< Luke 19 >

1 Jesus entered Jericho and made his way through the town.
Nau Hejavaneauthusau haewaudasa nau haechaugusa Jericho.
2 There was a man there, known by the name of Zacchaeus, who was a senior tax collector and a rich man.
Nau, naune, haeanedau henane Zacchaeus haseagu, haenajawauna hauāyāhehau, nau haeveaunauau.
3 He tried to see what Jesus was like; but, being short, he was unable to do so because of the crowd.
Nau haeneenavadaunauhauva Hejavaneauthusaun haedāhenethe; nau haejeneene daunauthethenadedaunenee, heee daujaahede.
4 So he ran on ahead and climbed into a mulberry tree to see Jesus, for he knew that he must pass that way.
Nau haesayāgau, nau haenauauhu sycomore hunauhaudee hadnauhauwaude: hanau hadnehedesanith.
5 When Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, be quick and come down, for I must stop at your house today.”
Nau Hejavaneauthusau hāejeedadauau, haeejaāne, nau haenauhauva, nau hathauhuk, Zacchaeus, nauhauhuhu, nau jeauwusa, hanau nuu desenee hadnanedaunau haudauauwuu.
6 So Zacchaeus got down quickly, and joyfully welcomed him.
Nau haenauhauhu, nau haejeauwusa, nau haeedasa nauguu neethajaude.
7 On seeing this, everyone began to complain, “He has gone to stay with a man who is an outcast.”
Nau hāenauhauvāhede, vahee haeneānaune, Henee hadneejādavenethe henanene henee wauwauchudauhu, hathāhuk.
8 But Zacchaeus stood forward and said to the Master, “Listen, Master! I will give half my property to the poor, and, if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will give him back four times as much.”
Nau Zacchaeus haetheaugu, nau haeāedauwuna Vahadāhenith; Naune, Vahadāhene, vayaugauuu naudaununaunau vanenu hadavenuhuhanau; nau hith hedanavanaugu hayewhu hehethee daun henane hanājayaudauvāedauwauthauau, hanājavaāvenauau yāyaunanee.
9 “Salvation has come to this house today,” answered Jesus, “for even this man is a son of Abraham.
Nau Hejavaneauthusaun haeāedauwunaa, Nuu desenee henayauthāhe hedadauau nuu hauauwuu, hanau nechau haneāvāde Abrahamvene.
10 The Son of Man has come to search for those who are lost and to save them.”
Hanau Heau henane nauusade hadnaudethāde nau hadnenayauhaude daun naunethauaunith.
11 As the people were listening to this, Jesus went on to tell them a parable. He did so because he was near Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God was going to be proclaimed at once.
Nau hajesenedauwauduu nuu hayauhuhau, haeethedaunane nau haeauthaunauhānanadetha, hanau dauhuauchauau wauwu Dādaunedan, nau hanau daunauanaduu henee henajanedaunene Hejavaneauthu chauchaunu wauauhaadenauhauwu.
12 He said, “A nobleman once went to a distant country to receive his appointment to a kingdom and then return.
Hanaāenehede henaheee, Jasaa naja haeehau vavāaune vedauauwuu hadnesedanauau heee nehayau najanede, nau hadjaejaude.
13 He called ten of his servants and gave them ten pounds of silver each, and told them to trade with them during his absence.
Nau haeadetha vadadauchu hewauwaunauwau, nau haejaanauwuna vadadausauna vāejethā, nau haeāedauwuna, Hadeaudaunava haunaude jaenauusanaugu.
14 But his subjects hated him and sent envoys after him to say ‘We will not have this man as our king.’
Hau hauauwunanenau haeasānavaa, nau haeyethautheavedaunene thauguu, Nāhauwuvadaunethenauva naa henane nāhauwuvadaunajawaunāva, hathāhuk.
15 On his return, after having been appointed king, he directed that the servants to whom he had given his money should be summoned, so that he might learn what amount of trade they had done.
Nau hethauwuu, henee hāejaenauusade, haeesedane najanede, hanaāauchuwuhaude nuu wauwaunau hadnadethaude, hevenaunau vāejethā, henee hadnaenauau haedauchu dathājee henane haedauchujavaājasedethe heee hedaudaunaunau.
16 The first came up, and said ‘Sir, your ten pounds have made a hundred.’
Hanaāejenauusade nanedauvade, Vahadāhene, havāejethāwau javaājasedede vadadausauna vāejethā, hathāhuk.
