< Luke 1 >

1 Since many have undertaken to set in order a narrative concerning those matters which have been fulfilled among us,
Mi tampin eiho lah'a ana guilhung thilsoh ho chungchang sutdoh agouvin ahi.
2 even as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word delivered them to us,
Amahon amittah'a mu seijui masaho thulhut amangchauvin ahi.
3 it seemed good to me also, having traced the course of all things accurately from the first, to write to you in order, most excellent Theophilus [God friend];
Thil jouse abul'a pat phatah'a kholchil ahitoh lhon'in, keiman jong chingthei tah'a nangma dinga jihdoh ding kakigel lhah ahitai, jana sangpen chang Theophilus,
4 that you might know the certainty concerning the things in which you were instructed.
chutia chu thutah nana kihil jouse chu ahimong nai ti nanop nading ahi.
5 There was in the days of Herod [Heroic], the king of Judea [Praise], a certain priest named Zacharias [Remembered by Yah], of the priestly division of Abiyah [My father Yah]. He had a wife of the daughters of Aaron [Light-bringer], and her name was Elizabeth [My God oath].
Judea gam'a Herod leng ahi laiyin, Zechariah kiti Judah thempu khat ana um'in ahi. Ama chu Abijah thempu loi lah'a khat ahin chule a'inneipi Elizabeth jong chu Aaron thempu khailhah'a kon ahi.
6 They were both upright before God, observing all the mitzvot ·instructions· and ordinances of Yahweh blamelessly.
Zechariah le Elizabeth chu Pathen mitmun achonpha lhon'in, Pakai dan thupeh le chon na dan jouse chingthei tah'a jui ahilhon'e.
7 But they had no child, because Elizabeth [My God oath] was barren, and they both were well advanced in years.
Elizabeth in nao avop theilou jeh chun cha aneilhon pon, chule ani lhon'in hateh'in ateh gel lhon tai.
8 Now while he served in the priest’s office before God in the order of his priestly division,
Nikhat Zechariah chun Hou'in sungah Pathen kin abolin, ajeh chu chuche hapta sunga chu mopohna chang ahi.
9 according to the custom of the priest’s office, his lot was to enter into the temple of Yahweh and burn incense (as the Cohen Gadol ·High Priest· on Yom Kippur ·Day of Atonement·. On the 7th month of Ethanim on the 10th day).
Thempuho chonna ngai banga, ama chu Hou'in muntheng sunga lut'a chule thil namtui hal dinga lhendoh hi ahi.
10 All the people were outside, praying, at the time of the incense burning,
Thil namtui akihal jing laiyin, mipi tamtah pamlangah ading'un taona amang uve.
11 when there appeared to him an angel of MarYah [Master Yahweh], standing on the right side of the altar of incense.
Zechariah muntheng sunga aumpet in Pakai vantil khat ahengah ahung kilah in, maicham phung jetlam a chun adingin ahi.
12 Zacharias [Remembered by Yah] was troubled when he saw him, and fear fell upon him.
Zechariah in hichu amuphat in akithing'in hatah in akicha tan ahi.
13 But the angel said to him, “Don’t be afraid, Zacharias [Remembered by Yah], because your request has been heard, and your wife, Elizabeth [My God oath], will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John [Yah is gracious].
Ahivangin vantil chun aseiyin, “Kicha hih'in Zechariah! Pathen in nataona asangtai. Na inneipi Elizabeth in chapa khat nahinpeh ding, chule amin John nasah ding ahi.
14 You will have joy and gladness; and many will rejoice at his birth.
Nangman kipana lentah nanei ding, chule mi tampi ama pen a kipah ding ahi,
15 For he will be great in the sight of MarYah [Master Yahweh], and he will drink no wine nor strong drink. He will be filled with Ruach haKodesh [Spirit of the Holiness], even from his mother’s womb.
ijeh inem itile ama chu Pakai mitmua hung len ding. Aman ju kiti le khamna thei thil kiti atohkhah thei lou ding. Ama chu apen masang jenga jong Lhagao Theng dimset ding ahi.
16 He will turn many of the children of to MarYah [Master Yahweh], their God.
Chule aman Israel mi tamtah Pakai a-Pathen'u henga alehei ding ahi.
17 He will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah [My God Yah], ‘to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,’ and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to prepare a people prepared for Adonai.”
Ama chun Elijah lhagao le thahat aken ding ahi. Aman mipiho chu Pakai hung na dinga agontup ding ahi. Mipa te lung achate chunga aheiya chule doudal lungput neiho michonphaho chihna akisan sah ding ahi,” ati.
18 Zacharias [Remembered by Yah] said to the angel, “How can I be sure of this? For I am an old man, and my wife is well advanced in years.”
