< Daniel 11 >

1 And as for me, in the first year of Darius the Mede, I stood up to confirm and strengthen him.
and I in/on/with year one to/for Darius [the] Mede to stand: stand my to/for to strengthen: strengthen and to/for security to/for him
2 And now will I shew thee the truth. Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia; and the fourth shall be far richer than they all: and when he is waxed strong through his riches, he shall stir up all against the realm of Greece.
and now truth: true to tell to/for you behold still three king to stand: rise to/for Persia and [the] fourth to enrich riches great: large from all and like/as strength his in/on/with riches his to rouse [the] all [obj] royalty Greece
3 And a mighty king shall stand up, that shall rule with great dominion, and do according to his will.
and to stand: rise king mighty man and to rule dominion many and to make: do like/as acceptance his
4 And when he shall stand up, his kingdom shall be broken, and shall be divided toward the four winds of heaven; but not to his posterity, nor according to his dominion wherewith he ruled; for his kingdom shall be plucked up, even for others beside these.
and like/as to stand: rise he to break royalty his and to divide to/for four spirit: breath [the] heaven and not to/for end his and not like/as dominion his which to rule for to uproot royalty his and to/for another from to/for alone: besides these
5 And the king of the south shall be strong, and [one] of his princes; and he shall be strong above him, and have dominion; his dominion shall be a great dominion.
and to strengthen: strengthen king [the] south and from ruler his and to strengthen: strengthen upon him and to rule dominion many dominion his
6 And at the end of years they shall join themselves together; and the daughter of the king of the south shall come to the king of the north to make an agreement: but she shall not retain the strength of her arm; neither shall he stand, nor his arm; but she shall be given up, and they that brought her, and he that begat her, and he that strengthened her in those times.
and to/for end year to unite and daughter king [the] south to come (in): come to(wards) king [the] north to/for to make uprightness and not to restrain strength [the] arm and not to stand: stand and arm his and to give: give he/she/it and to come (in): come her and [the] to beget her and to strengthen: strengthen her in/on/with time
7 But out of a shoot from her roots shall one stand up in his place, which shall come unto the army, and shall enter into the fortress of the king of the north, and shall deal against them, and shall prevail:
and to stand: rise from branch root her stand his and to come (in): come to(wards) [the] strength: soldiers and to come (in): come in/on/with security king [the] north and to make: do in/on/with them and to strengthen: prevail over
8 And also their gods, with their molten images, [and] with their goodly vessels of silver and of gold, shall he carry captive into Egypt; and he shall refrain some years from the king of the north.
and also God their with libation their with article/utensil desire their silver: money and gold in/on/with captivity to come (in): bring Egypt and he/she/it year to stand: stand from king [the] north
9 And he shall come into the realm of the king of the south, but he shall return into his own land.
and to come (in): come in/on/with royalty king [the] south and to return: return to(wards) land: soil his
10 And his sons shall war, and shall assemble a multitude of great forces which shall come on, and overflow, and pass through: and they shall return and war, even to his fortress.
(and son: child his *Q(K)*) to stir up and to gather crowd strength: soldiers many and to come (in): come to come (in): come and to overflow and to pass and to return: again (and to stir up *Q(K)*) till (security his *Q(K)*)
11 And the king of the south shall be moved with choler, and shall come forth and fight with him, even with the king of the north: and he shall set forth a great multitude, and the multitude shall be given into his hand.
and to provoke king [the] south and to come out: come and to fight with him with king [the] north and to stand: rise crowd many and to give: give [the] crowd in/on/with hand: power his
12 And the multitude shall be lifted up, and his heart shall be exalted: and he shall cast down tens of thousands, but he shall not prevail.
and to lift: raise [the] crowd (and to exalt *Q(K)*) heart his and to fall: fall ten thousand and not be strong
13 And the king of the north shall return, and shall set forth a multitude greater than the former; and he shall come on at the end of the times, [even of] years, with a great army and with much substance.
