< Psalms 83 >

1 “A psalm of Asaph.” O God! keep not silence! Hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God!
Ne bodi tiho, oh Bog. Ne molči in ne bodi molčeč, oh Bog.
2 For, lo! thine enemies roar, And they who hate thee lift up their heads.
Kajti glej, tvoji sovražniki pripravljajo upor in tisti, ki te sovražijo, so povzdignili glavo.
3 For they form secret plots against thy people, And consult together against thy chosen ones.
Zoper tvoje ljudstvo so sprejeli prebrisan nasvet in se posvetovali zoper tvoje skrite.
4 “Come,” say they, “let us blot them out from the number of the nations, That the name of Israel may no more be remembered!”
Rekli so: »Pridimo in odrežimo jih od tega, da so narod, da Izraelovo ime ne bo več v spominu.«
5 With one consent they consult together, Against thee do they form a league, —
Kajti skupaj so se soglasno posvetovali, združeni so zoper tebe:
6 The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, Of Moab and the Hagarenes,
Edómova šotorska svetišča in Izmaelci; Moábovci in Hagárovci;
7 Gebal and Ammon and Amalek, The Philistines, with the inhabitants of Tyre.
Gebál, Amón in Amálek; Filistejci s prebivalci Tira;
8 The Assyrians also are joined with them; They lend their strength to the children of Lot.
pridružen jim je tudi Asúr. Pomagali so Lotovim sinovom. (Sela)
9 Do to them as to the Midianites, As to Sisera, as to Jabin at the brook Kison,
Stôri jim kakor Midjáncem, kakor Siseráju, kakor Jabínu pri potoku Kišón,
10 Who perished at Endor, And were trampled like dung to the earth.
ki so bili pokončani pri En Doru. Postali so kakor gnoj za zemljo.
11 Make their chiefs like Oreb and Zeeb; Yea, all their princes as Zeba and Zalmunna!
Naredite njihove plemiče kakor Oréba in kakor Zeéba. Da, vse njihove prince kot Zebaha in kot Calmunája,
12 Who say, “Let us seize on God's habitations!”
ki so rekli: »Vzemimo si Božje hiše v posest.«
13 Make them, O my God! like whirling chaff; Like stubble before the wind!
Oh moj Bog, naredi jih kot pleve, kakor strnišče pred vetrom.
14 As fire consumeth the forest, And as flame setteth the mountains in a blaze,
Kakor ogenj požiga gozd in kakor plamen zažiga gore,
15 So pursue them with thy tempest, And terrify them with thy storm!
tako jih preganjaj s svojim neurjem in s svojim viharjem jih naredi prestrašene.
16 Cover their faces with shame, That they may seek thy name, O LORD!
Njihove obraze napolni s sramoto, da bodo lahko iskali tvoje ime, oh Gospod.
17 Let them be confounded! Yea, let them be put to shame, and perish!
Naj bodo zasramovani in zbegani na veke; da, naj bodo osramočeni in [naj] se pogubijo,
18 That they may know that thy name alone is Jehovah; That thou art the Most High over all the earth.
da bodo ljudje lahko vedeli, da si ti, čigar ime samó je Jahve, najvišji nad vso zemljo.

< Psalms 83 >