Zechariah chun vantil jah'a aseiyin, “Hitobang hi aso ding ken iti kahet thei ding ham? Tun keima kateh tan, chule ka inneipi jong kum tamtah alhing tai,” tin adong tai.
19 The angel answered him, “I am Gabriel [Man of God], who stands in the presence of God. I was sent to speak to you, and to bring you this good news.
Chuin vantil chun aseiyin, “Keima Gabriel kahi! Pathen angsung tah a ding kahi. Ama ahi keima nahenga hiche kipana thupha podinga eihin sol ah;
20 Behold, you will be silent and not able to speak, until the day that these things will happen, because you didn’t believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their proper time.”
Ahinlah tun, nangman kasei natahsan pon, chujeh'a nangma nathipbeh ding chule nao apen tokah'a paothei louva naum ding ahitai. Ajeh chu kathusei chengse hi aphat cha guilhung tei ding ahi,” ati.
21 The people were waiting for Zacharias [Remembered by Yah], and they marveled that he delayed in the temple.
Achutilai chun mipi hon Zechariah chu ahung potdoh ding angah jingun, ipi bol'a hibanga hi sot den hitam tin alungdong gam tauvin ahi.
22 When he came out, he could not speak to them, and they perceived that he had seen a vision in the temple. He continued making signs to them, and remained mute.
Achainakeiya ahung potdoh phat chun ama apaodoh thei tapon ahi. Chuin amahon amaiso le apaotheilouva kon chun Hou'in muntheng sunga chu mu anei hinte ti ahedoh un ahi.
23 When the days of his service were fulfilled, he departed to his house.
Zechariah in Hou'in a athempu natoh hapta alhin phat in inlam'a akile tan ahi.
24 After these days Elizabeth [My God oath], his wife, conceived, and she hid herself five months, saying,
Phat chomkhat jouvin ajinu Elizabeth chu ahung gai paiyin chule lhanga jen potdoh louvin aum thipbeh tan ahi.
25 “Thus has MarYah [Master Yahweh] done to me in the days in which he looked at me, to take away my reproach among men.”
“Pakai iti phat hitam!” tin aphongdoh in “Aman kacha neilou jeh'a jumna eilah mang peh tai,” ati.
26 Now in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel [Man of God] was sent from God to a city of Galilee [District, Circuit], named Nazareth [Branch, Separated one],
Elizabeth naovop kal lhagup lhin'in, Pathen in Gabriel vantil chu Galilee gam Nazareth kho ah,
27 to a virgin pledged to be married to a man whose name was Joseph [May he add], of David [Beloved]’s house. The virgin’s name was Mary [Rebellion].
nungah theng Mary hengah asol'in ahi. Amanu chu Joseph kiti Leng David insung khailhah pasal khat toh kicheng dinga got'a um ahitai.
28 Having come in, the angel said to her, “Shalom ·Complete peace·, favored lady! Adonai is with you. Blessed are you among women!”
Gabriel chu amanu hengah akilah in aseitai, “Chibai, sahluttah nu! Pakaiyin naumpi,” ati.
29 But when she saw him, she was greatly troubled at the saying, and considered what kind of salutation this might be.
Lungdong le lung kika lahlah pum in Mary'in vantil thusei chu ipi tina ahi agel tai.
30 The angel said to her, “Don’t be afraid, Mary [Rebellion], for you have found favor with God.
“Kicha hih'in Mary,” tin vantil chun aseitan ahi, “Ajeh chu nangman Pathen lunglhaina nakimutai!”
31 Behold, you will conceive in your womb, and give birth to a son, and will call his name ‘Yeshua [Salvation].’
“Nangma gaiyin natin chapa khat nahin ding chule amin Yeshua nasah ding ahi.
32 He will be great, and will be called haBen haElohim Chayim [the Son of the God Living]. MarYah [Master Yahweh] God will give him the throne of his forefather, David [Beloved],
Ama hung len ding chule Chungnung pen Chapa kiti ding ahi. Pakai Pathen in apu David laltouna apehding ahi.
33 and he will reign over the house of Jacob [Supplanter] forever. There will be no end to his Kingdom.” (aiōn g165)
Chule Israel chunga tonsot'a vai apoh ding, alenggam in beitih aneilou ding ahi!” ati. (aiōn g165)
34 Mary [Rebellion] said to the angel, “How can this be, seeing I am a virgin?”
Mary'n vantil chu adongin, “Hinlah, hichu iti hithei ding ham? Keima nungah theng kahi,” ati.
35 The angel answered her, “The Ruach Kodesh [Holy Spirit] will come on you, and the power of the Elyon [Most High] will overshadow you. Therefore also the holy one who is born from you will be called the Ben-Elohim ·Son of Elohim God·.