and to return: again king [the] north and to stand: rise crowd many from [the] first and to/for end [the] time year to come (in): come to come (in): come in/on/with strength: soldiers great: large and in/on/with property many
14 And in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south: also the children of the violent among thy people shall lift themselves up to establish the vision; but they shall fall.
and in/on/with time [the] they(masc.) many to stand: rise upon king [the] south and son: type of violent people your to lift: raise to/for to stand: stand vision and to stumble
15 So the king of the north shall come, and cast up a mount, and take a well fenced city: and the arms of the south shall not withstand, neither his chosen people, neither shall there be any strength to withstand.
and to come (in): come king [the] north and to pour: build siege mound mound and to capture city fortification and arm [the] south not to stand: stand and people: soldiers best his and nothing strength to/for to stand: stand
16 But he that cometh against him shall do according to his own will, and none shall stand before him: and he shall stand in the glorious land, and in his hand shall be destruction.
and to make: do [the] to come (in): come to(wards) him like/as acceptance his and nothing to stand: stand to/for face: before his and to stand: stand in/on/with land: country/planet [the] beauty and consumption in/on/with hand: power his
17 And he shall set his face to come with the strength of his whole kingdom, and upright ones with him; and he shall do [his pleasure]: and he shall give him the daughter of women, to corrupt her; but she shall not stand, neither be for him.
and to set: make face his to/for to come (in): come in/on/with power all royalty his and upright with him and to make: do and daughter [the] woman to give: give(marriage) to/for him to/for to ruin her and not to stand: stand and not to/for him to be
18 After this shall he turn his face unto the isles, and shall take many: but a prince shall cause the reproach offered by him to cease; yea, moreover, he shall cause his reproach to turn upon him.
(and to set: put *Q(K)*) face his to/for coastland and to capture many and to cease chief reproach his to/for him lest reproach his to return: return to/for him
19 Then he shall turn his face toward the fortresses of his own land: but he shall stumble and fall, and shall not be found.
and to return: return face his to/for security land: country/planet his and to stumble and to fall: kill and not to find
20 Then shall stand up in his place one that shall cause an exactor to pass through the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.
and to stand: rise upon stand his to pass to oppress glory royalty and in/on/with day one to break and not in/on/with face: anger and not in/on/with battle
21 And in his place shall stand up a contemptible person, to whom they had not given the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in time of security, and shall obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
and to stand: rise upon stand his to despise and not to give: give upon him splendor royalty and to come (in): come in/on/with ease and to strengthen: prevail over royalty in/on/with smoothness
22 And with the arms of a flood shall they be swept away from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.
and arm [the] flood to overflow from to/for face: before his and to break and also leader covenant
23 And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong, with a small people.
and from to unite to(wards) him to make: do deceit and to ascend: rise and be vast in/on/with little nation
24 In time of security shall he come even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers’ fathers; he shall scatter among them prey, and spoil, and substance: yea, he shall devise his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.
in/on/with ease and in/on/with fatness province to come (in): come and to make: do which not to make: do father his and father father his plunder and spoil and property to/for them to scatter and upon fortification to devise: devise plot his and till time
25 And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall war in battle with an exceeding great and mighty army: but he shall not stand, for they shall devise devices against him.
and to rouse strength his and heart his upon king [the] south in/on/with strength: soldiers great: large and king [the] south to stir up to/for battle in/on/with strength: soldiers great: large and mighty till much and not to stand: stand for to devise: devise upon him plot
26 Yea, they that eat of his meat shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow: and many shall fall down slain.
and to eat choice choice his to break him and strength: soldiers his to overflow and to fall: kill slain: killed many
27 And as for both these kings, their hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table: but it shall not prosper; for yet the end shall be at the time appointed.
and two their [the] king heart their to/for mischief and upon table one lie to speak: speak and not to prosper for still end to/for meeting: time appointed
28 Then shall he return into his land with great substance; and his heart [shall be] against the holy covenant; and he shall do [his pleasure], and return to his own land.
