< Matthew 8 >

1 When Jesus had come down from the hill, great crowds followed him.
یَدا سَ پَرْوَّتادْ اَواروہَتْ تَدا بَہَوو مانَواسْتَتْپَشْچادْ وَوْرَجُح۔
2 He saw a leper who came up, and bowed to the ground before him, and said, ‘Master, if only you are willing, you are able to make me clean.’
ایکَح کُشْٹھَوانْ آگَتْیَ تَں پْرَنَمْیَ بَبھاشے، ہے پْرَبھو، یَدِ بھَوانْ سَںمَنْیَتے، تَرْہِ ماں نِرامَیَں کَرْتُّں شَکْنوتِ۔
3 Stretching out his hand, Jesus touched him, saying as he did so, ‘I am willing; become clean.’ Instantly he was made clean from his leprosy;
تَتو یِیشُح کَرَں پْرَسارْیَّ تَسْیانْگَں سْپرِشَنْ وْیاجَہارَ، سَمَّنْیےہَں تْوَں نِرامَیو بھَوَ؛ تینَ سَ تَتْکْشَناتْ کُشْٹھیناموچِ۔
4 and then Jesus said to him, ‘Be careful not to say a word to anyone, but go and show yourself to the priest, and offer the gift directed by Moses, as evidence of your cure.’
تَتو یِیشُسْتَں جَگادَ، اَوَدھیہِ کَتھامیتاں کَشْچِدَپِ ما بْرُوہِ، کِنْتُ یاجَکَسْیَ سَنِّدھِں گَتْوا سْواتْمانَں دَرْشَیَ مَنُجیبھْیو نِجَنِرامَیَتْوَں پْرَمانَیِتُں مُوسانِرُوپِتَں دْرَوْیَمْ اُتْسرِجَ چَ۔
5 After Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion in the Roman army came up to him, entreating his help.
تَدَنَنْتَرَں یِیشُنا کَپھَرْناہُومْنامَنِ نَگَرے پْرَوِشْٹے کَشْچِتْ شَتَسیناپَتِسْتَتْسَمِیپَمْ آگَتْیَ وِنِییَ بَبھاشے،
6 ‘Sir,’ he said, ‘my manservant is lying ill at my house with a stroke of paralysis, and is suffering terribly.’
ہے پْرَبھو، مَدِییَ ایکو داسَح پَکْشاگھاتَوْیادھِنا بھرِشَں وْیَتھِتَح، سَتُ شَیَنِییَ آسْتے۔
7 ‘I will come and cure him,’ answered Jesus.
تَدانِیں یِیشُسْتَسْمَے کَتھِتَوانْ، اَہَں گَتْوا تَں نِرامَیَں کَرِشْیامِ۔
8 ‘Sir,’ the centurion went on, ‘I am unworthy to receive you under my roof; but only speak, and my manservant will be cured.
تَتَح سَ شَتَسیناپَتِح پْرَتْیَوَدَتْ، ہے پْرَبھو، بھَوانْ یَتْ مَمَ گیہَمَدھْیَں یاتِ تَدْیوگْیَبھاجَنَں ناہَمَسْمِ؛ وانْماتْرَمْ آدِشَتُ، تینَیوَ مَمَ داسو نِرامَیو بھَوِشْیَتِ۔
9 For I myself am a man under the orders of others, with soldiers under me; and, if I say to one of them “Go,” he goes, and to another “Come,” he comes, and to my slave “Do this,” he does it.’
یَتو مَیِ پَرَنِدھْنےپِ مَمَ نِدیشَوَشْیاح کَتِ کَتِ سیناح سَنْتِ، تَتَ ایکَسْمِنْ یاہِیتْیُکْتے سَ یاتِ، تَدَنْیَسْمِنْ ایہِیتْیُکْتے سَ آیاتِ، تَتھا مَمَ نِجَداسے کَرْمَّیتَتْ کُرْوِّتْیُکْتے سَ تَتْ کَروتِ۔
10 Jesus was surprised to hear this, and said to those who were following him, ‘Never I tell you, in any Israelite have I met with such faith as this!
تَدانِیں یِیشُسْتَسْیَیتَتْ وَچو نِشَمْیَ وِسْمَیاپَنّوبھُوتْ؛ نِجَپَشْچادْگامِنو مانَوانْ اَووچَّ، یُشْمانْ تَتھْیَں وَچْمِ، اِسْراییلِییَلوکاناں مَدھْیےپِ نَیتادرِشو وِشْواسو مَیا پْراپْتَح۔
11 Yes, and many will come in from East and West and take their places beside Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven;
اَنْیَچّاہَں یُشْمانْ وَدامِ، بَہَوَح پُورْوَّسْیاح پَشْچِمایاشْچَ دِشَ آگَتْیَ اِبْراہِیما اِسْہاکا یاکُوبا چَ ساکَمْ مِلِتْوا سَمُپَویکْشْیَنْتِ؛
12 while the heirs to the kingdom will be banished into the darkness outside; there, there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.’
