< Acts 21 >

1 And it came to pass, after we had torn ourselves from them, and had put to sea, that we came with a straight course to Cos, and the day following to Rhodes, and from thence to Patara.
Hai mitea basa mo lasi Kristen mia Efesus ra ma, mi sae ofaꞌ no rala susaꞌ, de lao tuteꞌ misiꞌ pulu Kos. Fefetun ma, hai losa pulu Rodos. Mia naa, hai lao mikindoo misiꞌ namo sia kota Patara.
2 And finding a ship crossing over to Phenicia, we went aboard, and put to sea.
Hai onda mia Patara, de sae nggati ofaꞌ mana nae nisiꞌ nusa Fenisia deka no Siria. Hai sae mala ofaꞌ naa ma, ara lea naka tuteꞌ.
3 And having come in sight of Cyprus, we passed it on the left, and sailed to Syria, and landed at Tyre; for there the ship was to unlade her cargo.
Nda dooꞌ sa ma, hai mita pulu Siprus sia hai bobꞌoa dii mara, te hai lao seli, mikindoo losa nggari naka mia kota Tirus, sia nusa Siria. Sia naa, atahori ofaꞌ ra rae raꞌondaꞌ sudꞌiꞌ a saa ra mia ofaꞌ a.
4 And having found out the disciples, we remained there seven days; and they told Paul, through the Spirit, not to go up to Jerusalem.
Huu ara feꞌe raꞌondaꞌ sudꞌi a saa ra, de hai onda mii sangga atahori mamahereꞌ ra. Hai mindaa mo se, de leo mo se nggarei esa. Dula-dale nafadꞌe atahori mana sia naa ra, fo raꞌangge Paulus afiꞌ sudꞌi fee ne Yerusalem ne.
5 And when we had completed the days, we departed, and went our way, they all accompanying us, with wives and children, till we were out of the city; and having kneeled down on the shore and prayed,
Nggarei sa boe ma, hai baliꞌ ofaꞌ ata mi. Atahori mamahereꞌ ra, touꞌ-inaꞌ, moko-anak, lasiꞌ-soruꞌ, ro hai losa tasi suu na. Basa hai sendeꞌ lululangga mara fo hule-oꞌe sia naa.
6 we took leave of each other, and went on board the ship; and they returned home.
Hai mitea basa, de hene ofaꞌ ata mii ma, ara baliꞌ.
7 But we, finishing our voyage, came down from Tyre to Ptolemais; and having embraced the brethren, remained with them one day.
Hai lao hela Tirus, de tuli mia kota Ptolemais. Hai onda ofaꞌ, fo mii sangga atahori mamahereꞌ ra. Hai mindaa se ma, leo mo se fai esa.
8 And on the morrow we departed, and came to Caesarea; and entering the house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven, we stayed with him.
Mbilaꞌ neu ma, hai lao losa kota Kaisarea. Hai onda ma numban sia Filipus ume na. Filipus ia, mana nendi naꞌahuluꞌ Lamatuaꞌ Yesus Dudꞌui Malole Na sia naa. Ma ana o, esa mia atahori kahituꞌ fo tengga ralaꞌ ra, fo fee se banggi nanaat fee ina falu mana sia Yerusalem ra.
9 And this man had four daughters, virgins, who prophesied.
Filipus ana feto nara haa. Lamatualain pake se dadꞌi mana ola-ola Na, fo reu dui-bꞌengga hihii-nanau Na.
10 And while we were staying some days longer, there came down from Judaea a certain prophet, named Agabus;
Hai leo mo se fai hira ena ma, atahori sa, nara na Agabus, nema mia nusaꞌ Yudea. Lamatualain pake e, dadꞌi mana ola-ola Na fo nafadꞌe hihii-nanau Na.
11 and coming to us, he took off Paul's girdle, and bound his own feet and hands, and said, Thus saith the Holy Spirit: So will the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle, and will deliver him into the hands of the gentiles.
Ana nema tuteꞌ nisiꞌ hai. Ana haꞌi nala Paulus bobꞌori na, de paꞌa neu ei-lima nara, ma olaꞌ nae, “Dula-dale Meumareꞌ olaꞌ nae: ‘Dei fo atahori Yahudi ra paꞌa bobꞌorit ia tenu enan, onaꞌ ia sia Yerusalem. Basa fo, ara fee e neu atahori nda Yahudi ra sa lima nara.’”