and to return: return land: country/planet his in/on/with property great: large and heart his upon covenant holiness and to make: do and to return: return to/for land: country/planet his
29 At the time appointed he shall return, and come into the south; but it shall not be in the latter time as it was in the former.
to/for meeting: time appointed to return: return and to come (in): come in/on/with south and not to be like/as first: previous and like/as last
30 For ships of Kittim shall come against him; therefore he shall be grieved, and shall return, and have indignation against the holy covenant, and shall do [his pleasure]: he shall even return, and have regard unto them that forsake the holy covenant.
and to come (in): come in/on/with him ship Cyprus and be disheartened and to return: return and be indignant upon covenant holiness and to make: [do] and to return: return and to understand upon to leave: forsake covenant holiness
31 And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall profane the sanctuary, even the fortress, and shall take away the continual [burnt offering]; and they shall set up the abomination that maketh desolate.
and arm from him to stand: rise and to profane/begin: profane [the] sanctuary [the] security and to turn aside: remove [the] continually and to give: put [the] abomination be desolate: destroyed
32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he pervert by flatteries: but the people that know their God shall be strong, and do [exploits].
and be wicked covenant to pollute in/on/with flattery and people to know God his to strengthen: persevere and to make: do
33 And they that be wise among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword and by flame, by captivity and by spoil, [many] days.
and be prudent people to understand to/for many and to stumble in/on/with sword and in/on/with flame in/on/with captivity and in/on/with plunder day
34 Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall join themselves unto them with flatteries.
and in/on/with to stumble they to help helper little and to join upon them many in/on/with smoothness
35 And some of them that be wise shall fall, to refine them, and to purify, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for the time appointed.
and from [the] be prudent to stumble to/for to refine in/on/with them and to/for to purify and to/for to whiten till time end for still to/for meeting: time appointed
36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods: and he shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished; for that which is determined shall be done.
and to make: do like/as acceptance his [the] king and to exalt and to magnify upon all god and upon God god to speak: speak to wonder and to prosper till to end: expend indignation for to decide to make: do
37 Neither shall he regard the gods his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
and upon God father his not to understand and upon desire woman and upon all god not to understand for upon all to magnify
38 But in his place shall he honour the god of fortresses: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
and to/for god security upon stand his to honor: honour and to/for god which not to know him father his to honor: honour in/on/with gold and in/on/with silver: money and in/on/with stone precious and in/on/with precious thing
39 And he shall deal with the strongest fortresses by the help of a strange god; whosoever acknowledgeth [him] he will increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for a price.
and to make: do to/for fortification security with god foreign which (to recognize *Q(K)*) to multiply glory and to rule them in/on/with many and land: soil to divide in/on/with price
40 And at the time of the end shall the king of the south contend with him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass through.
and in/on/with time end to gore with him king [the] south and to storm upon him king [the] north in/on/with chariot and in/on/with horseman and in/on/with fleet many and to come (in): come in/on/with land: country/planet and to overflow and to pass
41 He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many [countries] shall be overthrown: but these shall be delivered out of his hand, Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.
and to come (in): come in/on/with land: country/planet [the] beauty and many to stumble and these to escape from hand: power his Edom and Moab and first: best son: descendant/people Ammon
42 He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
and to send: reach hand: power his in/on/with land: country/planet and land: country/planet Egypt not to be to/for survivor
43 But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
and to rule in/on/with hidden [the] gold and [the] silver: money and in/on/with all precious thing Egypt and Libyan and Ethiopian in/on/with step his
44 But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: and he shall go forth with great fury to destroy and utterly to make away many.
and tidings to dismay him from east and from north and to come out: come in/on/with rage great: large to/for to destroy and to/for to devote/destroy many
45 And he shall plant the tents of his palace between the sea and the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.
and to plant tent palace his between sea to/for mountain: mount beauty holiness and to come (in): come till end his and nothing to help to/for him

< Daniel 11 >