< Revelation 12 >

1 Then a great portent was seen in the heavens – a woman whose robe was the sun, and who had the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.
N den la maalcianma tanpoli: pua n yeni, ke laá u yianu nani liali, ki ŋmaa o ŋmaalo po, ki yili badfegliga, ke ki pia ŋmaabila piiga a lie o yuli po.
2 She was pregnant; and she is crying out in the pain and agony of childbirth.
O den punbi, ki mɔa yeni u tugpunbyianu, ki gbaa ke wan mali.
3 Another portent also was seen in the heavens There was a great red Dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven diadems.
N den maaltɔma mo tanpoli: Diidi! Bonfuodcincilingu yu bia, ki mɔni, ki pia yula lele yeni yina piiga, ki ciibi badfeglimu lele o yula po.
4 His tail draws after it a third of the stars in the heavens, and it hurled them down on the earth. The Dragon is standing in front of the woman who is about to give birth to the child, so that he may devour it as soon as it is born.
O juoli den baandi tanpoli po ŋmaabila bɔgdima taalma taa ki lu tinga tinga po. O bonfuodcincilingu den seé o pua yua nbua mali yeni kani, ki guu, ke o ya mali, wan nali ki biga.
5 The woman gave birth to a son, a male child, who is destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod; and her child was at once caught up to God on his throne.
O den mali bonjaga, yua n ba ti diedi i dogi kuli, ki ya gobdi yeni ti kudi badgbiamu. Bi den ñani ki biga, ki duoni ga U Tienu yeni o badigbandi kani,
6 But the woman fled into the wilderness, where there is a place prepared for her by God, to be tended there for twelve hundred and sixty days.
ke o pua sani ki gedi mi tinfanpienma nni, U Tienu ń den bobni u kaanu o po. Lanwanni ii, bi baa kubi o likani hali dana 1.260
7 Then a battle took place in the heavens. Michael and his angels fought with the Dragon. But though the Dragon, with his angels, fought,
Mɔla, bu tɔbu den pua tanpoli. Miiciheli yeni o malekinba den tuogi yeni o bonfuodcincilingu yeni o mo ya malekinba.
8 he did not prevail; and there was no place left for them any longer in the heavens.
Ama o bonfuodcincilingu den ki pia paalu ki ba paadi. Lanwani ii, wani yeni o alekinba ji den ki pia kaanu tanpoli.
9 Then the great Dragon, the primeval snake, known as the “devil” and “Satan,” who deceives all the world, was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.
O bonfuodciamo, o cincilingu, ya waakpeli ke bi yii o bulo bii Sutaani, yua n den tulni ŋanduna kuli, bi den tudi ki jiini, ki luni o, wani yeni o malekinba ki tinga po.
10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven which said – “Now has begun the day of the salvation, and Power, and Dominion of our God, and the Rule of his Christ; for the Accuser of our people has been hurled down, he who has been accusing them before our God day and night.
N den gbadi nialciamu tanpoli, ke u yedi: “Mɔla, mi faabma, u paaciamu, Ti Diedo badidiema yeni o Kiristi yikodi. Kelima bi tudi ki jiini ti kpiiba tonandaano, wani o tingbangbaabo yua n den kaa ti Tienu kani, yienu yeni ñiagu kuli, bi po.
11 Their victory was due to the blood of the Lamb, and to the message to which they bore their testimony. In their love of life they shrank not from death.
Bi kɔni mi jama ki paadi o yeni ki pebiga sɔma yeni bi kasiedi lanbona, kelima bi den luni bi miana kaa jie bá mi kuuma.
12 Therefore, be glad, heaven, and all who live in heaven! Alas for the earth and for the sea, for the devil has gone down to you in great fury, knowing that he has but little time.”
Lanwani ii, Tanpoli yeni yaaba ye lipo ń ya mangdi bi pala. Ama falabiado ki tinga yeni mi ñincianma po kelima mi biadma yudaano jiidi i kani. O gbie yeni pabiencianli, kelima o bani ke wan pia ya yognu ji ki pia mayuli (o juodma ji ki fagi).
13 When the Dragon saw that he was hurled down to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child.
Ku bonfuodcincilingu ń bandi ke bi tudi ki luni o ki tinga po, ke o ŋɔdi ki woli ya pua n mali bonjaga yeni.
14 But to the woman were given the two wings of the great eagle, so that she might fly to her place in the wilderness, where she is being tended for one year, and for two years, and for half a year in safety from the snake.
Ama bi den teni o pua ku kapaciigu fiabciandi, ke wan yugi ki gedi ban den bobni o po naakani mi tinfanpienma nni. Bi baa kubi o lanpo i, yognu bá, i yogni yeni u yognu bɔgdima, naani n fagi yeni o waaciamo ń ye naani.
15 Then the snake poured water from its mouth after the woman, like a river, so that it might sweep her away.
O waaciamo den wugdi mi ñima nani u kpenciamu yeni, ke man ŋɔdi ki tugi o pua.
16 But Earth came to her help, and opened her mouth and drank up the river which the Dragon had poured out of its mouth.
Ama ki tinga den yaadi ki ñɔbu ki nuudi ku bonfuodcincilingu ń den siini ya ñincianma, ki todi o pua.
17 The Dragon was enraged at the woman, and went to fight with the rest of her offspring – those who lay to heart the commands of God and bear their testimony to Jesus;
Lanyapo, ku bonfuodcincilingu den gaadi yeni li pabiencianli, o pua po, ki gedi ki woli o pua puolŋuani, ki pua bu tɔbu yeni ba, bani yaaba n cɔlni U Tienu ñɔmaama, ki tieni kasiedi Jesu po.

< Revelation 12 >