12 But when we heard this, both we, and they of that place, besought him not to go to Jerusalem.
Hai rena mala ma, basa hai ai Paulus fo ana afiꞌ sudꞌi nisiꞌ Yerusalem. Basa hai mana dadꞌi eni manatungga nara mo atahori mamahereꞌ sia mamanaꞌ naa, moꞌe taꞌo naa.
13 Then answered Paul, What mean ye that ye weep, and break my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.
Te nataa nae, “Hokoꞌ! Taꞌo bee de hei nggae? Hei miꞌisususaꞌ rala ngga ena! Memaꞌ hambu atahori nda hii au sa, huu au tungga Lamatuaꞌ Yesus. Te mae ara futu-paꞌa au, do risa au, do tao taꞌo bee o, au simboꞌ a.”
14 And when he would not be persuaded, we ceased; saying, The Lord's will be done.
Hai bubꞌuluꞌ Paulus nda nau rena hai sa ena ma, hai hela e neu. Hai mae, “Neu! Hela Lamatuaꞌ hihii-nanau Na dadꞌi.”
15 And after those days we got ready our baggage, and went up to Jerusalem.
Hai leo fai hira sia Kaisarea ma, hai miꞌililinuꞌ sudꞌi a saa mara, de lao Yerusalem mii.
16 There went with us also some of the disciples of Caesarea, bringing us to one Mnason, a Cyprian, an old disciple, with whom we should lodge.
Atahori mamahereꞌ hira mia Kaisarea o, tungga ro hai boe. Ara ro hai losa ume esa, de sungguꞌ mia naa. Tenu umeꞌ a naran, Manason. Ana mia pulu Siprus ma ana tungga Lamatuaꞌ Yesus dooꞌ ena boe.
17 And when we arrived at Jerusalem, the brethren received us gladly.
Hai losa Yerusalem ma, basa toronooꞌ ra simbo hai ro rala nemehoꞌot.
18 And the day following Paul went in with us to James; and all the elders were present.
Mbilaꞌ neu ma, basa hai mi mindaa mo Yakobis. Basa lasi Kristen ra o raꞌabꞌue sia naa boe.
19 And having embraced them, he recounted particularly what things God had wrought among the gentiles through his ministry.
Hai esa mitea esa ma, Paulus dui basa saa fo Lamatualain tao fee atahori nda Yahudi ra sa sudꞌi a sia bee-bꞌee. Ana nae, Lamatuaꞌ Yesus soi dalaꞌ ena fo ara ramahere E. Ana o dui onaꞌ bee Lamatualain pake eni, no basa nonoo nara, sia ue-tataoꞌ ia.
20 And they on hearing it glorified God; and said to him, Thou seest, brother, how many thousands of believers there are among the Jews, and they are all zealots for the Law.
Ara rena basa Paulus dudꞌuin ma, basa se koa-kio Lamatualain. Basa ma rafadꞌe Paulus rae, “Aꞌa Paul! Sadꞌi aꞌa bubꞌuluꞌ, atahori Yahudi rifon-rifon ramahere Lamatuaꞌ Yesus ena. Ara o feꞌe toꞌu rahereꞌ hohoro-lalaneꞌ fo Baꞌi Musa fee hitaꞌ a.
21 But they have been informed concerning thee, that thou teachest all the Jews who are among the gentiles to forsake Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children, nor to walk after the customs.
Te hambu atahori rendi-rendiꞌ dedꞌea lenaꞌ rae, aꞌa nanori atahori Yahudi ra sia mamana feaꞌ mae, ara nda parlu tungga baꞌi Musa hohoro-lalane agama nara sa. Ara o rafadꞌe rae, aꞌa ai se, fo sudꞌi sunat ana tou nara. Ma aꞌa o ai atahori saraniꞌ ra fo afiꞌ tungga adat Yahudi feaꞌ ra boe.
22 What then is to be done? The multitude will necessarily come together; for they will hear that thou hast come.
Dadꞌi musunedꞌa o! Atahori Yahudi ra rena aꞌa Paul sia ia ena. Ma atahori mana rena siuꞌ ra, ramanasa ena. De ata sangga dalaꞌ taꞌo bee?
23 Do this therefore that we advise thee. We have four men who have a vow on them.
Hai duꞌa taꞌo ia: Atahori haa mia hai e helu-fuli basa mo Lamatualain ena. Oras ia, ara rae eu mboliꞌ langga nara, fo dadꞌi bukti, sira tao tungga hehelu-fufuli nara ena.
