< Luke 24 >

1 Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came to the tomb, bringing the spices which they had prepared.
Awo ku lunaku Lwassande, lwe lusooka mu wiiki, mu makya ennyo, abakazi ne baddira ebyakaloosa n’amafuta, bye baali bategese, ne bagenda ku ntaana.
2 And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb;
Ne basanga ejjinja eryali liggadde omulyango oguyingira mu ntaana, nga liyiringisibbwa okudda wabbali.
3 and on entering they found not the body of the Lord Jesus.
Bwe batyo ne bayingira mu ntaana, naye omulambo gwa Mukama waffe Yesu tebaagusangamu.
4 And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed about this, lo! two men stood by them in glittering apparel;
Ne bayimirira awo nga babuliddwa eky’okukola. Amangwago, abasajja babiri ne balabika mu maaso gaabwe nga bambadde engoye ezimasamasa ng’okumyansa kw’eraddu.
5 and when they were terrified, and bowed their faces to the earth, the men said to them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?
Abakazi ne batya nnyo, ne bakutama ne batunula wansi, abasajja ne babagamba nti, “Lwaki omuntu omulamu mumunoonyeza mu ntaana?
6 He is not here, but hath risen. Remember how be spoke to you while yet in Galilee,
Taliiwo wano, azuukidde! Mujjukire bye yabagamba nga muli e Ggaliraaya nti,
7 saying, The Son of man must be delivered up into the hands of sinners, and be crucified, and rise again on the third day.
‘Omwana w’Omuntu, ateekwa okuweebwayo mu mikono gy’abantu ababi, bamukomerere ku musaalaba, naye nga ku lunaku olwokusatu alizuukira.’”
8 And they remembered his words.
Ne bajjukira ebigambo bye ebyo.
9 And returning from the tomb, they told all these things to the eleven, and to all the rest.
Awo ne bayanguwa mangu ne bagenda, ne bategeeza abayigirizwa ekkumi n’omu n’abalala bonna, ebintu ebyo byonna. Bano be bakazi abaalaga ku ntaana, era ne bategeeza abayigirizwa ebintu ebyo:
10 It was Mary the Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James; and the other women with them told these things to the apostles.
Maliyamu Magudaleene, ne Jowaana, ne Maliyamu nnyina Yakobo, n’abalala. Ne bategeeza abatume ebintu ebyo.
11 And these words seemed to them as an idle tale, and they did not believe them.
Naye bye baababuulira nga biwulikika ng’ebitaliimu makulu, era tebaabikkiriza.
Kyokka Peetero n’adduka n’alaga ku ntaana, n’akutama n’alingiza n’alaba ng’engoye za linena Yesu mwe yali azingiddwa ziri wabbali zokka nga njereere, n’addayo eka nga yeewuunya.
13 And lo! two of them were going the same day to a village called Emmaus, distant a hundred and sixty furlongs from Jerusalem.
Ku lunaku olwo lwennyini abasajja babiri, abamu ku abo abaagobereranga Yesu, baali batambula nga bagenda mu kabuga akayitibwa Emawu, akaali kilomita nga kkumi na bbiri okuva e Yerusaalemi.
14 And they were conversing together about all those things which had taken place.
Baali bagenda boogera ku kufa kwa Yesu.
15 And it came to pass, while they were conversing and reasoning, that Jesus himself drew near, and went with them.
Amangwago Yesu yennyini n’abeegattako n’atambula nabo.
16 But their eyes were restrained from knowing him.
Kyokka tebaamutegeera, kubanga ekyo Katonda yali akibakisizza.
17 And he said to them, What discourse is this which ye have one with another, as ye are walking? And they stood sad.
Yesu n’abagamba nti, “Biki bye munyumyako nga bwe mutambula mu kkubo?” Ne bayimirira ng’amaaso gaabwe gajjudde ennaku.
18 And one, whose name was Cleopas, answering said to him, Art thou the only sojourner in Jerusalem that doth not know the things which have come to pass there in these days?
