< Psalms 48 >

1 A song. A psalm of the Korahites. Great is the Lord and worthy all praise in the city of our God. His holy mountain,
コラの子のうたなり讃美なり ヱホバは大なり われらの神の都そのきよき山のうへにて甚くほめたたへられたまふべし
2 that rises so fair, is the joy of all the world. Like the mount of the gods is Mount Zion, the city of the great king.
シオンの山はきたの端たかくしてうるはしく喜悦を地にあまねくあたふ ここは大なる王のみやこなり
3 Once God made himself known as the defence of her palaces.
4 For see! A concert of kings passed over the frontier together.
5 But one glance, and they were astounded; they hastened away in dismay.
6 Trembling took hold of them there, like the pains of a woman in labour.
戦慄はかれらにのぞみ その苦痛は子をうまんとする婦のごとし
7 They were shattered, as east wind shatters the giant ships in pieces.
8 What we heard, we now have seen in the city of the Lord of hosts, the city of our God. God will uphold her forever. (Selah)
曩にわれらが聞しごとく今われらは萬車のヱホバの都われらの神のみやこにて之をみることをえたり 神はこの都をとこしへまで固くしたまはん (セラ)
9 We think, O God, of your love, in the midst of your temple.
10 Your fame, O God, like your name, shall extend to the ends of the earth. Victory fills your hand.
神よなんぢの譽はその名のごとく地の極にまでおよべり なんぢの右手はただしきにて充り
11 Let mount Zion be glad; let the daughters of Judah rejoice because of your judgments.
12 Walk about Zion, go round her; count her towers.
13 Set your mind on her ramparts, consider her palaces; that you tell to the next generation
シオンの周圍をありき徧くめぐりてその櫓をかぞへよ その石垣に目をとめよ そのもろもろの殿をみよ なんぢらこれを後代にかたりつたへんが爲なり
14 That such is God, our God he it is who shall guide us for ever and ever.

< Psalms 48 >