کِنْتُ یَتْرَ سْتھانے رودَنَدَنْتَگھَرْشَنے بھَوَتَسْتَسْمِنْ بَہِرْبھُوتَتَمِسْرے راجْیَسْیَ سَنْتانا نِکْشیسْیَنْتے۔
13 Then Jesus said to the centurion, ‘Go now, and it will be according to your faith.’ And the man was cured that very hour.
تَتَح پَرَں یِیشُسْتَں شَتَسیناپَتِں جَگادَ، یاہِ، تَوَ پْرَتِیتْیَنُسارَتو مَنْگَلَں بھُویاتْ؛ تَدا تَسْمِنّیوَ دَنْڈے تَدِییَداسو نِرامَیو بَبھُووَ۔
14 When Jesus went into Peter’s house, he saw Peter’s mother-in-law prostrated with fever.
اَنَنْتَرَں یِیشُح پِتَرَسْیَ گیہَمُپَسْتھایَ جْوَرینَ پِیڈِتاں شَیَنِییَسْتھِتاں تَسْیَ شْوَشْرُوں وِیکْشانْچَکْرے۔
15 On his taking her hand, the fever left her, and she rose and began to take care of him.
تَتَسْتینَ تَسْیاح کَرَسْیَ سْپرِشْٹَتَواتْ جْوَرَسْتاں تَتْیاجَ، تَدا سا سَمُتّھایَ تانْ سِشیوے۔
16 In the evening the people brought to Jesus many who were possessed by demons; and he drove out the spirits with a word, and cured all who were ill,
اَنَنْتَرَں سَنْدھْیایاں سَتْیاں بَہُشو بھُوتَگْرَسْتَمَنُجانْ تَسْیَ سَمِیپَمْ آنِنْیُح سَ چَ واکْیینَ بھُوتانْ تْیاجَیاماسَ، سَرْوَّپْرَکارَپِیڈِتَجَناںشْچَ نِرامَیانْ چَکارَ؛
17 in fulfilment of these words in the prophet Isaiah – “He took our infirmities on himself, and bore the burden of our diseases.”
تَسْماتْ، سَرْوّا دُرْبَّلَتاسْماکَں تینَیوَ پَرِدھارِتا۔ اَسْماکَں سَکَلَں وْیادھِں سَایوَ سَںگرِہِیتَوانْ۔ یَدیتَدْوَچَنَں یِشَیِیَبھَوِشْیَدْوادِنوکْتَماسِیتْ، تَتَّدا سَپھَلَمَبھَوَتْ۔
18 Seeing a crowd round him, Jesus gave orders to go across.
اَنَنْتَرَں یِیشُشْچَتُرْدِکْشُ جَنَنِوَہَں وِلوکْیَ تَٹِنْیاح پارَں یاتُں شِشْیانْ آدِدیشَ۔
19 A teacher of the Law came up to him, and said, ‘Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.’
تَدانِیمْ ایکَ اُپادھْیایَ آگَتْیَ کَتھِتَوانْ، ہے گُرو، بھَوانْ یَتْرَ یاسْیَتِ تَتْراہَمَپِ بھَوَتَح پَشْچادْ یاسْیامِ۔
20 ‘Foxes have holes,’ answered Jesus, ‘and wild birds their nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.’
تَتو یِیشُ رْجَگادَ، کْروشْٹُح سْتھاتُں سْتھانَں وِدْیَتے، وِہایَسو وِہَنْگَماناں نِیڈانِ چَ سَنْتِ؛ کِنْتُ مَنُشْیَپُتْرَسْیَ شِرَح سْتھاپَیِتُں سْتھانَں نَ وِدْیَتے۔
21 ‘Master,’ said another, who was a disciple, ‘let me first go and bury my father.’
اَنَنْتَرَمْ اَپَرَ ایکَح شِشْیَسْتَں بَبھاشے، ہے پْرَبھو، پْرَتھَمَتو مَمَ پِتَرَں شْمَشانے نِدھاتُں گَمَنارْتھَں مامْ اَنُمَنْیَسْوَ۔
22 But Jesus answered, ‘Follow me, and leave the dead to bury their dead.’
تَتو یِیشُرُکْتَوانْ مرِتا مرِتانْ شْمَشانے نِدَدھَتُ، تْوَں مَمَ پَشْچادْ آگَچّھَ۔
23 Then he got into the boat, followed by his disciples.
اَنَنْتَرَں تَسْمِنْ ناوَمارُوڈھے تَسْیَ شِشْیاسْتَتْپَشْچاتْ جَگْمُح۔
24 Suddenly so great a storm came up on the sea, that the waves broke right over the boat. But Jesus was asleep;
پَشْچاتْ ساگَرَسْیَ مَدھْیَں تیشُ گَتیشُ تادرِشَح پْرَبَلو جھَنْبھْشَنِلَ اُدَتِشْٹھَتْ، یینَ مَہاتَرَنْگَ اُتّھایَ تَرَنِں چھادِتَوانْ، کِنْتُ سَ نِدْرِتَ آسِیتْ۔
25 and the disciples came and roused him. ‘Master,’ they cried, ‘save us; we are lost!’