Vantil chun adonbut in, “Lhagao Theng nachunga hung chu ding, chule chungnung pen thanei na in nalekhu ding ahi. Hijeh a chu naosen apeng ding chu atheng hiding chule ama chu Pathen Chapa kiti ding ahi.
36 Behold, Elizabeth [My God oath], your relative, also has conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren.
Ipi aval um ding ham, nasopinu Elizabeth in jong ateh nungin nao avop tai! Mi hon aching'ah ahi atiuvin, hinlah tun chapa khat avop'in lhagup alhingtai.
37 For nothing spoken by God is impossible.”
Ajeh chu Pathen dingin ima ahimo aumpoi” ati.
38 Mary [Rebellion] said, “Behold, the servant of MarYah [Master Yahweh]; let it be done to me according to your word.” The angel departed from her.
Mary'n adonbut in, “Keima Pakai sohnu kahi, kachunga lhungding nasei jouse hung guilhung hen,” ati. Chuti chun vantil chun amanu chu adalhatai.
39 Mary [Rebellion] arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Judah [Praised],
Ni phabep jouvin Mary jong Judea gam thinglhang lang,
40 and entered into the house of Zacharias [Remembered by Yah] and greeted Elizabeth [My God oath].
Zechariah chen na khoa chun acheloi chal'in ahi. Amanu insung alut in Elizabeth chu chibai aboh'e.
41 When Elizabeth [My God oath] heard Mary [Rebellion]’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth [My God oath] was filled with Ruach haKodesh [Spirit of the Holiness].
Mary'n chibai aboh gin ajah chun Elizabeth naosen chu a-oisung a chun ahung kichom in, chule Elizabeth chu Lhagao Theng adimset tan ahi.
42 She called out with a loud voice, and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!
Elizabeth in kipanan ka cheng ahinlon Mary jah'a chun aseitai, “Pathen in numei jouse chunga phatthei naboh ahitai, chule na cha jong anunnom'e.
43 Why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
Ipi jeh'a hibanga jana kachan a ka pakai nu in eihung vil ham?
44 For behold, when the voice of your greeting came into my ears, the baby leaped in my womb for joy!
Nei lemna awcheng kajah chun kasunga naocha kipah in ahung kichom'e.
45 Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of the things which have been spoken to her from MarYah [Master Yahweh]!”
Anun nom nahi, ajeh chu Pakaiyin aseichu abol ding ahi ti natahsan e,” ati.
46 Mary [Rebellion] said, “My soul magnifies Adonai.
Mary'n adonbut in “Kalhagao vin Pakai achoi-an e.
47 My spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior,
Kalhagao eihuhhing pu Pathen chunga iti kipah thanom hitam!
48 for he has looked at the humble state of his servant. For behold, from now on, all generations will call me blessed.
Ajeh chu aman asoh numei nu dinmun ave jingin, chule tua pat'a khang jousen nunnom eiti diu ahitai.
49 For he who is mighty has done great things for me. Holy is his name.
Ajeh chu Hatchungnungpa chu atheng ahi, chule aman keima din thil loupi abol'e
50 And in every generation, he has eleos ·merciful compassion in action· on those who fear him.
Aman ahepina akhang akhang'in ama gingte amusah jinge.
51 He has shown strength with his arm. He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
Abanthahat chun kichat um tahtah thil abol'e! Aman mikiletsah le hoitho ho athecheh ji'e.
52 He has put down princes from their thrones. And has exalted the lowly.
Leng chapate alaltounau-vakon in aloilhan mi kineosah te adomsang ji'e.
53 He has filled the hungry with good things. He has sent the rich away empty.
Aman agilkel te thil pha phan avah in chule ahao te khutgoh keovin asoldoh ji'e
54 He has given help to Israel [God prevails], his servant, that he might remember eleos ·merciful compassion in action·,
Aman asoh Israel akithopin khoto dingin ageldoh'e.
55 As he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham [Father of a multitude] and his offspring forever.” (aiōn g165)
Ajeh chu aman hiche kitepna hi iputeu, Abraham, chule achate dinga asem ahi.” (aiōn g165)
56 Mary [Rebellion] stayed with her about three months, and then teshuvah ·completely returned· to her house.
Mary chu Elizabeth koma lhathum tobang aum jouvin a'inlam ah akile tai.
57 Now the time that Elizabeth [My God oath] should give birth was fulfilled, and she gave birth to a son.
Elizabeth chu anaoso phat alhin phat in amanun chapa khat ahingin ahi.
58 Her neighbors and her relatives heard that Adonai had magnified his eleos ·merciful compassion in action· towards her, and they rejoiced with her.
