< 2 Chronicles 11 >

1 And when Rehoboam was come to Jerusalem, he assembled the house of Judah and Benjamin, an hundred and fourscore thousand chosen men, which were warriors, to fight against Israel, to bring the kingdom again to Rehoboam.
Rehoboam loh Jerusalem a pha neh Judah neh Benjamin imkhui te a coi. Te vaengah thawng yakhat neh thawng sawmrhet te caemtloek aka bi tih Israel aka vathoh thil la, Rehoboam ham ram aka lat pah la a coelh.
2 But the word of the LORD came to Shemaiah the man of God, saying,
Tedae BOEIPA ol te Pathen kah hlang Shemaiah taengla pawk tih,
3 Speak unto Rehoboam the son of Solomon, king of Judah, and to all Israel in Judah and Benjamin, saying,
“Judah manghai Solomon capa Rehoboam taeng neh Judah kah Israel boeih taengah khaw Benjamin taengah khaw thui pah.
4 Thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not go up, nor fight against your brethren: return every man to his house; for this thing is of me. So they hearkened unto the words of the LORD, and returned from going against Jeroboam.
“BOEIPA loh he ni a thui. Cet uh boeh, na manuca te vathoh thil boeh. Hlang te amah im la mael saeh. He kah hno he kai taeng lamkah ni a thoeng,” ti nah,” a ti nah. Te dongah BOEIPA ol te a hnatun uh tih Jeroboam aka caeh thil lamloh mael uh.
5 And Rehoboam dwelt in Jerusalem, and built cities for defence in Judah.
Rehoboam tah Jerusalem ah kho a sak tih Judah khuikah vongup hamla khopuei rhoek khaw a sak.
6 He built even Beth-lehem, and Etam, and Tekoa,
Te vaengah Bethlehem, Etam neh Tekoa.
7 And Beth-zur, and Soco, and Adullam,
Bethzur, Sokoh neh Adullam.
8 and Gath, and Mareshah, and Ziph,
Gath, Mareshah neh Ziph.
9 and Adoraim, and Lachish, and Azekah,
Adoraim, Lakhish neh Azekah.
10 and Zorah, and Aijalon, and Hebron, which are in Judah and in Benjamin, fenced cities.
Zorah, Aijalon neh Hebron. Te te Judah khui neh Benjamin khuikah kasam khopuei rhoek ni.
11 And he fortified the strong holds, and put captains in them, and store of victual, and oil and wine.
Kasam te a moem tih a khuiah rhaengsang rhoek neh caak, situi, misur thakvoh a khueh.
12 And in every several city [he put] shields and spears, and made them exceeding strong. And Judah and Benjamin belonged to him.
Khopuei, khopuei boeih ah photlinglen neh cai a cak la khak a moem. Te dongah Judah neh Benjamin tah anih taengla om.
13 And the priests and the Levites that were in all Israel resorted to him out of all their border.
Te vaengah Israel pum khuikah khosoih rhoek neh Levi rhoek khaw amamih kah khorhi cungkuem lamloh anih taengla pai uh.
14 For the Levites left their suburbs and their possession, and came to Judah and Jerusalem: for Jeroboam and his sons cast them off, that they should not execute the priest’s office unto the LORD:
Levi rhoek loh a khocaak neh a khohut te a hnoo uh tih Judah la, Jerusalem la cet uh. Amih te Jeroboam neh anih koca rhoek loh BOEIPA kah khosoih lamloh a hlahpham dongah ni.
15 and he appointed him priests for the high places, and for the he-goats, and for the calves which he had made.
Amah ham te hmuensang khosoih a pai sak tih maae neh vaitoca ham khaw a saii.
16 And after them, out of all the tribes of Israel, such as set their hearts to seek the LORD, the God of Israel, came to Jerusalem to sacrifice unto the LORD, the God of their fathers.
Tedae amih hnukah Israel koca boeih lamkah khaw Israel Pathen BOEIPA toem ham a thinko a paek uh tih a napa rhoek kah Pathen BOEIPA te nawn ham Jerusalem pawk uh.
17 So they strengthened the kingdom of Judah, and made Rehoboam the son of Solomon strong, three years: for they walked three years in the way of David and Solomon.
Te dongah Judah ram te a moem uh tih Solomon capa Rehoboam te kum thum a duel uh. Kum thum khui David neh Solomon kah longpuei ah pongpa uh.
18 And Rehoboam took him a wife; Mahalath the daughter of Jerimoth the son of David, [and of] Abihail the daughter of Eliab the son of Jesse;
Rehoboam loh a yuu la David koca Jerimoth nu ca Mahalath neh Jesse koca Eliab canu Abihail te a loh.
19 and she bare him sons; Jeush, and Shemariah, and Zaham.
Te dongah anih ham te capa Jeush, Shemariah neh Zaham a sak pah.
20 And after her he took Maacah the daughter of Absalom; and she bare him Abijah, and Attai, and Ziza, and Shelomith.
Te phoeiah a hnukla Absalom canu Maakah te a loh tih anih ham te Abijah, Attai, Ziza neh Shelomith te a cun pah.
21 And Rehoboam loved Maacah the daughter of Absalom above all his wives and his concubines: (for he took eighteen wives, and threescore concubines, and begat twenty and eight sons and threescore daughters.)
Rehoboam loh Absalom canu Maakah te a yuu boeih neh a yula rhoek lakah a lungnah. Anih te a yuu hlai rhet neh yula sawmrhuk a loh tih capa pakul parhet neh canu sawmrhuk a sak.
22 And Rehoboam appointed Abijah the son of Maacah to be chief, [even] the prince among his brethren: for [he was minded] to make him king.
Rehoboam loh Maakah capa Abijah te a manuca lakli ah rhaengsang la a manghai sak ham dongah boeilu la a pai sak.
23 And he dealt wisely, and dispersed of all his sons throughout all the lands of Judah and Benjamin, unto every fenced city: and he gave them victual in abundance. And he sought [for them] many wives.
A yakming dongah a ca rhoek boeih lamkah Judah neh Benjamin khohmuen boeih, kasam khopuei boeih duela a pungtai sak. Amih te lampu a cungkuem la a paek tih yuu muep a bae pah.

< 2 Chronicles 11 >