Omu ku bo, erinnya lye Kulyoppa n’amuddamu nti, “Oli mugenyi mu Yerusaalemi atamanyi bya kitalo ebyaliwo mu wiiki eyise?”
19 And he said to them, What things? And they said to him, The things relating to Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet mighty in word and deed before God and all the people;
Yesu n’ababuuza nti, “Biki ebyo?” Ne baddamu nti, “Ebyagwa ku Yesu Omunnazaaleesi eyali omusajja Nnabbi ow’amaanyi mu bye yakolanga ne bye yayogeranga eyakola ebyamagero ebyewuunyisa, era yali Muyigiriza wa kitalo, mu maaso ga Katonda ne mu maaso g’abantu bonna.
20 and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him up to be condemned to death, and crucified him.
Naye bakabona abakulu n’abakulembeze baffe baamukwata ne bamuwaayo n’asalirwa omusango ogw’okufa, ne bamukomerera ku musaalaba.
21 But we are hoping that it is he who is to redeem Israel; moreover, besides all this, it is the third day since these things were done.
Twali tusuubira nti, Ye Kristo anaalokola Isirayiri.
22 And furthermore certain women of our company have amazed us; for going early to the tomb,
Ebyo nga bikyali awo, nga wayiseewo ennaku ssatu bukyanga bino bibaawo abamu ku bakazi b’ewaffe baatwewuunyisizza. Olwa leero baakedde ku ntaana,
23 they did not find his body, and came, saying that they had even seen a vision of angels, who said that he was alive.
naye omulambo gwe tebaagusanzeemu. Bwe baakomyewo baatugambye nti bayolesebbwa ba bamalayika abaabagambye nti mulamu!
24 And some of those who were with us went to the tomb, and found it to be as the women had said; but him they saw not.
Abamu ku bannaffe abasajja nabo ne bagendayo mangu, nabo ne basanga ng’omulambo gwa Yesu teguliimu mu ntaana, ng’abakazi bwe baagambye.”
25 And he said to them, O dull of apprehension, and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken!
Yesu n’abagamba nti, “Nga muli bantu basirusiru! Mmwe ab’emitima eminafu egirwawo okukkiriza bannabbi bye baategeeza!
26 Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things, and enter into his glory?
Tekyagwanira Kristo okubonaabona mu bintu byonna n’oluvannyuma alyoke ayingire mu kitiibwa kye?”
27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets he explained to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.
N’atandikira ku Musa n’ayitaayita mu bannabbi bonna ng’agenda abannyonnyola Ebyawandiikibwa bye bimwogerako.
28 And they drew near to the village whither they were going; and he made as though he would go further.
Bwe baasemberera akabuga we baali bagenda, Yesu n’aba nga eyeeyongerayo,
29 But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us, for it is towards evening, and the day is now far spent. And he went in to stay with them.
naye ne bamuwaliriza asule ewaabwe kubanga n’obudde bwali buwungedde. N’akkiriza, asigale.
30 And it came to pass, as he was at table with them, that he took the bread, and blessed it, and broke and gave it to them.
Awo bwe yali ng’alya nabo n’addira omugaati, ne yeebaza n’agumenyamu, n’abawa.
31 And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.
Amangwago amaaso gaabwe ne gazibuka ne bamutegeera! Ate n’ababulako mu kaseera ako!
32 And they said one to another, Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked with us on the way, while he opened to us the Scriptures?
Ne batandika okwewuunaganya nga bagamba nti, “Emitima gyaffe tegyabuguumiridde bwe yabadde ayogera naffe mu kkubo ng’atunnyonnyola Ebyawandiikibwa?”
33 And they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem; and they found the eleven and those who were with them gathered together,
Awo ne basituka mangu ne baddayo mu Yerusaalemi, ne basanga abayigirizwa ekkumi n’omu ne bannaabwe abalala nga bakuŋŋaanye,
34 saying, The Lord hath risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon.
nga bagamba nti, “Ddala Mukama waffe azuukidde! Alabikidde Peetero!”