17 ‘Well done, good servant!’ exclaimed the master. ‘As you have proved trustworthy in a very small matter, I appoint you governor over ten towns.’
Nau hanaāāedauwunaude, Hethadee, nananene hethāhene wauwau; hanau nananene nethauwaudauwu heee naugajuhuhuu hadnajawaudauwu vadadausauna hedan.
18 When the second came, he said ‘Your ten pounds, Sir, have produced fifty.’
Nau naneseauwaude haejenauusa, Vahadāhene, havāejethāwau javaājasedethee yauthauyauna vāejethā, hathāhuk.
19 So the master said to him ‘And you I appoint over five towns.’
Nau vavade hanaasenehethaude, Hadnehanāhene yauthauyauna hedan jea.
20 Another servant also came and said ‘Sir, here are your ten pounds; I have kept them put away in a handkerchief.
Nau jasaa haejenauusa, Vahadāhene, Naune, heyewnau havāejethāwau, neaunaunedenau nejenanauwau hāheāhaunaa, hathāhuk:
21 For I was afraid of you, because you are a stern man. You take what you have not planted, and reap what you have not sown.’
Heee dauhusathane, hanau nananene daugaugaunauauwunanenene: nananene hedanau henee hājejenayaunau, nau hadegauuchu henee hājejenayaunau.
22 The master answered ‘Out of your own mouth I judge you, you worthless servant. You knew that I am a stern man, that I take what I have not planted, and reap what I have not sown?
Nau haeāedauwuna, hehethee nehayau hadenaa hadauchuwuhathane, nananene hauhauganene wauwau. Haenauwu henee daugaugaunauauwunanenenau, hedanauwau henee nājejenayaunau, nau hadgauuchauwau henee nājejenayaunau:
23 Then why didn’t you put my money into a bank? And I, on my return, could have claimed it with interest.
Naudu gauhājevā navāejethāwau nedauhaenaeevāejethā, henee hāejaenauusanaune hadeesedanauwau nehayau javaānee?
24 Take away from him the ten pounds,’ he said to those standing by, ‘and give them to the one who has the hundred.’
Nau haeāedauwuna henee daunauthetheaugunethe, Hedanauwunaa vāejethā, nau hadevenau henee vadadauchuvāejethāvade.
25 ‘But, Sir,’ they said, ‘he has a hundred pounds already!’
(Nau hathāhuk, Vahadāhene, nanethenauau vadadauchuvāejethā.)
26 ‘I tell you,’ he answered, ‘that, to him who has, more will be given, but, from him who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away.
Hanau hāedauwunathane, Henee dathājee hanesāde nanethenauau hadnevenade; nau henee janejasedede, daudause henee henetheyaunau hadnedanauwunade.
27 But as for my enemies, these men who would not have me as their king, bring them here and put them to death in my presence.’”
Hau hena naujauthauwauau, henee najevadaunajawaunaunauau, hadjāthauva hede, nau hadnaunauauva hathaājenau.
28 After saying this, Jesus went on in front, going up to Jerusalem.
Nau hāesanāsenehede nuu, haenedauva, haenauauhuyehaunauau Dādaunedan.
29 It was when Jesus had almost reached Bethphage and Bethany, near the Mount of Olives, that he sent on two of the disciples.
Nau hethauwuu, hāayānauusade Bethphage nau Bethany, haua Olives haseāgu, Haesayānautheava hanesenethe hethauguhādaunau.
30 “Go to the village facing us,” he said, “and, when you get there, you will find a foal tethered, which no one has yet ridden; untie it and lead it here.
Najesaa nananena hesee hajasee hauauwudan hathaāsana, hathauhuk; nanaa waudasanagu hadveehauna dātheveehauchavesau hadduguhude, hehauwuthauune henane dachaugu: hadaugunauva, nau hadjāchaudauneva hede, hathauhuk.
31 And, if anybody asks you ‘Why are you untying it?’, you are to say this – ‘The Master wants it.’”
Nau hith daun henane naudedaunānagu, Naudu hauaugunauna hethānagu? hesau jenaasenehethauna, hanau Vahadāde haddaununaude.
32 So the two who were sent went and found it as Jesus had told them.
Nau henee hautheavathee hanaāejathāauthee, nau haeveehanauau neesenehethaude.
