< Luke 10 >

1 After this, the Master appointed seventy-two other disciples, and sent them on as his messengers, two and two, in advance, to every town and place that he was himself intending to visit.
Are xbꞌantaj we jastaq riꞌ, ri Jesús xuꞌchaꞌ oxkꞌal lajuj utijoxelabꞌ, xuꞌtaq bꞌik pa e kakabꞌ pa taq ri tinimit ri xraj xebꞌe wi.
2 ‘The harvest,’ he said, ‘is abundant, but the labourers are few. Therefore pray to the owner of the harvest to send labourers to gather in his harvest.
Kꞌa te riꞌ xubꞌij: Man e kꞌo ta kꞌi ajchakibꞌ chuyakik ronojel ri unimal ri xwachinik. Chita kꞌu che ri Ajawxel kuꞌtaq loq ajchakibꞌ pa ri uchak.
3 Now, go. Remember, I am sending you out as my messengers like lambs among wolves.
¡Jix bꞌaꞌ! Qas chiwila na rumal kixintaq bꞌik jetaq ri chij chikixoꞌl kayoꞌt.
4 Do not take a purse with you, or a bag, or sandals; and do not stop to greet anyone on your journey.
Mikꞌam bꞌik yakbꞌal irajil, xuqujeꞌ ixajabꞌ, man kixtakꞌiꞌ ta pa ri bꞌe chuyaꞌik rutzil uwach japachinaq.
5 Whatever house you go to stay at, begin by praying for a blessing on it.
Are kixok pa jun ja, nabꞌe chibꞌij: “Jaꞌmaril pa we ja kꞌolibꞌal ri.”
6 Then, if anyone there is deserving of a blessing, your blessing will rest on him; but if not, it will come back on yourselves.
We kꞌu kꞌo jun winaq taqal ri jaꞌmaril che pa ri ja kꞌolibꞌal, kayaꞌtaj riꞌ ri tewechibꞌal che. We maj, katzalij riꞌ ri tewechibꞌal iwukꞌ ix.
7 Remain at that same house, and eat and drink whatever they offer you; for the worker is worth their wages. Do not keep changing from one house to another.
Chixkanaj kanoq pa ri ja riꞌ, chitijaꞌ xuqujeꞌ chiqumuj ri kakiya chiꞌwe, rumal cher ri ajchak taqal che chi katojik. Man xaq ta kixikꞌow pa jaljoj taq ja.
8 Whatever town you visit, if the people welcome you, eat what is set before you;
Are kixok pa jun tinimit, ri kixkꞌamawaꞌx wi, chitijaꞌ ri kakiya chiꞌwe.
9 cure the sick there, and tell people that the kingdom of God is close at hand.
Chiꞌkunaj ri yawabꞌibꞌ ri e kꞌo chilaꞌ, chibꞌij chike: “Ri ajawarem rech ri Dios xnaqajir loq.”
10 But, whatever town you go to visit, if the people do not welcome you, go out into its streets and say
Are kꞌu man kixkꞌamawaꞌx taj pa jun tinimit, jix chibꞌij pa ri kꞌayibꞌal:
11 “We wipe off the dust of your town which has clung to Our feet; still, be assured that the kingdom of God is close at Hand.”
“Ri ulew ri xnakꞌiꞌ bꞌik pa qaqan, kaqatota kanoq, kꞌutbꞌal rech chi man xujikꞌamawaꞌj taj, naꞌtaj kꞌu chiꞌwe chi xnaqajir loq ri ajawarem rech ri Dios.”
12 I tell you that the doom of Sodom will be more bearable on that day than the doom of that town.
Kinbꞌij kꞌu chiꞌwe che ri qꞌij riꞌ, kꞌo na ri kꞌaxkꞌolal ri kape pa kiwiꞌ we tinimit cho ri xpe puꞌwiꞌ ri tinimit Sodoma ojer.
13 Alas for you, Chorazin! Alas for you, Bethsaida! For, if the miracles which have been done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have sat in sackcloth and ashes and repented long ago.
