< Zechariah 6 >

1 Again I looked up, and saw four chariots come from between two mountains. The mountains were mountains of bronze.
Ngaphinde ngaphakamisa amehlo njalo phambi kwami kwakulezinqola zempi ezine ziqhamuka okhalweni lwezintaba ezimbili, izintaba zethusi!
2 The first chariot had red horses. The second chariot had black horses,
Inqola yakuqala yayilamabhiza abomvu, eyesibili ilamnyama,
3 the third chariot white horses, and the fourth chariot dappled horses.
eyesithathu amhlophe, eyesine alamabala, wonke elamandla.
4 Then I said to the messenger who talked with me, ‘What are these, my lord?’
Ngayibuza ingilosi eyayikhuluma lami ngathi, “Kuyini lokhu, nkosi yami?”
5 The messenger answered me, ‘These are the four winds of heaven going out after standing before the Lord of all the earth.
Ingilosi yangiphendula yathi, “Le yimimoya emine yasezulwini, ephumayo ekumeni phambi kukaThixo womhlaba wonke.
6 The black horses are going toward the north country and the white toward the west and the dappled toward the south country.’
Le elamabhiza amnyama iqonda elizweni elisenyakatho, eyawamhlophe iqonda entshonalanga, kuthi eyawamabala iqonda eningizimu.”
7 The strong horses came out, and were impatient to patrol the earth. So he said, ‘Go, patrol the earth,’ and they did so.
Kwathi lawomabhiza alamandla esephuma ayesadalala ezama ukuya kuwo wonke umhlaba. Yathi kuwo, “Hambani kuwo wonke umhlaba.” Lakanye aya kuwo wonke umhlaba.
8 Then he cried out to me, ‘The horses that went to the north country will quiet my spirit in the north country.’
Yase ingibiza yathi, “Uyabona, lawana aqonda elizweni elisenyakatho asenike uMoya wami ukuphumula elizweni lasenyakatho.”
9 Now this message of the Lord came to me:
Ilizwi likaThixo lafika kimi lathi:
10 Take the gifts from the exiles Heldai, Tobijah and Jedaiah who have come from Babylon and go at once to Josiah the son of Zephaniah.
“Thatha isiliva legolide kwabathunjiweyo uHelidayi loThobhiya loJedaya asebebuyile eBhabhiloni. Hamba ngalelolanga endlini kaJosiya indodana kaZefaniya.
11 Take their silver and gold and make a crown and set it on the head of the high priest, Joshua son of Jehozadak.
Thatha isiliva legolide wenze umqhele uwethese umphristi omkhulu uJoshuwa indodana kaJozadaki.
12 Tell him: ‘Thus says the Lord of hosts: Behold, the man whose name is the Branch. He will branch out from his place and rebuild the temple of the Lord.
Umtshele ukuthi nanku okutshiwo nguThixo uSomandla, uthi: ‘Nansi indoda obizo layo liHlumela, njalo uzahluma endaweni yakhe akhe ithempeli likaThixo.
13 He will rebuild the temple and will sit and rule upon his throne, receiving the honour due to a king. A priest will stand by his throne and they will work together in peace and harmony.
Nguye ozakwakha ithempeli likaThixo, njalo uzagqokiswa ubukhosi, futhi uzahlala esihlalweni sakhe sobukhosi. Njalo uzakuba ngumphristi esihlalweni sakhe sobukhosi. Lokhu kokubili kuzahambelana kuhle.’
14 The crown will be a memorial in the temple of the Lord for Heldai and Tobijah and Jedaiah, and Josiah the son of Zephaniah.
Umqhele uzaphiwa uHelidayi, loThobhiya, loJedaya kanye loHeni indodana kaZefaniya njengesikhumbuzo ethempelini likaThixo.
15 People from far away will come and build in the temple of the Lord and you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you. This will happen if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God.’
Labo abasekudeni bazakuza bazakwelekelela ukwakha ithempeli likaThixo njalo lizakwazi ukuthi uthixo uSomandla ungithumile kini. Lokhu kuzakwenzeka nxa limlalela ngokukhuthala uThixo uNkulunkulu wenu.”

< Zechariah 6 >