< Psalms 25 >

1 A psalm of David. To you, O Lord, I lift up my heart: all the day I wait for you.
K tebi, oh Gospod, vzdigujem svojo dušo.
2 In you I trust, put me not to shame; let not my foes exult over me.
Oh moj Bog, jaz zaupam vate. Naj ne bom osramočen, naj moji sovražniki ne slavijo zmage nad menoj.
3 None will be shamed who wait for you, but shame will fall upon wanton traitors.
Da, naj ne bo osramočen nihče, ki čaka nate. Naj bodo osramočeni, ki se pregrešijo brez razloga.
4 Make me, O Lord, to know your ways: teach me your paths.
Pokaži mi svoje poti, oh Gospod, úči me svojih stezá.
5 In your faithfulness guide me and teach me, for you are my God and my saviour.
Vodi me v svoji resnici in me úči, kajti ti si Bog rešitve moje duše, nate čakam ves dan.
6 Remember your pity, O Lord, and your kindness, for they have been ever of old.
Spomni se, oh Gospod, svojih nežnih usmiljenj in svojih ljubečih skrbnosti, kajti bile so vedno, od davnine.
7 Do not remember the sins of my youth; remember me in kindness, because of your goodness, Lord.
Ne spominjaj se grehov moje mladosti niti mojih prestopkov. Glede na svoje usmiljenje se me spominjaj zaradi svoje dobrote, oh Gospod.
8 Good is the Lord and upright, so he teaches sinners the way.
Dober in pošten je Gospod, zato bo grešnike učil na poti.
9 The humble he guides in the right, he teaches the humble his way.
Krotke bo usmerjal na sodbo in krotke bo učil svojo pot.
10 All his ways are loving and loyal to those who observe his charges and covenant.
Vse Gospodove steze so usmiljenje in resnica do teh, ki se držijo njegove zaveze in njegovih pričevanj.
11 Be true to your name Lord, forgive my many sins.
Zaradi svojega imena, oh Gospod, odpusti mojo krivičnost, kajti ta je velika.
12 Who then is the person who fears the Lord? He will teach them the way to choose.
Kakšen človek je ta, ki se boji Gospoda? Njega bo on učil na poti, ki jo bo on izbral.
13 They will live in prosperity, their children will inherit the land.
Njegova duša bo prebivala sproščeno in njegovo seme bo podedovalo zemljo.
14 The Lord gives guidance to those who fear him, and with his covenant he makes them acquainted.
Gospodova skrivnost je s tistimi, ki se ga bojijo in pokazal jim bo svojo zavezo.
15 My eyes are ever toward the Lord, for out of the net he brings my foot.
Moje oči so vedno v smeri Gospoda, kajti moja stopala bo on potegnil iz mreže.
16 Turn to me with your favour, for I am lonely and crushed
Obrni se k meni in se me usmili, kajti zapuščen sem in prizadet.
17 In my heart are strain and storm; bring me out of my distresses.
Težave mojega srca so se povečale. O, osvobodi me iz moje stiske.
18 Look on my misery and trouble, and pardon all my sins,
Poglej na mojo žalost in mojo bolečino in odpusti vse moje grehe.
19 look on my foes oh, so many! And their cruel hatred towards me.
Preudari moje sovražnike, kajti mnogo jih je in sovražijo me s krutim sovraštvom.
20 Deliver me, keep me, and shame not one who takes refuge in you.
Oh varuj mojo dušo in me osvobodi. Naj ne bom osramočen, kajti svoje zaupanje polagam vate.
21 May integrity and innocence preserve me, for I wait for you, O Lord.
Naj me ohranjata neokrnjenost in poštenost, kajti jaz čakam nate.
22 Redeem Israel, O God, from all its distresses.
Odkupi Izraela, oh Bog, iz vseh njegovih težav.

< Psalms 25 >