24 These take, and purify thyself with them, and pay the expenses for them, that they may shave their heads; and all will know that those things of which they have been informed concerning thee are nothing, but that thou thyself also walkest in observance of the Law.
De mete ma bisa, aꞌa Paul masoꞌ mo se, misiꞌ Lamatualain Ume Hule-oꞌe Huuꞌ Na. Aꞌa o tungga se, fo tao tungga adꞌat nemeu aoꞌ. Aꞌa musi tanggon sira rurunggi adꞌat nara. Mete ma aꞌa tao taꞌo naa, atahori ra bubꞌuluꞌ rae, aꞌa feꞌe toꞌu hohoro-lalane agama Yahudi fo Baꞌi Musa fee nema hitaꞌ a. Ma ara o bubꞌuluꞌ dudꞌuit oi, aꞌa ai atahori fo afiꞌ tungga adꞌat Yahudi, naa, ombon-koson!
25 But concerning the gentile believers, we have written to them and decided that they should observe no such thing, save only to abstain from things offered to idols, and from blood, and from what hath been strangled, and from fornication.
Te soaꞌ neu atahori nda Yahudi sa mana ramahere Lamatuaꞌ Yesus, hita fee se susura ena. Hita tafadꞌe se hita neꞌetuꞌ na faiꞌ na mae, sira nda parlu tungga basa hita atoran adat Yahudi nara sa. Te sira musi rasanedꞌa fo afiꞌ tao leli ro touꞌ do inaꞌ. Afiꞌ miꞌibꞌue mo sosonggoꞌ. Afiꞌ mia saa fo mana tao toronoo Yahudi ra melumudꞌu, naeni: afiꞌ mia sisi sosonggoꞌ; afi mia raaꞌ; ma afiꞌ mia sisi mia banda mana neneꞌee nisaꞌ.
26 Then Paul took the men, and the next day having purified himself with them, entered the temple, announcing the completion of the days of the purification, until the offering was made for every one of them.
Boe ma Paulus simbo oꞌola nara no maloleꞌ. Mbilaꞌ neu ma, ana no atahori ka haaꞌ ra risiꞌ Ume Hule-oꞌe Huuꞌ a, fo rameu ao nara tungga hohoro-lalane agama Yahudi. Basa ma, Paulus nafadꞌe malangga agama mana sia naa ra nae, feꞌe fai hira fai fo, sira tao ratetu hehelu-fufuliꞌ nara ma sira esa-esaꞌ fee tutunu-hohotuꞌ neu Lamatualain.
27 And when the seven days were almost ended, the Jews from Asia, having seen him in the temple, stirred up the whole multitude, and laid hands on him,
Fai ka hituꞌ fo ara helu tao adat naa nae basa ma, hambu atahori Yahudi hira mia nusa Asia rita Paulus lao nisiꞌ Yerusalem rala, no nonoon esa, naran Trofimus. Trofimus ia, mia Efesus, ma nda atahori Yahudi sa. Ara rita Paulus nisiꞌ Ume Hule-oꞌe Huuꞌ a ma, rae neꞌo ana no Trofimus nisiꞌ naa boe. Matetu na, atahori nda Yahudi sa, nda bole masoꞌ risiꞌ naa sa. Naa de, ara tao naa dadꞌi dalaꞌ, fo tao dedꞌeat. Ara ratatale atahori sia naa, fo humu rala Paulus. Ara eki-randu rae, “Wei! Atahori Israꞌel re! Ima tulu-fali hai dei! Ia eni, atahori mana nanori sia bee-bꞌee nae, nggari hendi hita atahori Yahudi ra adꞌat na. Ana o olaꞌ deꞌulaka Ume Hule-oꞌe Huuꞌ a ma nema fo nae tao nanggenggeo Lamatualain mamana meumare Na!”
28 crying out, Men of Israel, help! This is the man that teacheth every one everywhere against the people, and the Law, and this place; and besides he even brought Greeks into the temple, and hath polluted this holy place.
29 For they had before seen with him in the city Trophimus, the Ephesian, whom they supposed that Paul had brought into the temple.
30 And the whole city was in motion, and the people ran together; and they laid hold of Paul and dragged him out of the temple; and forthwith the doors were shut.