¡Kꞌax iwe winaq ri kixel pa ri tinimit Corazín! ¡Kꞌax iwe winaq ri ix kꞌo pa ri tinimit Betsaida! We ta xbꞌan ri mayijabꞌal taq jastaq ri xbꞌan iwukꞌ pa ri tinimit Tiro xuqujeꞌ Sidón, rukꞌ oqꞌej ta waꞌ xkikꞌex kikꞌuꞌx ri winaq ri keꞌl chilaꞌ.
14 Yet the doom of Tyre and Sidon will be more bearable at the judgment than yours.
Rumal kꞌu waꞌ, katan wi ri kꞌaxkꞌolal ri kape na pa kiwiꞌ ri tinimit Tiro xuqujeꞌ Sidón cho ri kꞌaxkꞌolal ri kape na pa iwiꞌ ix.
15 And you, Capernaum! Will you exalt yourself to heaven? You will be flung down to Hades. (Hadēs g86)
Xuqujeꞌ ri ix winaq ri ix kꞌo pa ri tinimit Capernaúm, ¿teꞌq pa ikꞌuꞌx kixpaqabꞌax bꞌik pa ri kaj? Man je ta kꞌu riꞌ, kꞌa pa ri nimalaj jul ri maj ukꞌisik kixkꞌyaq wi bꞌik. (Hadēs g86)
16 Anyone who listens to you is listening to me, and anyone who rejects you is rejecting me; while the person who rejects me is rejecting him who sent me as his messenger.’
Xapachin ri kixutatabꞌej, in riꞌ kinutatabꞌej, xapachin ri kaketzelaj iwach, in kinretzelaj. Xapachin kꞌu ri kinretzelaj in, karetzelaj ri xintaqow loq.
17 When the seventy-two returned, they exclaimed joyfully, ‘Master, even the demons submit to us when we use your name.’
Rukꞌ kiꞌkotemal xetzalij loq ri oxkꞌal lajuj tijoxelabꞌ xkibꞌij: Ajawxel, pune are ri itzel taq uxlabꞌal kakimochꞌ kibꞌ pa ri bꞌiꞌ la.
18 And Jesus replied, ‘I have had visions of Satan, fallen, like lightning from the heavens.
Ri Jesús xubꞌij: In xinwil ri Itzel, je ri xubꞌan jun kayapaꞌ xtzaq loq cho ri kaj.
19 Remember, I have given you the power to trample on snakes and scorpions, and to meet all the strength of the Enemy. Nothing will ever harm you in any way.
Jeꞌ, nuyoꞌm kwinem chiꞌwe kiꞌtakꞌaleꞌj kumatz xuqujeꞌ escorpión, xuqujeꞌ kichꞌek ri ukwinem ri kꞌulel, maj kabꞌanow kꞌax chiꞌwe.
20 Yet do not rejoice in the fact that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names have been enrolled in heaven.’
Pune jeriꞌ, man kikiꞌkotebꞌej taj are kakimochꞌ kibꞌ ri itzel taq uxlabꞌal chiꞌwach, xane are chikiꞌkotebꞌej chi tzꞌibꞌatal ri ibꞌiꞌ pa ri kaj.
21 At that same time, moved to exultation by the Holy Spirit, Jesus said: ‘I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that, though you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, you have revealed them to the childlike! Yes, Father, I thank you that this has seemed good to you.
Qas pa ri qꞌotaj riꞌ, ri Jesús xkiꞌkot pa ri Uxlabꞌixel, xubꞌij: Tataxel, ajawxel re ri kaj xuqujeꞌ ri ulew, xawaj la we jastaq riꞌ chikiwach ri achyabꞌ ri kꞌo ketaꞌmabꞌal, ri kꞌo kinoꞌjibꞌal, xkꞌut la chikiwach ri e winaq ri je ri e kꞌo nitzꞌ taq akꞌalabꞌ. Are waꞌ ri xrajawaj kuꞌx la, jeꞌ Tataxel.