33 While they were untying the foal, the owners asked them – “Why are you untying the foal?”
Nau daunausunaugunauthee dātheveehauchavesaune, hedauneenith, Naudu haaugunauna dātheveehauchavesau? hathāhaugaunee,
34 And the two disciples answered – “The Master wants it.”
Nau hanaāāedauwunauthee, Vahadāde haddaununaude.
35 Then they led it back to Jesus, and threw their cloaks on the foal and put Jesus on it.
Nau haenauuchaudaunanauau Hejavaneauthusaun: nau haedadasanauwunanauau hedāchaunenau dasee dātheveehauchavesaun, nau haeaugaugunaunanauau Hejavaneauthusaun dasee.
36 As he went along, the people kept spreading their cloaks in the road.
Nau daunausuyehaude, haesasaanauwu hedāchaunenau vaunaa.
37 When he had almost reached the place where the road led down the Mount of Olives, everyone of the many disciples began in their joy to praise God loudly for all the miracles that they had seen:
Nau hāayānauusade, wauwu haeauwusa hauanee Olives, haunauude hadauchude hethauguhādaunau hanaāaunauwuthajauthee nau haevaveenethedaunanauau Hejavaneauthu nauguu haevasānadedaune heee vahee hathāenauthaunee henesethaunene henee henauhauthaunenau;
38 “Blessed is He who comes – our king – in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven, and glory on high.”
Haunauwuthajauau Naja henee jaunaude haneneseede Vahadāhenith: danādauyauau hejavaa, nau vaveenethedauwuu javaājauudaa, hāheagu.
39 Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, restrain your disciples.”
Nau hauthauau Nesethajauhuhau hehethee henanedaa, Hechauhauthethāhe, neuwune hāthauguhādaunauau, hathāhuk.
40 But Jesus answered, “I tell you that if they are silent, the stones will call out.”
Nau haeauchuhanāedauwuna nau hasenehethauhuk, Nananenau nāedauwunathana henee, hith nuu dādaunaugagaunee, hauunauganauau chauchaunu hadneduhuthee.
41 When he drew near, on seeing the city, he wept over it, and said,
Hau hāayānauusade, hāenauhaudauau hedan, nau haevewau,
42 “If only you had known, while yet there was time – even you – the things that make for peace! But now they have been hidden from your sight.
Hanaāenehede, hith heaenauwunagu, ha nananene, ha nuu hadeseve, hayauhuhau naathuu hadādaunahedaunaa, hau hewaunehaa yaunaudaunane hasesāe.
43 For a time is coming when your enemies will surround you with earthworks, and encircle you, and hem you in on all sides;
Hanau hese hadnedasāna henee haujauthauwauau hadnesedethee havathegauuha heee nananene, nau hadnechauchuaunāna nauanee, nau hadnaunaunehāna daudauna hehethee,
44 they will trample you down and your children within you, and they will not leave in you one stone on another, because you did not know the time of your visitation.”
Nau hadnanaunauvaenāna, nau hadāeyaunewauau hanedauchaunawaunauau; nau hadnehauwunaudanauwunā hanesāhenith hauunaugane hanathaugunethe; hanau nananene daujaenauwu hāenauujādaunathana.
45 Jesus went into the Temple Courts and began to drive out those who were selling,
Nau hanaāeyehaude vadanedaunauauwuu, nau hanaāenudanaude henee neaudaunanethe jedauwuu, nau henee naudaunanethe;
46 saying as he did so, “Scripture says – ‘My house will be a house of prayer’; but you have made it a den of robbers.”
Hanaāāedauwunaude, Wauthaunauhuu, Naudauauwuu haneauauwunee hadnevevethahedaunee: hau nananena haesedena nedaunaudee heyāenau havedehehauau.
47 Jesus continued to teach each day in the Temple Courts; but the chief priests and teachers of the Law were eager to take his life, and so also were the leaders of the people.
Nau haeautheda hayauwusenenee vadanedaunauauwuu. Hau najanauau vevethahevahehauau nau wauthaunauhāhehauau nau najavahehauau henanedanede haeneenanaudehaa hadnaāde,
48 Yet they could not see what to do, for the people all hung on his words.
Nau haeeyauhuune nesenehāde hanau vahee henanedanede haenāedevenenau dauhujaathehāde.

< Luke 19 >