< Revelation 12 >

1 Then a great portent was seen in the heavens – a woman whose robe was the sun, and who had the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.
Kisha ishara kubwa ikaonekana mbinguni. Palikuwa hapo mwanamke aliyevikwa jua, na mwezi chini ya miguu yake, na taji ya nyota kumi na mbili juu ya kichwa chake!
2 She was pregnant; and she is crying out in the pain and agony of childbirth.
Alikuwa mja mzito, na akapaaza sauti kwa maumivu na uchungu wa kujifungua mtoto.
3 Another portent also was seen in the heavens There was a great red Dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven diadems.
Ishara nyingine ikatokea mbinguni: joka kubwa jekundu na lenye pembe kumi na vichwa saba; na kila kichwa kilikuwa na taji.
4 His tail draws after it a third of the stars in the heavens, and it hurled them down on the earth. The Dragon is standing in front of the woman who is about to give birth to the child, so that he may devour it as soon as it is born.
Joka hilo liliburuta kwa mkia wake theluthi moja ya nyota za anga na kuzitupa duniani. Nalo lilisimama mbele ya huyo mama aliyekuwa karibu kujifungua mtoto, tayari kabisa kummeza mtoto, mara tu atakapozaliwa.
5 The woman gave birth to a son, a male child, who is destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod; and her child was at once caught up to God on his throne.
Kisha mama huyo akajifungua mtoto wa kiume, ambaye atayatawala mataifa yote kwa fimbo ya chuma. Lakini mtoto akanyakuliwa na kupelekwa kwa Mungu na kwenye kiti chake cha enzi.
6 But the woman fled into the wilderness, where there is a place prepared for her by God, to be tended there for twelve hundred and sixty days.
Huyo mama akakimbilia jangwani, ambako Mungu alikuwa amemtayarishia mahali pa usalama ambapo angehifadhiwa kwa muda wa siku elfu moja mia mbili na sitini.
7 Then a battle took place in the heavens. Michael and his angels fought with the Dragon. But though the Dragon, with his angels, fought,
Kisha kukazuka vita mbinguni: Mikaeli na malaika wake walipigana na hilo joka, nalo likawashambulia pamoja na malaika wake.
8 he did not prevail; and there was no place left for them any longer in the heavens.
Lakini joka hilo halikuweza kuwashinda, na hatimaye hapakuwa tena na nafasi mbinguni kwa ajili yake na malaika wake.
9 Then the great Dragon, the primeval snake, known as the “devil” and “Satan,” who deceives all the world, was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.
Basi, joka hilo kuu likatupwa nje. Joka hilo ndiye yule nyoka wa kale ambaye huitwa pia Ibilisi au Shetani. Ndiye anayeudanganya ulimwengu wote. Naam, alitupwa duniani, na malaika wake wote pamoja naye.
10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven which said – “Now has begun the day of the salvation, and Power, and Dominion of our God, and the Rule of his Christ; for the Accuser of our people has been hurled down, he who has been accusing them before our God day and night.
Kisha nikasikia sauti kubwa kutoka mbinguni ikisema: “Sasa ukombozi utokao kwa Mungu umefika! Nguvu na Utawala wa Mungu wetu umedhihirika. Na Kristo wake ameonyesha mamlaka yake! Maana yule mdhalimu wa ndugu zetu, aliyesimama mbele ya Mungu akiwashtaki usiku na mchana, sasa ametupwa nje.
11 Their victory was due to the blood of the Lamb, and to the message to which they bore their testimony. In their love of life they shrank not from death.
Ndugu zetu wameshinda kwa damu ya Mwanakondoo na kwa nguvu ya ukweli walioutangaza; maana hawakuyathamini maisha yao kuwa kitu sana, wakawa tayari kufa.
12 Therefore, be glad, heaven, and all who live in heaven! Alas for the earth and for the sea, for the devil has gone down to you in great fury, knowing that he has but little time.”
Kwa sababu hiyo, furahini enyi mbingu na vyote vilivyomo ndani yenu. Lakini, ole wenu nchi na bahari, maana Ibilisi amewajieni akiwa na ghadhabu kuu, kwa sababu anajua kwamba siku zake zilizobakia ni chache.”
13 When the Dragon saw that he was hurled down to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child.
Joka lilipotambua kwamba limetupwa chini duniani, likaanza kumwinda yule mama aliyekuwa amejifungua mtoto wa kiume.
14 But to the woman were given the two wings of the great eagle, so that she might fly to her place in the wilderness, where she is being tended for one year, and for two years, and for half a year in safety from the snake.
Lakini mama huyo akapewa mabawa mawili ya tai apate kuruka mbali sana na hilo joka, mpaka mahali, pake jangwani ambapo angehifadhiwa salama kwa muda wa miaka mitatu na nusu.
15 Then the snake poured water from its mouth after the woman, like a river, so that it might sweep her away.
Basi, joka likatapika maji mengi kama mto, yakamfuata huyo mama nyuma ili yamchukue.
16 But Earth came to her help, and opened her mouth and drank up the river which the Dragon had poured out of its mouth.
Lakini nchi ikamsaidia huyo mama: ikajifunua kama mdomo na kuyameza maji hayo yaliyotoka kinywani mwa hilo joka.
17 The Dragon was enraged at the woman, and went to fight with the rest of her offspring – those who lay to heart the commands of God and bear their testimony to Jesus;
Basi, joka hilo likamkasirikia huyo mama, likajiondokea, likaenda kupigana na wazawa wengine wa huyo mama, yaani wote wanaotii amri za Mungu na kuuzingatia ukweli wa Yesu.

< Revelation 12 >