Chuleh aheng akom le asopi chengin Pakaiyin akhoto naho ajahdoh phat un, mijouse amanu toh akipah khom cheh tauve.
59 On the eighth day, they came to circumcise the child; and they would have called him Zacharias [Remembered by Yah], after the name of his father.
Naosen chu niget alhin in, amaho abon'un cheptansah dingin ahung'un ahi. Amahon apa banga amin Zechariah sahding agouvin,
60 His mother answered, “Not so; but he will be called John [Yah is gracious].”
ahivangin Elizabeth in, “Ahipoi, amin John ahi,” atitai.
61 They said to her, “There is no one among your relatives who is called by this name.”
“Ipi natim?” tin amaho ahung eojah jengun “Na insung uvah hitobang min chu aum khapoi,” atiuve.
62 They made signs to his father, what he would have him called.
Hijeh chun naosen min chu apan ipi akisah nom am ti mit-heiyin adongun ahi.
63 He asked for a writing tablet, and wrote, “His name is John [Yah is gracious].” They all marveled.
Aman lekhasutna pheng athum'in, mijouse lungdong in alhan “Amin John ahi” tin ahinjih e.
64 His mouth was opened immediately, and his tongue freed, and he spoke, blessing God.
Chutah chun Zechariah jong ahung paothei tan chule Pathen avahchoi pan tai.
65 Fear came on all who lived around them, and all these sayings were talked about throughout all the hill country of Judea [Praise].
Akimvel'a cheng chengse din kichatna alhung tan chule Judea thinglhang gam sungse ah thilsoh umchan chu akithejal soh tai.
66 All who heard them laid them up in their heart, saying, “What then will this child be?” The hand of MarYah [Master Yahweh] was with him.
Chuche thilsoh jajouse chun athilsoh hochu alungin aching geh'un, “Hiche chapang hi ipibep ahungsoh tadem?” atiuvin ahi.
67 His father, Zacharias [Remembered by Yah], was filled with Ruach haKodesh [Spirit of the Holiness], and prophesied, saying,
Chuin apa Zechariah chu Lhagao Theng adimset tan chule hiche gaothu hi aphongdoh in ahi:
68 “Blessed be MarYah [Master Yahweh], the God of Israel [God prevails], for he has visited and redeemed his people;
Vahchoiyun Pakai, Israel Pathen chu; ajehchu aman amite avil'in alhatdoh tai
69 and has raised up a horn of yishu'ah ·salvation· for us in the house of his servant David [Beloved]
Aman huhhing hattah khat asoh David khailhah a kon in eipeuve.
70 (as he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets who have been from of old), (aiōn g165)
Athemgao thengte henga malaiya akitepna banga (aiōn g165)
71 yishu'ah ·salvation· from our enemies, and from the hand of all who hate us;
Tua eiho igalmiteu vakon le eihotbolteu va kona huhdoh a umding ihitauve.
72 to show eleos ·merciful compassion in action· towards our fathers, to remember his holy covenant ·binding contract between two or more parties·,
Aman ipu ipateu khotonan akitepna thengho ageldoh jingin–
73 the covenant oath which he swore to Abraham [Father of a multitude], Avinu ·our Father·,
Akitepna ipuluiyu Abraham koma anakitepna bangtah in
74 to grant to us that we, being delivered out of the hand of our enemies, should serve him without fear,
i-galmiteuva kon in eihuhdoh uve, Pathen kichatna beihel'a ijen thei nadiuvin
75 In holiness and righteousness before him all the days of our life.
Then na le chondihna a ihin laiseuva dingin
76 And you, child, will be called a prophet of the Elyon [Most High], for you will go before the face of Yahweh to prepare his ways,
“Chule kachapa, nangma chungnung pen themgao kiti ding nahi; ajeh chu nangman Pakai lampi semtoh sa nakoi ding ahi.
77 to give knowledge of yishu'ah ·salvation· to his people by the remission of their sins,
Nangman amite, achonset nau ngaidam na'a kona huhhingna akimudoh nadiu naseipeh ding ahi.
78 because of the tender eleos ·merciful compassion in action· of our God, whereby the dawn from on high will visit us,
Pathen mikhotona nemheo vanga jingkhovah chu van'a kona eiho chunga hung kisukeh go ahitai.
79 to shine on those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death; to guide our feet into the way of peace.”
Muthim'a touho le thina lim'a touho vah pedinga, chule chamna lampi komu peh dinga ahi,” ati.
80 The child was growing, and becoming strong in spirit, and was in the desert until the day of his public appearance to Israel [God prevails].
John chu ahung khanglen in chule lhagaovin ahung hatdoh in ahi. Chule Israel koma lhangphonga natoh apat kahsen ama gamthip lah dungah aumin ahi.

< Luke 1 >