22 Everything has been committed to me by my Father; nor does anyone know who the Son is, except the Father, or who the Father is, except the Son and those to whom the Son may choose to reveal him.’
Ri nuTat xujach pa nuqꞌabꞌ ronojel ri jastaq ri kꞌolik. Maj jun etaꞌmaninaq uwach ri alkꞌwaꞌlaxel, xwi ri tataxel. Maj xuqujeꞌ jun retaꞌm uwach ri Tataxel, xaq xwi ri alkꞌwaꞌlaxel, xuqujeꞌ ri winaq ri yaꞌtal bꞌe che rumal ri alkꞌwaꞌlaxel.
23 Then, turning to his disciples, Jesus said to them alone, ‘Blessed are the eyes that see what you are seeing;
Ri Jesús xtzalqꞌomij kukꞌ ri utijoxelabꞌ, xubꞌij: Utz ke ri winaq ri kakil ri kiwil ix.
24 for, I tell you, many prophets and kings wished for the sight of the things which you are seeing, yet never heard them.’
Kinbꞌij chiꞌwe e kꞌo qꞌalajisal taq utzij ri Dios xuqujeꞌ e taqanelabꞌ ojer, xkaj kil ronojel we kiwil ix kamik, man xkil ta kꞌut, xkaj xuqujeꞌ xkita we kita ix kamik, man xekwin ta kꞌu chutatabꞌexik.
25 Just then a student of the Law came forward to test Jesus further. ‘Teacher,’ he said, ‘what must I do if I am to gain eternal life?’ (aiōnios g166)
Xopan kꞌu jun nimalaj etaꞌmanel rech ri taqanik are karaj kukoj jun kꞌaꞌmabꞌal che ri Jesús, xubꞌij che: ¿Ajtij, jas rajawaxik kinbꞌano kinwechabꞌej ri jun alik kꞌaslemal? (aiōnios g166)
26 ‘What is said in the Law?’ answered Jesus. ‘What do you read there?’
Ri Jesús kꞌut xubꞌij che: ¿Jas kabꞌan chusolik rij ri tzꞌibꞌatal pa ri taqanik?
27 His reply was – ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbour as you love yourself.’
Ri achi etaꞌmanel rech ri taqanik xubꞌij: Chaloqꞌaj ri aDios rukꞌ ronojel awanimaꞌ, rukꞌ ronojel achuqꞌabꞌ, rukꞌ ronojel achomanik. Xuqujeꞌ chaloqꞌaj ri ajil tzꞌaqat jetaq ri kabꞌan chuloqꞌaxik awibꞌ at.
28 ‘You have answered right,’ said Jesus, ‘Do that, and you will live.’
Ri Jesús xubꞌij: Utz xabꞌan che ubꞌixik, we kabꞌan ri xabꞌij, katkꞌasiꞌ na.
29 But the man, wanting to justify himself, said to Jesus, ‘And who is my neighbour?’
Are kꞌu karaj ri achi kuqꞌalajisaj ri rutzilal, xuta kꞌu che ri Jesús: ¿Jachin kꞌu riꞌ ri nukꞌul ja?
30 To which Jesus replied, ‘A man was once going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when he fell into the hands of robbers, who stripped him of everything, and beat him, and went away leaving him half dead.
Ri Jesús xubꞌij: Upetik jun achi pa Jerusalén, xulanem bꞌik rij pa ri tinimit Jericó. Xqaj kꞌu pa kiqꞌabꞌ eleqꞌomabꞌ, xkesaj kan ri ratzꞌyaq, xkichꞌay kanoq, jubꞌiqꞌ karaj kakamik are xkitzaq kanoq.
31 As it chanced, a priest was going down by that road. He saw the man, but passed by on the opposite side.
Bꞌenaq kꞌu pa ri bꞌe riꞌ jun chꞌawenel cho ri Dios pa kiwiꞌ ri winaq. Are xrilo, xujelechꞌuj ubꞌe, kꞌa te riꞌ xusukꞌu, xeꞌek.
