानिसहरू होइनन् । यसकारण तिनीहरूका सृष्‍टिकर्ताले तिनीहरूलाई दया गर्नुहुनेछैन, अनि तिनीहरूलाई बनाउनुहुने तिनीहरूप्रति दयालु हुनुहुनेछैन ।
12 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall beat off [his fruit], from the flood of the River unto the brook of Egypt, and ye shall be gathered one by one, O ye children of Israel.
त्‍यो दिन यस्‍तो हुनेछ, परमप्रभुले यूफ्रेटिस नदीदेखि मिश्रदेशको खोलासम्म अन्‍न चुट्‍नुहुनेछ, अनि तिमीहरू इस्राएलका मानिसहरूलाई एक-एक गरी जम्‍मा गर्नुहुनेछ ।
13 And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great trumpet shall be blown; and they shall come which were ready to perish in the land of Assyria, and they that were outcasts in the land of Egypt; and they shall worship the LORD in the holy mountain at Jerusalem.
त्यस दिन एउटा ठुलो तुरही फुकिनेछ । अनि अश्शूरको देशमा नष्‍टभइरहेकाहरू र मिश्रदेशमा निस्‍कासितहरू आउनेछन्, तिनीहरूले यरूशलेमको पवित्र पर्वतमा परमप्रभुको आराधना गर्नेछन् ।

< Isaiah 27 >