تَدا شِشْیا آگَتْیَ تَسْیَ نِدْرابھَنْگَں کرِتْوا کَتھَیاماسُح، ہے پْرَبھو، وَیَں مْرِیامَہے، بھَوانْ اَسْماکَں پْرانانْ رَکْشَتُ۔
26 ‘Why are you so timid?’ he said. ‘You of little faith!’ Then Jesus rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and a great calm followed.
تَدا سَ تانْ اُکْتَوانْ، ہے اَلْپَوِشْواسِنو یُویَں کُتو وِبھِیتھَ؟ تَتَح سَ اُتّھایَ واتَں ساگَرَنْچَ تَرْجَیاماسَ، تَتو نِرْوّاتَمَبھَوَتْ۔
27 The men were amazed, and exclaimed, ‘What kind of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!’
اَپَرَں مَنُجا وِسْمَیَں وِلوکْیَ کَتھَیاماسُح، اَہو واتَسَرِتْپَتِی اَسْیَ کِماجْناگْراہِنَو؟ کِیدرِشویَں مانَوَح۔
28 On getting to the other side – the region of the Gadarenes – Jesus met two men who were possessed by demons, coming out of the tombs. They were so violent that no one was able to pass that way.
اَنَنْتَرَں سَ پارَں گَتْوا گِدیرِییَدیشَمْ اُپَسْتھِتَوانْ؛ تَدا دْوَو بھُوتَگْرَسْتَمَنُجَو شْمَشانَسْتھانادْ بَہِ رْبھُوتْوا تَں ساکْشاتْ کرِتَوَنْتَو، تاویتادرِشَو پْرَچَنْڈاواسْتاں یَتْ تینَ سْتھانینَ کوپِ یاتُں ناشَکْنوتْ۔
29 Suddenly they shrieked out, ‘What do you want with us, Son of God? Have you come here to torment us before our time?’
تاوُچَیح کَتھَیاماسَتُح، ہے اِیشْوَرَسْیَ سُونو یِیشو، تْوَیا ساکَمْ آوَیوح کَح سَمْبَنْدھَح؟ نِرُوپِتَکالاتْ پْراگیوَ کِماوابھْیاں یاتَناں داتُمْ اَتْراگَتوسِ؟
30 A long way off, there was a herd of many pigs, feeding;
تَدانِیں تابھْیاں کِنْچِدْ دُورے وَراہانامْ ایکو مَہاوْرَجوچَرَتْ۔
31 and the foul spirits began begging Jesus, ‘If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs.’
تَتو بھُوتَو تَو تَسْیانْتِکے وِنِییَ کَتھَیاماسَتُح، یَدْیاواں تْیاجَیَسِ، تَرْہِ وَراہاناں مَدھْییوْرَجَمْ آواں پْریرَیَ۔
32 ‘Go,’ he said. The spirits came out, and entered the pigs; and the whole herd rushed down the steep slope into the sea, and died in the water.
تَدا یِیشُرَوَدَتْ یاتَں، اَنَنْتَرَں تَو یَدا مَنُجَو وِہایَ وَراہانْ آشْرِتَوَنْتَو، تَدا تے سَرْوّے وَراہا اُچَّسْتھاناتْ مَہاجَوینَ دھاوَنْتَح ساگَرِییَتویے مَجَّنْتو مَمْرُح۔
33 At this the men who tended them ran away and went to the town, carrying the news of all that had occurred, and of what had happened to the possessed men.
تَتو وَراہَرَکْشَکاح پَلایَمانا مَدھْیینَگَرَں تَو بھُوتَگْرَسْتَو پْرَتِ یَدْیَدْ اَگھَٹَتَ، تاح سَرْوَّوارْتّا اَوَدَنْ۔
34 At the news the whole town went out to meet Jesus, and, when they saw him, they entreated him to go away from their region.
تَتو ناگَرِکاح سَرْوّے مَنُجا یِیشُں ساکْشاتْ کَرْتُّں بَہِرایاتاح تَنْچَ وِلوکْیَ پْرارْتھَیانْچَکْرِرے بھَوانْ اَسْماکَں سِیماتو یاتُ۔

< Matthew 8 >