< Romans 13 >

1 Let everyone obey the supreme authorities. For no authority exists except by the will of God, and the existing authorities have been appointed by God.
Naj bo vsaka duša podrejena višjim oblastem. Kajti ni oblasti, razen od Boga; oblasti, ki so, so odrejene od Boga.
2 Therefore the one who sets themself against the authorities is resisting God’s appointment, and those who resist will bring a judgment on themselves.
Kdorkoli se torej upira oblasti, se upira Božji odredbi in tisti, ki se upirajo, bodo sebi prejeli obsodbo.
3 A good action has nothing to fear from rulers; a bad action has. Do you want to have no reason to fear the authorities? Then do what is good, and you will win their praise.
Kajti vladarji niso strahota dobrim delom, temveč zlim. Se torej ne boš bal oblasti? Delaj to, kar je dobro in imel boš pohvalo od nje;
4 For they are God’s servants appointed for your good. But, if you do what is wrong, you may well be afraid; for the sword they carry is not without meaning! They are God’s servants to inflict his punishments on those who do wrong.
kajti ona je Božja služabnica, tebi v dobro. Toda če počneš to, kar je zlo, se boj, ker meča ne nosi zaman; kajti Božja služabnica je, maščevalka, da izvrši bes nad tistim, ki počenja zlo.
5 You are bound, therefore, to obey, not only through fear of God’s punishments, but also as a matter of conscience.
Zatorej morate biti nujno podrejeni, ne samo zaradi besa, temveč tudi zaradi vesti.
6 This, too, is the reason for your paying taxes; for the officials are God’s officers, devoting themselves to this special work.
Kajti zaradi tega razloga tudi plačujete davek, kajti oni so Božji služabniki, ki nenehno skrbijo prav za to stvar.
7 In all cases pay what is due from you – tribute where tribute is due, taxes where taxes are due, respect where respect is due, and honor where honor is due.
Povrnite torej vsem njihove dolgove: davek, komur gre davek, carino, komur carino, strah, komur strah, spoštovanje, komur spoštovanje.
8 Owe nothing to anyone except love; for they who love their neighbor have satisfied the Law.
Nobenemu človeku ničesar ne dolgujte, razen da ljubite drug drugega; kajti kdor ljubi drugega, je izpolnil postavo.
9 The commandments, ‘You must not commit adultery, you must not kill, you must not steal, you must not covet,’ and whatever other commandment there is, are all summed up in the words – ‘You must love your neighbor as you love yourself.’
Zaradi tega: ›Ne boš zagrešil zakonolomstva, ‹ ›Ne boš ubil, ‹ ›Ne boš kradel, ‹ ›Ne boš pričal po krivem, ‹ ›Ne boš požêlel; ‹ in če obstaja katera druga zapoved, je le-ta na kratko obsežena v tej besedi, namreč: ›Ljubil boš svojega bližnjega kakor samega sebe.‹
10 Love never wrongs a neighbor. Therefore love fully satisfies the Law.
Ljubezen svojemu bližnjemu ne dela škode; torej je ljubezen izpolnitev postave.
11 This I say, because you know the crisis that we have reached, for the time has already come for you to rouse yourselves from sleep; our salvation is nearer now than when we accepted the faith.
In ker poznamo čas, da je sedaj skrajni čas, da se prebudimo iz spanja, kajti sedaj je naša rešitev duš bližje, kakor ko smo [začeli] verovati.
12 The night is almost gone; the day is near. Therefore let us be done with the deeds of darkness, and arm ourselves with the weapons of light.
Noč je davno minila, dan je blizu. Odvrzimo torej dela teme in si nadenimo bojno opremo svetlobe.
13 Being in the light of day, let us live becomingly, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lust and licentiousness, not in quarreling and jealousy.
Živimo pošteno, kakor podnevi; ne v upornosti in pijanosti, ne v nespodobnosti in razuzdanosti, ne v prepiru in zavisti.
14 No! Arm yourselves with the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, and spend no thought on your earthly nature, to satisfy its cravings.
Temveč si nadenite Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa in ne delajte si preskrbe za meso, da [bi] izpolnili poželenja le-tega.

< Romans 13 >