35 And they told what had happened on the way, and how he became known to them in the breaking of the bread.
Ne bannyonnyola, nga Yesu bwe yabalabikira nga bali mu kkubo batambula, era nga bwe yategeerekeka gye bali ng’amaze okumenya omugaati.
36 And while they were thus speaking, he himself stood in the midst of them.
Awo bwe baali bakyayogera ebyo Yesu n’ayimirira mu makkati gaabwe n’abalamusa nti, “Emirembe gibeere nammwe!”
37 But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they beheld a spirit.
Naye bonna ne bakankana nga batidde nnyo, nga balowooza nti balaba muzimu!
38 And he said to them, Why are ye troubled? and why do doubts arise in your hearts?
Yesu n’ababuuza nti, “Lwaki mutidde bwe mutyo? Lwaki mubuusabuusa mu mitima gyammwe?
39 See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.
Mulaba ebibatu byange. Mutunule ne ku bigere byange! Kaakano mutegeere nga ye Nze kennyini. Munkwateko mukakasize ddala nti ssiri muzimu, kubanga omuzimu tegubeera na mubiri na magumba nga Nze bye nnina.”
Bwe yali ng’ayogera n’abalaga ebibatu bye n’ebigere bye.
41 And while they still disbelieved for joy, and wondered, he said to them, Have ye anything here to eat?
Naye nga bakyabuusabuusa kyokka nga balina essanyu era nga basamaaliridde n’alyoka ababuuza nti, “Mulinawo wano ekyokulya?”
42 And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish.
Ne bamuwa ekitundu ky’ekyennyanja ekyokye,
43 And he took and ate it before them.
n’akitoola n’akiriira mu maaso gaabwe nga bamutunuulira!
44 And he said to them, These are my words which I spoke to you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled which are written in the Law of Moses, and the Prophets, and the Psalms, concerning me.
N’abagamba nti, “Nabategeeza nga nkyali nammwe nti ebintu byonna ebyampandiikibwako mu mateeka ga Musa, ne mu bya bannabbi, ne mu Zabbuli, byali biteekwa okutuukirira.”
45 Then he opened their understanding, that they might understand the Scriptures.
N’alyoka asumulula emitima gyabwe, ne bategeera ebyawandiikibwa.
46 And he said to them, Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer, and should rise from the dead on the third day,
N’abagamba nti, “Kyawandiikibwa dda nnyo nti Kristo kimugwanira okubonaabona, n’okufa era ku lunaku olwokusatu azuukire mu bafu.
47 and that repentance for the remission of sins should be preached in his name among all the nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
Era mu linnya lye Enjiri ey’okwenenya n’okusonyiyibwa ebibi eribuulirwa amawanga gonna okutandikira mu Yerusaalemi.
48 Ye are witnesses of these things.
Muli bajulirwa b’ebyo,
49 And I send forth upon you that which hath been promised by my Father; but do ye tarry in the city, until ye are endued with power from on high.
Laba mbaweereza ekisuubizo kya Kitange. Mubeere mu kibuga okutuusa lwe mulyambazibwa amaanyi agava mu ggulu.”
50 And he led them out as far as to Bethany; and he lifted up his hands and blessed them.
Awo Yesu n’abakulembera ne balaga e Besaniya. N’ayimusa emikono gye waggulu, n’abawa omukisa.
51 And it came to pass, while he blessed them, that he parted from them.
Bwe yali ng’akyabawa omukisa, n’abavaako, n’asitulibwa, n’atwalibwa mu ggulu.
52 And they returned to Jerusalem with great joy,
Ne bamusinza, ne baddayo mu Yerusaalemi nga bajjudde essanyu lingi.
53 and were continually in the temple, praising God.
Ne babeeranga mu Yeekaalu bulijjo nga batendereza Katonda.

< Luke 24 >