32 A Levite, too, did the same; he came up to the spot, but, when he saw the man, passed by on the opposite side.
Xikꞌow xuqujeꞌ jun rijaꞌl ri Leví, are xril we achi, xujelechꞌuj xuqujeꞌ ri ubꞌe, xikꞌow bꞌik.
33 But a Samaritan, traveling that way, came upon the man, and, when he saw him, he was moved with compassion.
Bꞌenaq kꞌu jun achi aj Samaria pa ri bꞌe riꞌ. Are xril ri achi, xel ukꞌuꞌx che.
34 He went to him and bound up his wounds, dressing them with oil and wine, and then put him on his own mule, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
Xqebꞌ rukꞌ, xukunaj ri sokotajik rukꞌ vino xuqujeꞌ aceite rech olivo, xupiso, kꞌa te riꞌ xuya bꞌik puꞌwiꞌ ri ubꞌur, xukꞌam bꞌik pa jun ja chilaꞌ xuchajij wi.
35 The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. “Take care of him,” he said, “and whatever more you may spend I will myself repay you on my way back.”
Chukabꞌ qꞌij xuya kan kebꞌ saq taq pwaq che ri ajchoqꞌe ri ja warabꞌal, xubꞌij kan che: “Chajij la we achi riꞌ che la. We kꞌu kꞌo kusach na puꞌwiꞌ le xinya kan che la, kintoj che la are kintzalij loq.”
36 Now which, do you think, of these three men,’ asked Jesus, ‘proved himself a neighbour to the man who fell into the robbers’ hands?’
¿Jachin chike we achyabꞌ riꞌ kabꞌij at chi xukꞌutu chi qas ukꞌulja we achi we xqaj pa kiqꞌabꞌ we eleqꞌomabꞌ?
37 ‘The one that took pity on him,’ was the answer; at which Jesus said, ‘Go and do the same yourself.’
Are ri achi ri xel ukꞌuꞌx che, xcha ri etaꞌmanel rech ri taqanik. Xubꞌij kꞌu ri Jesús che: Jat, jaꞌbꞌana jas ri xubꞌan we achi riꞌ.
38 As they continued their journey, Jesus came to a village, where a woman named Martha welcomed him to her house.
Are bꞌenaq ri Jesús pa ri bꞌe rachiꞌl ri utijoxelabꞌ xiꞌkꞌow bꞌik pa ri jun leꞌaj, kꞌo kꞌu jun ixoq ubꞌiꞌ Marta, xukꞌamawaꞌj ri Jesús cho ri rachoch.
39 She had a sister called Mary, who seated herself at the Master’s feet, and listened to his teaching;
Kꞌo kꞌu jun rachalal ubꞌiꞌ María xpetik, xultꞌuyul rukꞌ ri Jesús, xok chutatabꞌej ri tajin kubꞌij ri Jesús.
40 but Martha was distracted by the many preparations that she was making. So she went up to Jesus and said, ‘Master, do you approve of my sister’s leaving me to make preparations alone? Tell her to help me.’
Are kꞌu ri Marta sibꞌalaj kel chꞌuꞌj rumal ronojel ri tajin kubꞌano. Xqebꞌ kꞌu rukꞌ ri Jesús xubꞌij che: Ajawxel, ¿la man kil la inuyoꞌm kan nutukel le wachalal cho le patanijik? Bꞌij la che kinutoꞌo.
41 ‘Martha, Martha,’ replied the Master, ‘you are anxious and trouble yourself about many things;
Ri Jesús kꞌut xubꞌij che: Marta, Marta, sibꞌalaj kꞌaxirinaq awanimaꞌ rumal ri ukꞌiyal ri jastaq tajin kabꞌano.
42 but only a few are necessary, or rather one. Mary has chosen the good part, and it will not be taken away from her.’
Xa kꞌu jun jastaq ri qas sibꞌalaj rajawaxik ubꞌanik. Are kꞌu waꞌ xuchaꞌ ri María, maj kꞌu jun kesan che.

< Luke 10 >