Basa atahori Yerusalem ra rena rala ma, ara ramanasa seli. Atahori hetar rela risiꞌ Ume Hule-oꞌe Huuꞌ a. Ara humu rala Paulus, ma nore roroso e dea neu. Basa ma, ara ena tuteꞌ basa lelesu ra.
31 And while they were endeavoring to kill him, tidings came up to the chief captain of the band, that all Jerusalem was in an uproar;
Ara ramue-raanggiꞌ de rae tao risa e ma, malangga monaeꞌ soldꞌadꞌu Roma rena nemue-naanggiꞌ naa.
32 who immediately took soldiers and centurions, and ran down to them. And seeing the chief captain and the soldiers, they left off beating Paul.
De ana noꞌe soldꞌadꞌu nara, ro malangga nara, fo masoꞌ risiꞌ atahori mana ramueꞌ naa ra. Ara rita soldꞌadꞌu no malangga monaeꞌ a rema ma, ara raloeꞌ momoko Paulus.
33 Then the chief captain came near and laid hold of him, and commanded him to be bound with two chains; and inquired who he was, and what he had done.
Boe ma, malangga monaeꞌ a humu Paulus, ma denu se paꞌa e no rante besi rua. Basa ma, ana natane atahori ra nae, “Atahori ia, seka? Ana tao salaꞌ saa?”
34 And some cried one thing, and some another, among the multitude. And not being able to gain certain knowledge on account of the uproar, he ordered him to be carried into the castle.
Te ara nda rataa no hara iseꞌ sa. Ruma rae, “Ana tao taꞌo ia.” Te ruma rae, “Ana tao taꞌo naa.” De malangga a pusin. Ana nda nahine dedꞌeat naa huu-pata na sa, huu atahori hetar eki-randu. Naa de, ana denu rendi Paulus nisiꞌ mamana neneaꞌ a.
35 And when he reached the stairs, he was obliged to be borne by the soldiers, on account of the violence of the crowd;
Soldꞌadꞌu ra nore rendi Paulus te, atahori naa ra tungga ro se, de ramue seluꞌ. Ara rae hene rala reu ma, atahori ra rela risiꞌ mataꞌ, de soldꞌadꞌu ra musi oꞌo a Paulus, naa fo ara afiꞌ nore e fo momoko e. Ma ara o nggasi rahereꞌ rae, “Misa e! Misa e!”
36 for the multitude of the people were following, crying out, Away with him!
37 And as he was about to be led into the castle, Paul saith to the chief captain, May I speak to thee? And he said, Canst thou speak Greek?
Ara rae masoꞌ risiꞌ ume neneaꞌ a ma, Paulus olaꞌ mbali malangga a no dedꞌea Yunani nae, “Amaꞌ! Au bole olaꞌ mbei, do?” Malangga a rena Paulus olaꞌ taꞌo naa ma, ana nggengger, de natane nae, “Ho malaꞌ dedꞌea Yunani? Taꞌo bee de ho bisa olaꞌ dedꞌea Yunani?
38 Art thou not then the Egyptian, who before these days made an insurrection, and led out into the wilderness those four thousand men of the assassins?
Mete ma taꞌo naa, au duꞌa sala ena. Au ae neꞌo ho ia, atahori Masir fo maꞌahulun, mana natatale atahori fo ramue. Basa ma, no atahori rifon haa mana toꞌu tee-tandeꞌ, de reu keke sia mamana rouꞌ. Te ho ia, nda eni sa, to?”
39 But Paul said, I am a Jew of Tarsus, a citizen of no mean city of Cilicia; and I beseech thee, suffer me to speak to the people.
Paulus nataa nae, “Hokoꞌ, amaꞌ! Au, atahori Yahudi. Mama ngga bꞌonggi au mia kota Tarsus, sia nusa Kilikia. Au oꞌe amaꞌ mboꞌi au, fo bisa olaꞌ o atahori ia ra.”
40 And when he had given him leave, Paul stood on the stairs, and beckoned with his hand to the people, and there was a great silence; and he spoke to them in the Hebrew tongue, saying,
Malangga a naꞌaheiꞌ, de Paulus nambariiꞌ mia lesu mataꞌ a tatabun ataꞌ, ma botiꞌ lima na noꞌe se nee-nee, fo ana nae olaꞌ. Boe ma, ana olaꞌ dedꞌea Aram fo atahori naa ra dedꞌean (atahori Ibrani ra sia naa, olaꞌ dedꞌea Aram).

< Acts 21 >