< Ezekiel 30 >

1 The word of the LORD came again unto me, saying,
And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
2 Son of man, prophesy, and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD: Howl ye, Woe worth the day!
and he seide, Sone of man, profesie thou, and seie, The Lord God seith these thingis, Yelle ye, Wo!
3 For the day is near, even the day of the LORD is near, a day of clouds; it shall be the time of the heathen.
wo! to the dai, for the dai is niy; and the dai of the Lord neiyith, the dai of a cloude. The tyme of hethene men schal be;
4 And a sword shall come upon Egypt, and anguish shall be in Ethiopia, when the slain shall fall in Egypt; and they shall take away her multitude, and her foundations shall be broken down.
and a swerd schal come in to Egipt, and drede schal be in Ethiopie, whanne woundid men schulen falle doun in Egipt, and the multitude therof schal be takun awei, and the foundementis therof schulen be distried.
5 Ethiopia, and Put, and Lud, and all the mingled people, and Cub, and the children of the land that is in league, shall fall with them by the sword.
Ethiopie, and Libie, and Lidiens, and al the residue comyn puple, and Chub, and the sones of the lond of boond of pees schulen falle doun bi swerd with hem.
6 Thus saith the LORD: They also that uphold Egypt shall fall, and the pride of her power shall come down: from the tower of Seveneh shall they fall in it by the sword, saith the Lord GOD.
The Lord God seith these thingis, And thei that vndursetten Egipt schulen falle doun, and the pride of the lordschipe therof schal be destried; fro the tour of Sienes thei schulen falle bi swerd ther ynne, seith the Lord of oostis.
7 And they shall be desolate in the midst of the countries that are desolate, and her cities shall be in the midst of the cities that are wasted.
And thei schulen be distried in the myddis of londis maad desolat, and the citees therof schulen be in the myddis of citees forsakun.
8 And they shall know that I am the LORD, when I have set a fire in Egypt, and all her helpers are destroyed.
And thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord God, whanne Y schal yyue fier in Egipt, and alle the helperis therof schulen be al to-brokun.
9 In that day shall messengers go forth from before me in ships to make the careless Ethiopians afraid; and there shall be anguish upon them, as in the day of Egypt; for, lo, it cometh.
In that dai messangeris schulen go out fro my face in schippis with thre ordris of ooris, to al to-breke the trist of Ethiopie; and drede schal be in hem in the dai of Egipt, for with out doute it schal come.
10 Thus saith the Lord GOD: I will also make the multitude of Egypt to cease, by the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon.
The Lord God seith these thingis, And I schal make to ceesse the multitude of Egipt in the hond of Nabugodonosor, king of Babiloyne.
11 He and his people with him, the terrible of the nations, shall be brought in to destroy the land; and they shall draw their swords against Egypt, and fill the land with the slain.
He and his puple with hym, the strongeste men of hethene men, schulen be brouyt, to leese the lond; and thei schulen drawe out her swerdis on Egipt, and thei schulen fille the lond with slayn men.
12 And I will make the rivers dry, and will sell the land into the hand of evil men; and I will make the land desolate, and all that is therein, by the hand of strangers: I the LORD have spoken it.
And Y schal make drie the botmes of floodis, and Y schal yyue the lond in the hond of the worste men; and I schal distrie the lond, and the fulnesse therof in the hond of aliens; Y the Lord spak.
13 Thus saith the Lord GOD: I will also destroy the idols, and I will cause the images to cease from Noph; and there shall be no more a prince out of the land of Egypt: and I will put a fear in the land of Egypt.
The Lord God seith these thingis, And Y schal leese simylacris, and Y schal make idols to ceesse fro Memphis, and a duyk of the lond of Egipt schal no more be. And Y schal yyue drede in the lond of Egipt,
14 And I will make Pathros desolate, and will set a fire in Zoan, and will execute judgments in No.
and Y schal leese the lond of Phatures. And Y schal yyue fier in Tafnys, and Y schal make my domes in Alisaundre.
15 And I will pour my fury upon Sin, the strong hold of Egypt; and I will cut off the multitude of No.
And Y schal schede out myn indignacioun on Pelusyum, the strengthe of Egipt; and Y schal sle the multitude of Alisaundre,
16 And I will set a fire in Egypt; Sin shall be in great anguish, and No shall be broken up: and Noph [shall have] adversaries in the day time.
and Y schal yyue fier in Egipt. Pelusyum, as a womman trauelynge of child, schal haue sorewe, and Alisaundre schal be destried, and in Memphis schulen be ech daies angwischis.
17 The young men of Aven and of Pi-beseth shall fall by the sword: and these [cities] shall go into captivity.
The yonge men of Heliopoleos and of Bubasti schulen falle doun bi swerd, and tho citees schulen be led caitifs.
18 At Tehaphnehes also the day shall withdraw itself, when I shall break there the yokes of Egypt, and the pride of her power shall cease in her: as for her, a cloud shall cover her, and her daughters shall go into captivity.
And in Thafnys the dai schal wexe blak, whanne Y schal al to-breke there the ceptris of Egipt, and the pride of the power therof schal faile there ynne. A cloude schal hile it; forsothe the douytris therof schulen be led in to caitifte, and Y schal make domes in Egipt;
19 Thus will I execute judgments in Egypt: and they shall know that I am the LORD.
and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord.
20 And it came to pass in the eleventh year, in the first [month], in the seventh [day] of the month, that the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
And it was doon in the enleuenthe yeer, in the firste monethe, in the seuenthe dai of the moneth, the word of the Lord was maad to me,
21 Son of man, I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt; and, lo, it hath not been bound up to apply [healing] medicines, to put a roller to bind it, that it be strong to hold the sword.
and he seide, Thou sone of man, Y haue broke the arm of Farao, kyng of Egipt; and lo! it is not wlappid, that helthe schulde be restorid therto, that it schulde be boundun with clothis, and woundun with lynnun clothis, and that he myyte holde swerd, whanne he hadde resseyued strengthe.
22 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD: Behold, I am against Pharaoh king of Egypt, and will break his arms, the strong, and that which was broken; and I will cause the sword to fall out of his hand.
Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y to Farao, king of Egipt; and Y schal make lesse his strong arm but brokun, and Y schal caste doun the swerd fro his hond.
23 And I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and will disperse them through the countries.
And Y schal scatere Egipt among hethene men, and Y schal wyndewe hem in londis.
24 And I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, and put my sword in his hand: but I will break the arms of Pharaoh, and he shall groan before him with the groanings of a deadly wounded man.
And Y schal coumforte the armes of the kyng of Babiloyne, and Y schal yyue my swerd in the hond of hym; and Y schal breke the armes of Farao, and men slayn bifore his face schulen weile bi weilyngis.
25 And I will hold up the arms of the king of Babylon, and the arms of Pharaoh shall fall down; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall put my sword into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall stretch it out upon the land of Egypt.
And Y schal coumforte the armes of the kyng of Babiloyne, and the armes of Farao schulen falle doun. And thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord, whanne Y schal yyue my swerd in the hond of the kyng of Babiloyne; and he schal stretche forth it on the lond of Egipt.
26 And I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and disperse them through the countries; and they shall know that I am the LORD.
And Y schal scatere Egipt in to naciouns, and Y schal wyndewe hem in to londis; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord.

< Ezekiel 30 >